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Vol 175

Vol 174

Ethno-linguistic synergetics of cultural concept

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It has been proved that the essence of the ethnocultural world picture depends on the connotative content of the words (phraseologisms), but the ethnocultural particularity of the image word is formed and expressed in the process of discourse verbalization of associative and emotional-evaluative meanings of the cultural concept.

How to cite: Alefirenko N.F. Ethno-linguistic synergetics of cultural concept // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 9-10.

Naive picture of the world and its reflection in mountain terminology

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A great number of terms referring to the mining sphere in German, French and especially in English holds the imprints of the naive perception of the world. An anthropomorphous nature of mining terms shows the elements of archetypes typical of the languages involved.

How to cite: Borisova P.V. Naive picture of the world and its reflection in mountain terminology // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 11-12.

Personal name as a functional linguistic sign

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The paper discusses variations of an English personal name in terms of expression and content in order to ascertain how the principle of correlation of these aspects in a given name is implemented, and to show that it is a functional linguistic sign.

How to cite: Garagulya S.I. Personal name as a functional linguistic sign // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 13-14.

Elegy, hymn, ode in the system of poetic genres (on the material of free rhythms of I.F. Klopstock, F. Hölderlin, R.-M. Rilke)

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The author gives the similarities of elegy, hymn and ode in its diachronic aspect and stresses the most relevant things about these text types. These genres have been of the researchers’ interest since their introduction into literature (Antiquity till present time).

How to cite: Goncharova M.V. Elegy, hymn, ode in the system of poetic genres (on the material of free rhythms of I.F. Klopstock, F. Hölderlin, R.-M. Rilke) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 15-16.

Idiomatic modeling of the concept "movement" in the American world map

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For the USA world outlook the concept «movement» is a cognitive structure marked by peculiarities of the way of thinking of an American under social and cultural factors. This paper is devoted to idioms expressing the concept «movement» in different cultural models of the USA world outlook.

How to cite: Grinko A.V. Idiomatic modeling of the concept "movement" in the American world map // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 17-18.

Methodology of analysis of phraseological agnonyms

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This paper describes several issues on the basis of Russian phraseology in terms of agnonimy. This paper expresses the analysis strategy for phraseology agnonimies, the possibility of internal graduation of this phenomenon, the reasons responsible for its origin. On the whole, the paper has been written within the frame of anthropocentric paradigm.

How to cite: Gritsenko A.V. Methodology of analysis of phraseological agnonyms // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 19-20.

Literary ballads of E.C. Swinburne as realization of folklore Anglo-Scottish tradition

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The article is devoted to the issues of Algernon Charles Swinburne’s (1837-1909) ideostyle. It particularly studies his ballads and traditional ballad imitations from the 1st and 3d series of Poems and Ballads (1866, 1889).

How to cite: Dmitrieva E.G. Literary ballads of E.C. Swinburne as realization of folklore Anglo-Scottish tradition // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 21-22.

Dictionary definitions as a reflection of the process of formation of scientific knowledge

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The paper involved suggests the consideration of two models of the semantic categorizing (breaking up into classes through a selection of the aggregate of necessary and sufficient terms within the framework of traditional semantics, or with the application of concept «similarity» or «likeness» within the framework of prototype semantics) from point of their correlation with the complete and incomplete types of inductive generalizations.

How to cite: Ivanova E.P. Dictionary definitions as a reflection of the process of formation of scientific knowledge // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 23-24.

Interpretational program of literary-critical essay as the basis of its regulativity (on the example of J. Eugenides' Portrait of a Woman by Henry James)

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The set of addressation marks found in the text characterizes its program of interpretation and the strategies and tactics that are used by the author.

How to cite: Kiryakova A.S. Interpretational program of literary-critical essay as the basis of its regulativity (on the example of J. Eugenides’ Portrait of a Woman by Henry James) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 25-26.

Comparative analysis of comparative phraseological units in non-German, English and Russian languages

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The given paper is devoted to the comparison analysis of the phraseological units in German, English and Russian.

How to cite: Klimova I.V. Comparative analysis of comparative phraseological units in non-German, English and Russian languages // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 27-28.

Strategies of speech behavior of a linguistic personality

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Strategies in linguistic person’s political communicative practice are considered in this article. They help to understand linguistic consciousness and peculiarities of culture

How to cite: Komisarova T.S. Strategies of speech behavior of a linguistic personality // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 29-30.

Stylistic peculiarities of the language of French printed advertising (on the material of mass media)

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This paper deals with the particularities of French printed advertisement made on the different levels: stylistics, grammar, lexis.

How to cite: Nabiullina E.M. Stylistic peculiarities of the language of French printed advertising (on the material of mass media) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 31-32.

"Душа" and "soul" as an example of conceptual differences of key words in Russian and English cultures

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The paper contains definitions of such notions as the concept, cultural key-words and also the analysis of words «душа» and «soul» and the peculiarities of their translation.

How to cite: Onyanov A.L. "Душа" and "soul" as an example of conceptual differences of key words in Russian and English cultures // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 33-34.

Conflict text and linguistic personality

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The article is devoted to the two main ways of understanding the concept «conflicting text». The first way is to oppose this concept to non-conflicting text. The second way is based on contrast with disputable texts.

How to cite: Oskolkova N.V. Conflict text and linguistic personality // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 35-36.

Linguosociocultural aspect of computer jargon

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Modern methods of approach for exploration of social dialectics are connected with reconstruction of the language environment as it is directed to reveal some peculiarities of world perception for representatives of specific social groups. Computer slang considered in this article is unique because it represents not only professional slang, but also computer subculture.

How to cite: Polozova S.V. Linguosociocultural aspect of computer jargon // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 37-38.

Artistic methods of humanizing the material world in V. Brusov's story «Bemol»

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The article is devoted to the analysis of lexical, semantic and grammatical recourses of the language which express human properties of inanimate objects in consciousness of the heroine.

How to cite: Popova A.R. Artistic methods of humanizing the material world in V. Brusov’s story «Bemol» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 39-40.

Peculiarities of J.R.R. Tolkien's style

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This work presents an attempt to single out some prominent features of J.R.R.Tolkien’s style. The given article includes some phonetic, semantic and syntactic devices, such as: poetic and colloquial vocabulary, word creation, occasional words, words with inherent connotation, punctuation marks, poetic form, graphic devices, attention to details, inversion, double negation, factual and poetic descriptions and so on.

How to cite: Popova S.N. Peculiarities of J.R.R. Tolkien’s style // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 41-42.

Reflection of peasants' life on Amur (19th-20th centuries) in the "Dictionary of Russian subdialects of the Priamur Region"

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This article informs researchers of the redaction of the new Dictionary, that deals with a more extensive characterization of some set of words, which describe the peasants living on the Amur (19-20 centuries) in order to show the folk world’s picture more exactly and increase informative capacity of the Dictionary.

How to cite: Sergeeva I.A. Reflection of peasants’ life on Amur (19th-20th centuries) in the "Dictionary of Russian subdialects of the Priamur Region" // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 43-44.

Means of realization of author's perspective in publicistic texts (on the example of Karl Kraus's texts)

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Within the framework of the journalistic genre the narrator has ample opportunities to express his individual style as this genre assumes not only objective description of events and social phenomena but also their evaluation and explicit attitude toward them. Actualization of the addresser in a journalistic text is achieved through a complex of means at various levels. At the grammatical level actualization of the author is linked with the category of the person and we can single out 1st person singular as the main means of authorization. Verbs of mental activity, sense perception and modal verbs as well as exclamatory and interrogative sentences should also be attributed to the means expressing authors prospective in journalistic texts.

How to cite: Sishchuk Y.M. Means of realization of author’s perspective in publicistic texts (on the example of Karl Kraus’s texts) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 45-46.

Adaptation of borrowings of administrative-legal terms in the Russian language of the XVIII century

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In the article the foundation of borrowings into the Russian language, is analyzed, the reasons of some borrowings, into the Russian jurisprudence are researched, the continuity and innovation in the usage of juridical terms is revealed.

How to cite: Smirnova N.V. Adaptation of borrowings of administrative-legal terms in the Russian language of the XVIII century // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 47-48.

The stylization technique as a topological constant in the works of Rudyard Kipling

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The article discusses a stylistic device that is a key for understanding R. Kipling’s works. The article argues that topologically, stylization as the dialectical unity of «speech from the author» and «speech from the others» dominates in R.Kipling’s style.

How to cite: Surganova T.V. The stylization technique as a topological constant in the works of Rudyard Kipling // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 49-50.

Author, vertical context and translator in the translation of H.G. Wells' novel «The invisible man»

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Vertical context is an opportunity to see the world as the author does. Reality is revealed through its elements in a literary work. It is shown by analyzing «The Invisible Man» by Herbert G.Wells.

How to cite: Tatarinov R.A. Author, vertical context and translator in the translation of H.G. Wells’ novel «The invisible man» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 51-52.

Specificity and structure of the content of knowledge about the surrounding world in the word

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The article offers a new approach to the problem of meaning. It shows the way knowledge about our world is structured in the words.

How to cite: Timofeeva Y.I. Specificity and structure of the content of knowledge about the surrounding world in the word // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 53-54.

The use of precedent names of literary origin as an axiological mechanism (on the material of printed mass media)

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The author considers actualization of “precedent texts” in discourse from the point of view of axiological meaning. Axiological cultural codes primarily represent the national character.

How to cite: Fokina O.V. The use of precedent names of literary origin as an axiological mechanism (on the material of printed mass media) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 55-56.

Idiostyles of US Supreme Court Justices: lexical and stylistic analysis

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Courts of the USA constitute a group of official-documentary texts whose structure as well as linguistic organization is restricted by the rules of writing developed over the centuries of legal practice. The aim of the present article is to outline the means of revealing a linguistic identity within the judicial discourse.

How to cite: Shevyrdyaeva L.N. Idiostyles of US Supreme Court Justices: lexical and stylistic analysis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 57-58.

Anthropocentric approach to analyzing artistic text

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A human being is represented in art and science as an ontological phenomenon, both subject and object for investigation. If we take anthropocentricity as the principle of fiction text analysis this lets us combine the study of the text structure and semantics with the interpretation of the text.

How to cite: Shchukina D.A. Anthropocentric approach to analyzing artistic text // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 59-60.

Language mechanism of "communicative failure" as a tactic of speech impact (on the material of advertising texts)

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Research of the advertising texts carried out by the author and shown in the given paper demonstrates the way linguistic mechanism of the speech tactics of communicative fault functions and the way the effectiveness of the impact of these texts on the reader significantly improves. The advertising slogans in particular and the advertising texts, created with the help of CB in general are in the focus of attention in this paper.

How to cite: Yarushina I.A. Language mechanism of "communicative failure" as a tactic of speech impact (on the material of advertising texts) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 61-62.
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Newest technologies and professional and personal development of students within the ESP course

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Problem-solving techniques, reflective approach and critical thinking development in the ESP classroom helps the learners to develop their professional communicative competence.

How to cite: Alekseeva L.E. Newest technologies and professional and personal development of students within the ESP course // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 63-64.
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Integrated teaching of language and specialty as a way of formation of professional component in the structure of linguistic personality

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Language teaching for occupational purposes focuses on the problems of building this constituent but in foreign nomination. A premise for its integrity is considered to be content of the learner’s future occupation included into a language classroom teaching English by these methods in application for petroleum engineering has been tested at the Arkhangelsk State Technical University.

How to cite: Bagretsova N.V. Integrated teaching of language and specialty as a way of formation of professional component in the structure of linguistic personality // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 65-66.
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Teaching students of non-language faculties a foreign language on the basis of inter-subject integration

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In the article the intersubject integration is considered as a basic methodological principal the support of which allows to bring up an interested attitude of students towards their future professional activity and change priority from assimilation of the knowledge they get to an independent cognitive activity.

How to cite: Bessemeltseva E.S. Teaching students of non-language faculties a foreign language on the basis of inter-subject integration // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 67-68.
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Methodology of language material presentation in the process of professionally-oriented foreign language teaching

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Different kinds of pre-text context determine grammar and structural characteristics of a text. One of the main problems technical higher school students face is their lack of knowledge of specialized subjects in their first and second years and hence lack of pre-text context information.

How to cite: Bobritskaya Y.M. Methodology of language material presentation in the process of professionally-oriented foreign language teaching // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 69-70.
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New educational tendencies in the sphere of teaching professionally-oriented translation in a technical university

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New educational tendencies in the sphere of teaching a foreign language for specific purposes at higher technical school are presented in the paper. The interconnection between professional communication and the basis of teaching translation for specific purposes is given hereinafter.

How to cite: Vasilyeva P.A. New educational tendencies in the sphere of teaching professionally-oriented translation in a technical university // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 71-72.
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About differentiated approach to language material in teaching professionally-oriented reading in a foreign language

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Some reasons of misunderstanding of the read material are considered in this article. There is a statement that there is no differential approach to the organization of the language materials' mastering appropriate for the reception purposes. And it is this statement that can be treated as the main reason of the students' immature foreign language reading.

How to cite: Vaskina N.V. About differentiated approach to language material in teaching professionally-oriented reading in a foreign language // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 73-74.
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To the question of teaching professionally-oriented vocabulary in non-language universities

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In the report training lexis for technical higher school is touched upon. Students have formed definite habits of study and a certain methodological approach to their learning and assimilation of English. Reading technical literature makes students observe language’s grammatical and lexical phenomena. Vocabulary items have different kinds of meaning. The most important one is in the context. To help distinguish the meaning of words vocabulary items can be grouped into denotations synonyms, antonyms and lexical sets. It takes a long time before students fully know a word. Teachers need to introduce vocabulary items again and again to learners, expanding gradually on their meaning and forms. This also increases the chances of learners remembering the item.

How to cite: Vorobyeva N.V. To the question of teaching professionally-oriented vocabulary in non-language universities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 75-76.
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Intercultural competence as an integral component of linguistic personality in the context of teaching professionally-oriented communication at mining and geological-exploration faculties

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The paper deals with the development of intercultural competence in teaching ESP and gives reasons why this kind of competence is important for students having practical training abroad. The characteristic features of students’ professional communication situations typical of practical training abroad are defined.

How to cite: Gerasimova I.G., Perfilova M.A. Intercultural competence as an integral component of linguistic personality in the context of teaching professionally-oriented communication at mining and geological-exploration faculties // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 77-78.
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Use of lexicographic sources in the field of tourism in independent work of students

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The formation of student’s professional skills at higher educational institutions directly depends on the way a learner is informed about lexicographical resources.

How to cite: Goncharova V.V. Use of lexicographic sources in the field of tourism in independent work of students // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 79-80.
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Formation of linguistic picture of the world on the basis of semantic fields

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The article is devoted to the use of semantic fields in language teaching. The use of the “methodical semantic fields” which contain lexical material specifically selected for teaching purposes can enable students to understand the peculiar character of the conceptual system of the foreign language and perfect their lexical skills.

How to cite: Davydova Y.G. Formation of linguistic picture of the world on the basis of semantic fields // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 81-82.
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About organization and management of students' independent work with the use of modular technology of teaching foreign languages

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The problems of organization and managing, checking up independent /autonomous work of the students are analyzed in this paper. One of the most effective ways of the organization, managing, checking technique of autonomous work is a module. Advantages and disadvantages of module learning are considered.

How to cite: Ivanova M.A., Lebedeva I.S. About organization and management of students’ independent work with the use of modular technology of teaching foreign languages // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 83-84.
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Problems of terminological vocabulary selection in teaching foreign language business communication

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In selecting the terminological vocabulary it is necessary to pay attention to qualitative principles, namely the hierarchy system principle and the semantic principle.

How to cite: Kolyadko S.V. Problems of terminological vocabulary selection in teaching foreign language business communication // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 85-86.
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Possibilities of using precedent texts in the process of teaching intercultural communication

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Possibilities of using precedence texts in the process of teaching a foreign language are considered hereinafter. The main goal of teaching a foreign language is the formation of capability to recognize stimuli and valuable concepts of a representative of another linguistic and cultural community and to keep his/her own national and cultural identity.

How to cite: Kolyadko S.V. Possibilities of using precedent texts in the process of teaching intercultural communication // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 87-88.
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To the problem of control of foreign language proficiency levels by students of non-language faculties

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This article reports on the problem of assessing the level of the English language knowledge with the students of non-linguistic departments. The university course of English for students of non-linguistic departments is of a communicative and profession-aimed character. This therefore requires distinguishing between different levels of communicative competence that represent the objects of assessment.

How to cite: Korolkovich N.P. To the problem of control of foreign language proficiency levels by students of non-language faculties // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 89-90.
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Some problems of formation of civil position of linguistic personality

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The paper involved deals with the challenge our national system of higher education faces. The economical and political situation in Russia has a tendency to change. Dynamic changes in modern society make demands for the new personal qualities of students. There is a definition of the term civil position of man in the article and the role of it in solving the pointed problems is emphasized hereinafter.

How to cite: Lebedeva I.S., Ivanova M.A. Some problems of formation of civil position of linguistic personality // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 91-92.
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To the problem of formation of translation competence at students of non-language university on the example of language inconsistencies in Russian and English

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The most wide-spread cases of using lexical units, grammatical structures and social-cultural things, which are difficult for students to translate from Russian into English and vice versa, are presented in this paper.

How to cite: Lebedik V.N., Vasilieva P.A. To the problem of formation of translation competence at students of non-language university on the example of language inconsistencies in Russian and English // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 93-94.
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Teaching the skills of semantic-grammatical analysis in the course of semantic information processing of foreign language scientific text

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This article highlights the results of the scientific experiment, based on the conception of adapting and developing teaching worked out by S.E.Kharzeeva, that was carried out with the purpose of solving the problem of forming «a linguistic personality».

How to cite: Makhova V.V., Kharzeeva S.E. Teaching the skills of semantic-grammatical analysis in the course of semantic information processing of foreign language scientific text // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 95-96.
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Foreign language education as a factor of education of "new man" in Russia of the Age of Enlightenment

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The author of the paper involved appeals to the origin of the issues of foreign language education and studying the age of Enlightenment. For Russia it was the time of changes. The representatives of the age of Enlightenment said that people couldn’t deal with human values without foreign language knowledge.

How to cite: Nikolaeva D.S. Foreign language education as a factor of education of "new man" in Russia of the Age of Enlightenment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 97-98.
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Professional-oriented teaching of translation of English phrasal verbs

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Having analyzed the linguistic classifications of phrasal verbs, we have summarized the difficulties which the students may encounter while learning phrasal verbs. Theoretical conclusions have been confirmed by the results of the questionnaire held among the undergraduates. We have found out some of the linguistic features of phrasal verbs that cause difficulties in their understanding, translation and use in speech.

How to cite: Perevyortkina M.S. Professional-oriented teaching of translation of English phrasal verbs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 99-100.
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Problems of introduction of modern technologies of teaching foreign languages in the educational process of universities

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The paper deals with the challenges of introduction of modern ways of foreign language training at higher school. Special attention is paid to the psychological aspects of classroom interaction. Creating teaching materials corresponding to the modern educational aims is also pointed out hereinafter.

How to cite: Perfilova M.A., Gerasimova I.G. Problems of introduction of modern technologies of teaching foreign languages in the educational process of universities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 101-102.
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About specificity of lexical difficulties in translation of scientific texts in professional-oriented teaching of foreign languages (on the material of German language)

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Lexical difficulties that the students face while translating scientific texts are considered in this article. The most frequent lexical phenomena, such as: word combinations, terminilogies, transformations are analyzed.

How to cite: Popova T.V., Trubitsina O.I. About specificity of lexical difficulties in translation of scientific texts in professional-oriented teaching of foreign languages (on the material of German language) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 103-104.
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Use of computer programs and multimedia technologies in professionally-oriented teaching (on the example of the Japanese language)

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A multimedia program based upon television information episodes on certain topics can be recommended as a teaching material for studying texts concerning politics and public life. The program is considered not only as a teaching material for enhancing skills of audition and interpretation, but also as a part of training for future professionals.

How to cite: Razdorskaya N.V. Use of computer programs and multimedia technologies in professionally-oriented teaching (on the example of the Japanese language) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 105-106.
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Formation of knowledge at the students of the first year of language university on practical lessons on English language as a necessary condition of development of their linguistic personality

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The article focuses on the problem of knowledge as the necessary unit of a secondary linguistic person. It shows the role of knowledge in mental representations as part of the structure of a secondary linguistic person. A teacher is supposed to help students to gain knowledge in speech-practice classes. The idea of a knowledge-teaching system is given prove in the article. The solutions of overcoming problems are offered hereinafter.

How to cite: Savelieva I.F. Formation of knowledge at the students of the first year of language university on practical lessons on English language as a necessary condition of development of their linguistic personality // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 107-108.
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Formation of lexical component of language competence in English language at students of FPC

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This article reports on building lexical competence in the English language with short-term course students.

How to cite: Smith T.V. Formation of lexical component of language competence in English language at students of FPC // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 109-110.
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Humanization of educational process as a system-educational factor of formation of a qualified specialist in the field of linguistics

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The article highlights different aspects of humanization of education, especially treating it as a system-educational factor of creating a skilled specialist in linguistics.

How to cite: Strogaya O.Y. Humanization of educational process as a system-educational factor of formation of a qualified specialist in the field of linguistics // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 111-112.
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Methodology of teaching Russian language and modern speech technologies

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The article deals with the possibilities of the use of up-to-date digital technologies and of their results for teaching Russian as a native and as a foreign language for university students.

How to cite: Tananajko S.O., Vasilyeva L.A. Methodology of teaching Russian language and modern speech technologies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 113-114.
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To the question about organization and management of independent work of students of technical university

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Some questions of organizing and management of student autonomous learning during the course of ESP are regarded in this article. All these problems require a detailed study.

How to cite: Tarabukina V.N. To the question about organization and management of independent work of students of technical university // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 115-116.
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Application of phonosemantic approach in teaching English pronunciation to Chinese audience

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Pronunciation difficulties of Chinese students frequently cause incomprehensibility and are an issue for an EFL teacher. This article attempts to explain these difficulties and help teachers deal with them.

How to cite: Timofeeva E.K. Application of phonosemantic approach in teaching English pronunciation to Chinese audience // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 117-118.
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Use of video materials at the lesson of foreign language

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The presentation is to the problem of effective use of video materials in the process of teaching foreign languages. The effectiveness of the use of films at the lessons depends not only on the place of video in the system of training but also on the rational organization of the lesson, on the way video class opportunities agree upon the goals of teaching foreign languages.

How to cite: Fedorova S.V., Fuks N.V. Use of video materials at the lesson of foreign language // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 119-120.
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Formation of foreign language teaching strategies on the basis of quality system technologies for organization, management and control of independent work of university students

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The article deals with one of the possible ways of Total Quality Management (TQM) that may be applied to help students develop foreign language learning strategies when they plan, manage and control the process of training themselves.

How to cite: Tsvetkova N.I. Formation of foreign language teaching strategies on the basis of quality system technologies for organization, management and control of independent work of university students // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 121-122.
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Specificity of teaching a foreign language as a means of intercultural communication to students of non-language specialties

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The given article is devoted to the specificity of teaching foreign languages as the way of intercultural communication ESP students.

How to cite: Shtykhina K.S. Specificity of teaching a foreign language as a means of intercultural communication to students of non-language specialties // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 123-124.
Language and culture
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Formation of intercultural competence of linguistic personality in the context of dialog of cultures

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This article gives a brief basis for current interest to the issues of intercultural competence in connection with foreign language teaching and studying. The concept of a linguistic personality is explained from the viewpoint of acquiring intercultural competence.

How to cite: Bogdanova A.S. Formation of intercultural competence of linguistic personality in the context of dialog of cultures // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 125-126.
Language and culture
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History of denotative class forest through the prism of dictionaries

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The aim of this research is to study the possible ways of revelation of basic formation and the main tendencies in the development of a class of words, which is denotatively object of reality – <forest oriented>, meaningful for Russian consciousness.

How to cite: Bondareva A.G. History of denotative class forest through the prism of dictionaries // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 127-128.
Language and culture
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Attributive characteristics of personality (on the material of political discourse of Russian and German languages)

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The article represents an attempt of classification of the attributive word combinations based on the materials of political discourse in Russian and German languages.

How to cite: Kovaleva T.G. Attributive characteristics of personality (on the material of political discourse of Russian and German languages) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 129-130.
Language and culture
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Nouns pluralia tantum in the ritual lexicon of Smolensk languages

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Pluralia tantum nouns as nominations of complex processes consisting of numerous acts possess a rich lexical content in the Smolensk folklore dialects. The semantic space of the pluralia tantum nouns is characterized by systematicity of motivating features in the framework of the territorially localized lexics.

How to cite: Korolkova V.A. Nouns pluralia tantum in the ritual lexicon of Smolensk languages // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 131-132.
Language and culture
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Formation of linguistic culture in the process of pidginization and creolization

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Pidgin and creole studies are one of the topical trends in modern linguistics. The formation of a pidgin as a result of the lexifier reduction is a social process. Native speakers of indigenous languages being in low social conditions have no chance to develop their own culture and have to use the language of the dominant group for interethnic communication.

How to cite: Krylova I.A. Formation of linguistic culture in the process of pidginization and creolization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 133-134.
Language and culture
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About some principles of language personality formation in university education

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The following article deals with some basic principles determining foreign language teaching in higher education.

How to cite: Linchenko E.V. About some principles of language personality formation in university education // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 135-136.
Language and culture
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Logico-semantic aspects of analyzing sentences

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In the Japanese language the syntactical organization of substantivized constructions with a similar communicative function and the expressive subordinate clauses being part of a complex sentence depends on the factuality of the subordinate part’s content.

How to cite: Likholetova O.R. Logico-semantic aspects of analyzing sentences // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 137-138.
Language and culture
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Teaching foreign languages at home in Russia in the 19th - early 20th centuries

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The article is dedicated to observing the problem of teaching foreign languages at home in Russia in the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century. Particular attention is paid to the role of the government in controlling the domestic studies and also the contingent of teachers and the methods they used.

How to cite: Lyashchenko O.A. Teaching foreign languages at home in Russia in the 19th - early 20th centuries // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 139-140.
Language and culture
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Voyage to the antipodes: allegorical representation of the British Empire in W. Golding's Maritime Trilogy

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The main subject of this article is the Sea Trilogy by W. Golding «To the Ends of the Earth», written in the period between 1980 and 1989. The aspect touched upon in this paper concerns the allegorical picture of the British Empire in the trilogy.

How to cite: Makarova I.S. Voyage to the antipodes: allegorical representation of the British Empire in W. Golding’s Maritime Trilogy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 141-142.
Language and culture
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Opposition of "own" and "alien" on the lexicon of Evenki language

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The article deals with the linguistic aspects of using such cultural constants as «one's» and «foreigner’s» in the marginal and minorital evenk language.

How to cite: Merekina E.V. Opposition of "own" and "alien&quot; on the lexicon of Evenki language // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 143-144.
Language and culture
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Intersemiotic aspect of a newspaper headline as a sign of change in functional style of speech

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In recent years the Western culture and English language have increasingly influenced and altered the Russian language and culture. The changes involve all levels of the language system and all aspects of speech, and even transform functional styles. A vivid example is the newspaper headline viewed as a distinctive feature of the newspaper functional style.

How to cite: Orel M.A. Intersemiotic aspect of a newspaper headline as a sign of change in functional style of speech // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 145-146.
Language and culture
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Socio-cultural self-identification as a basis for the formation of linguistic personality

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The article is dedicated to the importance of cultural self-identification for socio-linguistic personality formation. The personal language qualification is supposed to be a complex of so called «primary» and «secondary language personalities». The socio-linguistic personality term is considered in close connection with some aspects of philosophy, sociology and psychology.

How to cite: Petrova A.A. Socio-cultural self-identification as a basis for the formation of linguistic personality // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 147-148.
Language and culture
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Place and role of metaphor in the formation of English oil and gas terms

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The article deals with the metaphor in historical and cultural aspects and with the role of figurative usage in oil-and-gas field terms origin.

How to cite: Rogova I.S. Place and role of metaphor in the formation of English oil and gas terms // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 149-150.
Language and culture
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Concept "childhood" in the urban prose of Yu.V. Trifonov

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The article gives Trifonov’s light on the social and cultural, the ethical and philosophical aspects of children’s view of the world, and also it analyzes the poetics of incarnation of ideas and images, which comes in the concept «childhood» (based on the short stories, the «Moscow» cycle and the final novels by Trifonov).

How to cite: Selemeneva M.V. Concept "childhood&quot; in the urban prose of Yu.V. Trifonov // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 151-152.
Language and culture
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The role of Michelade-Montaigne in the formation of the national French language

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Michel Montaigne is considered to be one of the writers having made the most significant contribution to the French language development in the XVI century. M.Montaigne's vocabulary is very rich containing a lot of everyday expressions.

How to cite: Slepneva M.I. The role of Michelade-Montaigne in the formation of the national French language // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 153-154.
Language and culture
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The power of the word

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The abstract elucidates the primitive concept of the Word, the latter being presented as a talisman, charm, amulet, totem, fetish and functioning accordingly. The object appears as an essential attribute of different rites and ceremonies. The data are obtained by means of adjectival classifiers linguistic analysis of the lexemes word (English) and слово (Russian).

How to cite: Smirnova O.Y. The power of the word // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 155-156.
Language and culture
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Linguistic and cultural country studies aspect in teaching foreign languages

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Nowadays, when borders are lifted, and command of two or even three foreign languages is taken for granted, great attention is paid to the problem of foreign language instruction aiming at developing a linguistic personality, which would be adapted to living, performing and communicating successfully in alien surroundings.

How to cite: Stokratskaya L.S. Linguistic and cultural country studies aspect in teaching foreign languages // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 157-158.
Language and culture
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Peculiarities of transferring realities of Russian-speaking culture by means of foreign language

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The paper studies challenges of using a foreign (English) language as an instrument of intercultural communication in terms of expressing Russian cultural phenomena by means of this language. An attempt is made to classify difficulties in verbalization of cultural realities according to various linguistic levels. Some practical recommendations are given to overcome these difficulties.

How to cite: Fedorov K.V. Peculiarities of transferring realities of Russian-speaking culture by means of foreign language // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 159-160.
Language and culture
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Religious and philosophical understanding of the world in English women's prose of the second half of the twentieth century (on the example of analyzing Margaret Drebble's novel The Grindstone)

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Margaret Drabble is a well-known English writer, critic and philologist. The topics of Drable’s works cannot be reduced to the female point of view only; what she suggests are the «eternal questions» and the urgent problems of the present time.

How to cite: Filimonova T.V. Religious and philosophical understanding of the world in English women’s prose of the second half of the twentieth century (on the example of analyzing Margaret Drebble’s novel The Grindstone) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 161-162.

Formation of communicative and speech competence as one of the aspects of professional training of post-graduate students of technical university

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The article deals with the communicative-oriented instruction of postgraduate students aimed at teaching the scientific style of speech. The method of teaching is based on the functional-semantic principle with due regard for actual senses of scientific speech. The author considers the stages of forming the speech habits and kinds of training exercises.

How to cite: Ataeva E.V. Formation of communicative and speech competence as one of the aspects of professional training of post-graduate students of technical university // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 163-165.

About some Hydrometeorological principles of rhetorical influence

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This article considers the kinds of speech influence in communication.

How to cite: Baeva T.T. About some Hydrometeorological principles of rhetorical influence // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 166-167.

Business communication as a socio-psychological mechanism of interaction in professional sphere of activity

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The article depicts business communication as a social and psychological mechanism in professional activity cooperation. Fundamental forms and methods of work with students that help to create future specialist professional culture formation during their professional training are being revealed hereinafter.

How to cite: Barruelo Gonzalez E.Y. Business communication as a socio-psychological mechanism of interaction in professional sphere of activity // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 168-169.

Speech errors in creating linguistic means of expression and ways of their prevention

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The article deals with methods aimed at speech error prevention in students’ usage of speech expressive models.

How to cite: Bespalova O.E. Speech errors in creating linguistic means of expression and ways of their prevention // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 170-171.

Some aspects of speech training of future engineers

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Knowledge of the main concept of the language and perfection of various speech skills contribute to the broadening of the students' outlook, to the development of their cognitive abilities and to the independence of thinking as well. The classes in the Russian Language and Speech Culture appeal to cultivate language initiative and to develop language intuition. They improve the training level of engineers. Active forms of teaching such as seminars, practical training and tutorials help to solve these problems.

How to cite: Dokhopova I.M. Some aspects of speech training of future engineers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 172-173.

Rhetorical genres in modern scientific discourse

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This paper deals with the problem of professional communicative training of a specialist, a technical higher school graduate. Some experience of working with different genres of written and oral forms of speech is analyzed hereinafter.

How to cite: Egorenkova N.A. Rhetorical genres in modern scientific discourse // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 174-175.

To the problem of creating textbooks and test materials on the discipline "Business Russian as a foreign language" for students of economic specialties

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The problem of the creation of modern textbooks for foreign students and trainees of economic specialities is analyzed in the given paper. The system of the test tasks for the final control of the students’ knowledge over the course «Business Russian as a foreign language» is offered hereafter.

How to cite: Kolesova E.A. To the problem of creating textbooks and test materials on the discipline "Business Russian as a foreign language&quot; for students of economic specialties // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 176-177.

Integration in the course "Russian Language and Culture of Speech" as a way of enriching the professional thesaurus of a graduate of a technical university

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This article deals with the peculiarities of implementation of the principle of integration in the course «The Russian Language and Speech Culture» of the institution of higher technical learning, as well as methodological aspects of enrichment of the future specialist’s professional vocabulary.

How to cite: Koreneva A.V. Integration in the course "Russian Language and Culture of Speech&quot; as a way of enriching the professional thesaurus of a graduate of a technical university // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 178-179.

Possibilities of forming the culture of business communication in the educational space of a technical university

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Many higher educational institutions introduce into their curricula such new specialization courses as: «Modern Business Rhetoric «Business Communication Culture, «Speech Image of a Professional», «Office Speech Etiquette», «Business Correspondence» etc. These subjects provide the students with the fundamental knowledge of business rhetoric which forms the basis of communication theory and practice. They also enable the students to master practical skills of up-to-date techniques of persuading the opponent by means of words. The department of «Engineering Pedagogics and Business Communication Culture» at Samara State Dailey University in this field and fulfills this in specialized and optional courses for students.

How to cite: Luneva L.P., Luneva S.V. Possibilities of forming the culture of business communication in the educational space of a technical university // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 180-181.

Realization of linguodidactic possibilities of organization-business games in the educational process of higher education institution

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Highlighting the professional-communicative competence assumes the creation of models of teaching languages in the area of higher school linguistic didactics. They are components of the system of training experts in the sphere of technology. The main result of these studies is realization of transition to communicative teaching the Russian language with the professional-focused content level.

How to cite: Magiyarova Z.M., Ryazapova L.Z. Realization of linguodidactic possibilities of organization-business games in the educational process of higher education institution // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 182-183.

Methodology of drawing up and using a test

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The paper deals with peculiarities of compiling and use of easy to check tests and test tasks to diagnose the quality of teaching a foreign language.

How to cite: Mikheev A.I. Methodology of drawing up and using a test // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 184-185.

Normative aspect in the practice of teaching business communication

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When teaching business communication as one of the components of training students in the professional area certain difficulties emerge that are connected with the observance of the standards of the literary language. They are considered typical mistakes, which jccur in spoken and written speech. The following blocks are conditionally chosen for their classification: 1) the deviance of оrthoepic standards; 2) The deviance of the lexical standards; 3) The deviance of the grammatical standards. The check problems are offered hereinafter.

How to cite: Novikova G.D. Normative aspect in the practice of teaching business communication // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 186-187.

Main types of errors made by medical students in written speech

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The typology of mistakes that students of medical departments usually make in written speech in particular when they write essays is given in this article. Error сhecking and elimination of mistakes results in making classes of speech culture and spelling more vivid and topical.

How to cite: Orlova E.V. Main types of errors made by medical students in written speech // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 188-189.

Culture of Speech Communication: Training of Communicative Strategies and Tactics

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Exclusive standards that the activities of engineers should meet urgently specifiy the necessity of revision of the contents of education, the improvement of its quality, a wide introduction of innovative forms and teaching aids. The graduate of a technical university should be trained for industrial-technological, administrative-managerial and research activities. For the future engineer the formed communicative competence is professionally significant. The paper is devoted to the problems of studying the communicative strategy and tactics at a technical university, as well as to the technologies of training.

How to cite: Parshakova N.A. Culture of Speech Communication: Training of Communicative Strategies and Tactics // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 190-191.

Logical reading and logical pause as elements of expressiveness of speech

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Knowledge of the rules of logical reading and logical pauses as elements of eloquence is a basically essential element of a successful speech delivery. Each phrase in speech must bear some certain essence, what is considered to be the aim to make it. To reveal the essence of a phrase means to reveal what words are the most significant. Pauses help to avoid the monotony of speech; they influence its emotional aspect. Pauses can be logical and psychological.

How to cite: Sinelnikova T.M. Logical reading and logical pause as elements of expressiveness of speech // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 192-193.

Teaching speech culture as an important factor in the formation of professional personality

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The relationship between speech culture and self-esteem of an individual is analyzed hereafter. The dependence of the professional speech culture level on the level of education and general culture of a specialist is determined. The main tasks facing the teacher of the subject «Russian Language and speech culture» are given below too.

How to cite: Suleimanova A.K., Sabitova N.G. Teaching speech culture as an important factor in the formation of professional personality // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 194-195.

Communicative aspect of speech culture: forms of practical work in the student audien

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This article is devoted to the role of the communicative part of the subject «Russian Speech Culture». Some examples of the tasks are given hereafter, which increase students’ motivation while studying this course.

How to cite: Terentieva E.V. Communicative aspect of speech culture: forms of practical work in the student audien // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 196-197.

Historical commentary on the study of speech culture

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The article considers fragments of teaching speech culture attracting the language history data. The reason for variation in endings of nouns in the Modern Russian language is seen as a result of interference of the Old Russian language declension types or the influence of the dual number form which was consecutively lost in the language. Students are offered to analyse inflexions of nouns of masculine gender. There is an analysis of variant endings of genitive and prepositional cases in singular, and also the ones of nominative and genitive cases in plural. All these word forms can be equivalent or they can have semantic or stylistic differences.

How to cite: Tumanova A.S. Historical commentary on the study of speech culture // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 198-199.
Russian language: modern linguistic research
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The use of pronoun-substantive approximators in the art text

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The modern Russian Language is characterized by use of analytical nominative units, such as pronominal – substantive combinations (comp.: «something strange»), which compensate approximative insufficiency of lexicon in individual perception. Such nominative units are functions of nominative-syntactical semiosis when denotation is formed with the help of syntactic parts of the text. These analytical groups are idiostylistic markers, which are typical of the language of belles-lettres literature. Approximation as nominative phenomenon plays the main role in the foundation of the language world picture. Besides, it helps to give the characteristics of the field of Russian concepts and the mental world of Russian people.

How to cite: Archakova R.A. The use of pronoun-substantive approximators in the art text // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 200-201.
Russian language: modern linguistic research
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Professional situation and structural model of the sentence

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In modern teaching modeling is widely used which is a process of representation of material in the form of structure semantic constructions. Each construction adds up a certain model which is to be verbally expressed. The main methodological model characteristic property is a possibility to serve as a foundation for different language material to be used by its analogy.

How to cite: Borshchevskaya T.S. Professional situation and structural model of the sentence // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 202-203.
Russian language: modern linguistic research
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To the question about the nominative picture of the world of the Russian language

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The nominative world picture of the Russian language is interpreted as a vocabulary of Russian speech field. Its main task is to be associated as a cognio-linguistic system of nomination. The structure of nominative units is determined by specific features of syntactic organization of a sentence which presents the topic’s peculiarity of relations between the objects of cognition. The Russian speech world picture is characterized by a frequent use of non-standard textual nominations based on the syntactic parts of communication. Nominative-syntactical semiosis open the way to see some «distance» between reference and nomination. It can signify the emergence of ethnomental parts of sense which give some interest as to say about the dialogue of linguistic cultures.

How to cite: Burov A.A. To the question about the nominative picture of the world of the Russian language // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 204-205.
Russian language: modern linguistic research
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Peculiarities of nomination of medicinal raw materials in pharmaceutical discourse

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Pharmaceutic discourse is a special cultural code which forms a cogniolinguistic field that is related to the manufacture and consumption of medical products. Medicinal herbs as raw materials are one of the nominative objects in this code. The term combines two origins – conspective and evocative that interact with each other during the process of evolution of word symbols. The poetic word of myths and legends records the main objects of nature, plants with healing properties and their aesthetic value. Picking and making medicines, as well as treating have always been accompanied in history by magic exorcism. These extralinguistic factors are fixed in the language.

How to cite: Burova G.P. Peculiarities of nomination of medicinal raw materials in pharmaceutical discourse // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 206-207.
Russian language: modern linguistic research
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Linguocultural potential of toponymical lexicon

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Toponyms actively step in the intercultural communication and possess a great linguoculturological potential. In this connection there is a question that concerns the ways of revealing of this information and devices of the analysis of lexical semantics. In the given paper in terms of the analysis of semantic components of values «St. Petersburg», «Riga», the informants fixed in the form of speech occurences, language units which are used by the representatives of Russia and Latvia to create an image of the city come to light and are compared. Especially this question is interesting from the point of view of the formation of an anniversary discourse of cities.

How to cite: Galtsova A.S. Linguocultural potential of toponymical lexicon // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 208-209.
Russian language: modern linguistic research
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Teaching the expression of questioning at the initial stage of the course of Russian as a foreign language

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Potentiality of teaching foreign students to express semantics of an interrogation in a more effective way at the initial stage of training Russian as a foreign language is considered in this article. To gain aim it is offered to use principles of the functional grammar that represents the language as a system of functional – semantic fields, and an attempt of adaptation of the field of an interrogation (which is a part of a functional – semantic field of communicative installation) for the initial stage of training has been made. The importance of correct intonation to express and understand a question is also emphasized in this paper.

How to cite: Girfanova E.M. Teaching the expression of questioning at the initial stage of the course of Russian as a foreign language // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 210-211.
Russian language: modern linguistic research
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Abbreviations in the modern lexical-semantic system of agrarian sphere

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The paper contains information about the function of new abbreviations in the agricultural sphere. The abbreviated words of the agricultural sphere are divided into thematic groups and new ways of the composition of new words are revealed. It is noted, that new abbreviations make the agricultural terminology wider.

How to cite: Dankova T.N. Abbreviations in the modern lexical-semantic system of agrarian sphere // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 212-213.
Russian language: modern linguistic research
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Role of the concept "body" in the formation of professional image of the world at the lessons of Russian as a foreign language for medical students

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The unicity of man is in his constitutional peculiarity. The “body” concept is the main point in the modern picture of the world. On the one hand, the “body” concept is a direct object of professional knowledge of medical students. The body and builder testify to the state of health and functioning of internal organs. On the other hand, the body is the most important component of the picture of the world, and it is also the means of verbal and nonverbal communication.

How to cite: Ivanova E.A. Role of the concept "body&quot; in the formation of professional image of the world at the lessons of Russian as a foreign language for medical students // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 214-215.
Russian language: modern linguistic research
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Work with foreign language vocabulary as an important component of teaching speech culture

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This paper deals with the problem, concerning studying and teaching borrowed words during lectures and classes of the “Russian language and speech culture” subject for the students of nonhumanitarian specialties. Main attention is focused on conscience of students when they work with borrowed lexis. Students must not confuse borrowed common lexis and lexis which overburdens modern Russian. Purism and attitude to it is also being discussed hereinafter.

How to cite: Maltsev I.V. Work with foreign language vocabulary as an important component of teaching speech culture // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 216-217.
Russian language: modern linguistic research
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About some types of transformation of phraseologisms in the language of modern mass media

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The paper deals with the problem of idiomatic expressions used in modern newspaper materials transformation. Different ways of structural and semantic transformation are analysed hereafter.

How to cite: Pavlova S.Y. About some types of transformation of phraseologisms in the language of modern mass media // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 218-219.
Russian language: modern linguistic research
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«Half - should enter the proverb» (intertextual dynamics of Griboedov's word).

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The article deals with some ways of interpretation of Alexander Griboedov’s comedy «Wit Works Woe» as a winged words source, that had a great influence on the development of the Russian language norm.

How to cite: Sidorenko K.P. «Half - should enter the proverb» (intertextual dynamics of Griboedov’s word). // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 220-221.
Russian language: modern linguistic research
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Word combinations in the composition of «computer» language

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Some semantic and grammar peculiarities of compound terminology in special computer vocabulary are considered. It is important that in spite of being rather «narrow specialized», the vocabulary in question had been formed in accordance with the modern Russian language rules and by its useful semantic and grammar models.

How to cite: Smirnova E.A. Word combinations in the composition of «computer» language // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 222-223.
Russian language: modern linguistic research
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Proper names and their derivatives in chemical terminology

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The article deals with proper names and their derivates in the Russian chemical terminology where they are used to denote chemical elements, substances and compounds, physical and chemical constants, quantities and units, chemical processes and instruments.

How to cite: Sokolov A.I. Proper names and their derivatives in chemical terminology // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 224-225.
Russian language: modern linguistic research
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German borrowings of 18th-20th centuries in Russian language

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Borrowing is one of the essential means of replenishing the vocabulary in any language. No language can exist without a certain share of borrowed words. Borrowings from the West-European languages make up one of the most significant groups of naturalized words in the Russian language. Words adopted from the Germanic (e.g. German, English, Dutch, etc.) and from the Latin languages (e.g. French, Italian, Spanish) played a significant part in the development of the Russian language through the 18th-20th centuries, first in the context of reforms initiated by Peter the Great and then due to widening political, economic, cultural and military ties. The paper considers the Russian vocabulary borrowed from the German language during this period.

How to cite: Stokratskaya L.S. German borrowings of 18th-20th centuries in Russian language // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 226-227.
Russian language: modern linguistic research
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Features of language functioning at the modern stage of national socio-cultural development

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Some peculiarities of functioning of the language at the modern stage of development of Russia are touched upon in the article. Processes of the language democratization, estrangement from the national language peculiarities, decline of literary standards, simplification of oral and written speech refer to them. Enumerated peculiarities reflect social, economic and political relationships, really existing in society, characterize experiencing stage of culture of development. It is revealed that the most active spreader of language changes is Mass Media, the influence of which is not regulated by laws. Recommendations on preserving and supporting the Russian language at the national level are given.

How to cite: Tomilina N.Y. Features of language functioning at the modern stage of national socio-cultural development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 228-229.
Russian language: modern linguistic research
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Peculiarities of omission of units of nomination of meaning in oral discourse on science topics

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The article is devoted to some conclusions about peculiarities of oral scientific speech which have been made on the materials of investigation, conducted among teachers and students of a medical institute. An aspiration of a speaking person to be economical is typical for an oral variety of scientific style, the latter resulting in omissions of language units in the speech. The law of economy of language means during its realization by the speaking person in an oral scientific text can give rise to the complication or in general incomprehension of reporting information by the listening person.

How to cite: Turkova O.V. Peculiarities of omission of units of nomination of meaning in oral discourse on science topics // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 230-231.
Russian language: modern linguistic research
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Modern lexicography and speech culture

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The article is dedicated to some problems concerning the language competence in the field of Russian speech culture. Special attention in this paper is paid to the ways of studying language strategies and adequate understanding of the texts of Russian classics.

How to cite: Chernyak V.D. Modern lexicography and speech culture // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 232-233.
Russian language: modern linguistic research
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Linguocultural approach to teaching humanities disciplines in a technical university

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The paper depicts a problem of teaching non-technical subjects at a technical higher school. This is done from the point of linguistic and cultural studies. The image Gorny institute is taken as a sample to demonstrate how to use the possibilities of such approach in the practice of teaching humanities.

How to cite: Shchukina D.A. Linguocultural approach to teaching humanities disciplines in a technical university // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 234-235.

Extracurricular work as a factor of increasing motivation for learning foreign languages

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Extracurricular activities in a foreign language give students of non-linguistic specialities an opportunity of a deeper acquaintance with literature, history, culture of the people, whose language they study. Removing psychological barriers, Extracurricular activities make the labour-intensive process of studying the foreign language interesting and joyful, expanding the general and philological outlook of students, promoting bilingual and bicultural to development of the person of the future expert.

How to cite: Galimzyanova I.I. Extracurricular work as a factor of increasing motivation for learning foreign languages // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 236-237.

Multimedia in rhetoric classe

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The article considers one of possible applications of multimedia technologies in the practice of teaching rhetoric.

How to cite: Zgurskaya O.G. Multimedia in rhetoric classe // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 238-240.

Content modules in the structure of the course «Russian language and culture of speech» in technical universities

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The article concerns the problems of the substantial structure of the course «Russian Language and Culture of Speech» in the system of higher professional technical education. The course contains basic and integrative informative modules that help arrange the development of speech habits, taking into account the communicative tasks which future specialists may face in their professional activities.

How to cite: Kashaeva E.Y., Kondratyeva I.A., Rogacheva T.D. Content modules in the structure of the course «Russian language and culture of speech» in technical universities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 241-242.

Innovative technologies in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language at a technical university

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Up to date research methods, teaching aspects of innovation technologies are dealt with using a general theory of Russian Language teaching.

How to cite: Priima L.A. Innovative technologies in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language at a technical university // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 243-244.

Methodology of creating and designing multimedia presentations

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Modern computer technologies allow one to visualize information. Such presentations could be made by means of the Power Point program, that is a part of the Microsoft Office computer package.

How to cite: Sattarova N.I. Methodology of creating and designing multimedia presentations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 245-246.

The main directions of formation of patriotic positions of student youth

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New educational strategy of higher school formation is linked on the one hand to a high educational status of future specialists, on the other hand to the development of a human personality, to the possibility of his identification with large social formation in the process of patriotic upbringing.

How to cite: Sorokin S.I. The main directions of formation of patriotic positions of student youth // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 247-248.

Utilization of Internet resources in teaching foreign languages (on the example of German)

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One of the dominants of the modern society is fast development of computer information technologies and telecommunication systems. The Internet, in particular, has become a new layer in everyday life and a sphere of activities for a huge number of people – the fact which cannot but result in its integration into the educational process in general and in foreign language teaching in particular. The paper deals with the methodology of internet material application in teaching a foreign (German) language at the higher school level.

How to cite: Stokratskaya L.S. Utilization of Internet resources in teaching foreign languages (on the example of German) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 249-250.

To the question of teaching how to present a report in a foreign language

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The article justifies the necessity to develop extralinguistic skills necessary for a successful presentation of a scientific report in a foreign language. It also gives a brief overview of training literature on the topic involved.

How to cite: Fedorov K.V. To the question of teaching how to present a report in a foreign language // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 251-252.
Problems of humanitarianization of education in a technical university
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The importance of biography in education of tolerance of students of technical university

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The article is focused on the experience of the teaching staff of St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University) in the training process aimed at students’ tolerance attitude development. It is achieved by introducing into the Culture Studies course the information on life and work of the outstanding alumni of the Institute.

How to cite: Bondareva O.N. The importance of biography in education of tolerance of students of technical university // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 253-254.
Problems of humanitarianization of education in a technical university
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Electronic journals of "Ore and Metals" Publishing House

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The paper discusses esteemed problems of information support as a result of issuing scientific and technical literature by the Ore and Metals Publishing house.

How to cite: Vorobyev A.G., Beloglazov I.N. Electronic journals of "Ore and Metals&quot; Publishing House // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 255-256.
Problems of humanitarianization of education in a technical university
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Cultural studies in higher education: teaching issues

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«Han pasado!». The given paper deals with the problems of teaching cultural science in the world of degrading cultural dominants and inculcating marginal mass culture. Cultural science as a subject, has become the factor of counterstrategy – «No pasaran!». However teaching is connected with anything but simple problems of adequate transfer of materials of culture from the teacher to the listener, from heart to heart.

How to cite: Voronov A.I. Cultural studies in higher education: teaching issues // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 257-258.
Problems of humanitarianization of education in a technical university
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Modern priorities of language training of technical university student as development of intellectual potential

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The role of students’ competence in languages is considered in this paper as well as the role of the national-regional component of the educational standard as a means of modernization of training in the area of the humanities at technological higher schools is revealed hereinafter. Studying the official language is a key to Tatar people’s culture. Linguistic proficiency of trainees who study in the Republic of Tatarstan can be qualified as a component of general culture of future experts by means of which they join world culture, there also being an intensive development of the intellectual potential.

How to cite: Vyugina S.V. Modern priorities of language training of technical university student as development of intellectual potential // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 259-260.
Problems of humanitarianization of education in a technical university
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Formation of professional mobility of a specialist by means of a foreign language in a technical university

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Occupational mobility is considered to be a high educational level together with the capacity to reorganize the direction and content of activities caused by a change of externals. It is this mobility that provides success to a present-day professional who works under the conditions of information flow, where he is to find relevant information, think critically and transform knowledge into something he can use for a specific purpose. Foreign languages can help in finding the newest information, for a technical line of professions in particular. Therefore, to know a foreign language is of great importance in the modern global world for the young professionals.

How to cite: Ziyatdinova Y.N., Valeeva E.E. Formation of professional mobility of a specialist by means of a foreign language in a technical university // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 261-262.
Problems of humanitarianization of education in a technical university
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Pedagogy of higher school in the curriculum of master's degree training in technical university

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This article represents an experience of science-educational activities of the psychology and pedagogics department of Kiev Polytechnic Institute, National Technical University of Ukraine. The students’ attitude to some interesting themes of Pedagogics of Higher School and perspectives of training pedagogues at the department for a technical university are shown too.

How to cite: Kozlakova G.A. Pedagogy of higher school in the curriculum of master’s degree training in technical university // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 263-264.
Problems of humanitarianization of education in a technical university
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Humanitarization as a factor of higher technical education

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Humanitarization of higher technical education is a major problem of the future expert’s general cultural development. Humanitarization of education is the process of personification of humanistic ideas and values in people’s world views and their social being.

How to cite: Larina T.A. Humanitarization as a factor of higher technical education // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 265-266.
Problems of humanitarianization of education in a technical university
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Issues of coverage of cultural heritage in geology, mining and metallurgy in journal and book publications of the Ore and Metals Publishing House

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The paper discusses esteemed problems of information support as a result of issuing art literature by the Ore and Metals Publishing House.

How to cite: Matveev V.Y., Vorobiev A.G., Beloglazov I.N. Issues of coverage of cultural heritage in geology, mining and metallurgy in journal and book publications of the Ore and Metals Publishing House // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 267-268.
Problems of humanitarianization of education in a technical university
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«Median Culture» in the educational presentation

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The dramatic dissimilarity of interpretations of the term «middle culture» between university readers and modern discussions on politics and culture is shown in terms of some texts compiled from the Internet.

How to cite: Mikeshin M.I. «Median Culture» in the educational presentation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 269-270.
Problems of humanitarianization of education in a technical university
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Tendencies of Humanitarian Education Modernization in Higher School of Ukraine

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Today higher school in Ukraine is aimed at maintaining a new system of values in the context of general modernization of the higher educational system. The main emphasis on the problems of liberal education confirms the necessity of organic compounding of the national and common mankind foundations in the general educational process. It is related to that humanities that are becoming the basis for global problems solving the latter resulting in mankind’s persistent development and foundation of society of accomplishments.

How to cite: Onkovich A.V. Tendencies of Humanitarian Education Modernization in Higher School of Ukraine // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 271-272.
Problems of humanitarianization of education in a technical university
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To the question about the specificity of «scientificity» of literary studies and philology

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Major relations of theoretical and extra-theoretical factors in literary theory and philology are dealt with, along with the specificity of theoretism in these spheres of the humanities.

How to cite: Pukshanskii B.Y. To the question about the specificity of «scientificity» of literary studies and philology // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 273-274.
Problems of humanitarianization of education in a technical university
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Communicative paradigm of modernity: cultural aspect

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The article contains an overview of communicative realities corresponding to the present state of culture and society. Modern culture is marked with noticeable predominance of subject-to-object relationships, indicative for consumer society. Since consuming strategies are decisive for socio-cultural identification, it seems reasonable to enrich the thesaurus of culture studies with material of marketing investigations that describe a variety of human activities in terms of consumption of goods and services as well as emotions, cultural values, ideas etc. As a particular case of this promising tendency we may regard principals of efficient communication elaborated in terms of marketing and insistently spread over a wide field of cultural interactions.

How to cite: Rassadina S.A. Communicative paradigm of modernity: cultural aspect // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 275-276.
Problems of humanitarianization of education in a technical university
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The concept of culture as a living system by K.Lorenz

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K.Lorenz's conception of culture is presented in the article. K. Lorenz, a well-known scientist and thinker, Nobel Prize laureate. The peculiarity of his conception, i.e. naturalisation of culture and it's development, is dealt with hereinafter. The naturalisation of culture includes the search for analogy between the organic and cultural systems. This kind of analysis connected with an important contemporary task, viz the safety of nature and culture, is touched upon too.

How to cite: Rebeshchenkova I.G. The concept of culture as a living system by K.Lorenz // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 277-278.
Problems of humanitarianization of education in a technical university
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Postmodern - cultural paradigm of modernity

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The paper gives comparative analysis of terms «modern» and «postmodern» and the way it has been made by the founders of these theories. Apologetics and criticism of postmodernism is based on the contradictional points of view. The problems of postmodern discourse is defined hereinafter.

How to cite: Rybchak A.V. Postmodern - cultural paradigm of modernity // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 279-280.
Problems of humanitarianization of education in a technical university
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Issues of History Methodology in the General History Course for Students of Technical Specialties

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The article shows the role of information about historical science methodology for technical university students. The ideology of every nation is based on the myths and social images of different historic events. In the modern world different political forces due to their political reasons try to present to a society one or another historic event from the incorrect point of view. That is why the historical method must be presented to students, studying the course of Native History at a technical university. It is an only effective way of arming them against different kinds of falsifications in the sphere of historical information.

How to cite: Sevastyanov F.L. Issues of History Methodology in the General History Course for Students of Technical Specialties // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 281-282.
Problems of humanitarianization of education in a technical university
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«Who is to blame for the fact that their ideal is so ugly?...»

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The problem of acquisition by technical students the precedents (on of basis of popular youth magazines) is touched upon in the article.

How to cite: Tokareva G.V. «Who is to blame for the fact that their ideal is so ugly?...» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 283-284.
Problems of humanitarianization of education in a technical university
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The Problem of the Hero in the Soviet Cinematography of the 1930th

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This paper is dedicated to the concept «new hero» in the movies of early totalitarianism. Mythic qualities of the character and original specificity of images of Room’s Strogiy Yunosha and Riefenstahl’s Olympia are discussed hereinafter.

How to cite: Trofimova I.V. The Problem of the Hero in the Soviet Cinematography of the 1930th // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 285-286.
Problems of humanitarianization of education in a technical university
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Reading preferences of modern readers

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This paper is dedicated to the investigation of preferences of the so-called reading individual (homo legens) when choosing literature works. The problem of culture spirit crisis of the modern generation is under investigation, as well as tendencies of radical changes in the readers’ attitude are dealt with in detail.

How to cite: Uglova N.V. Reading preferences of modern readers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 287-288.
Problems of humanitarianization of education in a technical university
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Formation of students' cultural competence taking into account the regional component

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The use of the regional materials results in the cultivation of the students’ cultural competence, creation of the cultural background during the lessons of Russian Language and Speech Culture and developed speech medium. The motivation of the educational work on the basis of the regional material is a students’ wish to be more knowledgeable about Kursk poets and writers’ whose works are devoted to the native places and the need to study History, the culture of the nation and the native land as well. The regional materials step in the educational process with the help of fragments, thematic blocks or systematically according to the purposes of the university course of Russian language and Standard of Speech or the ones of educational work. The main criterion of the selection of the texts is the repletion of the cultural pieces of information, the aesthetics of the content, its structure and lexis.

How to cite: Shulgina N.P. Formation of students’ cultural competence taking into account the regional component // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 289-290.