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Vol 175
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Means of realization of author's perspective in publicistic texts (on the example of Karl Kraus's texts)

Yu. M. Sishchuk
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  • G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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Within the framework of the journalistic genre the narrator has ample opportunities to express his individual style as this genre assumes not only objective description of events and social phenomena but also their evaluation and explicit attitude toward them. Actualization of the addresser in a journalistic text is achieved through a complex of means at various levels. At the grammatical level actualization of the author is linked with the category of the person and we can single out 1st person singular as the main means of authorization. Verbs of mental activity, sense perception and modal verbs as well as exclamatory and interrogative sentences should also be attributed to the means expressing authors prospective in journalistic texts.

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  1. Брандес М.П. Стилистика немецкого языка. М., 1990.
  2. Karl Kraus. Die chinesische Mauer. Muenchen, 1910.
  3. Karl-Kraus-Lesebuch / Hrsg. von Hans Wollschläger. Frankfurt/Main, 1987.

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