Formation of professional mobility of a specialist by means of a foreign language in a technical university
- 1 — Kazan State Technological University
- 2 — Kazan State Technological University
Occupational mobility is considered to be a high educational level together with the capacity to reorganize the direction and content of activities caused by a change of externals. It is this mobility that provides success to a present-day professional who works under the conditions of information flow, where he is to find relevant information, think critically and transform knowledge into something he can use for a specific purpose. Foreign languages can help in finding the newest information, for a technical line of professions in particular. Therefore, to know a foreign language is of great importance in the modern global world for the young professionals.
- Горюнова Л.В. Профессиональная мобильность специалиста как проблема развивающегося образования России: Автореф. дис. … д-ра пед. наук / Ростовский педагогический университет. Ростов-на-Дону, 2006.