The role of Michelade-Montaigne in the formation of the national French language
About authors
- G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
Michel Montaigne is considered to be one of the writers having made the most significant contribution to the French language development in the XVI century. M.Montaigne's vocabulary is very rich containing a lot of everyday expressions.
- Ауэрбах Э. Мимесис. М., 1976.
- Монтень М. Опыты / Пер. с франц. А.С.Бобовича. М., 1979. Кн.1-3.
- Gray F. Le style de Montaigne. Paris, 1958.
- Guiraud P. L’ancien français. 4éd. Paris: PUF, 1971.
- Magnard P. Vocabulaire de Montaigne. Paris, 2002.
- Montaigne M. Les Essais / Edition de Pierre Villey. L.I, II, III. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1988.
- Wendell H. Etude sur la langue des essais de Michel de Montaigne. Stochkolm, 1882.