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Vol 175
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Role of the concept "body" in the formation of professional image of the world at the lessons of Russian as a foreign language for medical students

E. A. Ivanova
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  • I.I. Mechnikov St. Petersburg State Medical Academy
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The unicity of man is in his constitutional peculiarity. The “body” concept is the main point in the modern picture of the world. On the one hand, the “body” concept is a direct object of professional knowledge of medical students. The body and builder testify to the state of health and functioning of internal organs. On the other hand, the body is the most important component of the picture of the world, and it is also the means of verbal and nonverbal communication.

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  2. Леонардо да Винчи. Суждения. М.: Эксмо-Пресс, 1999.
  3. Ожегов С.И. Словарь русского языка / Под ред. проф. Н.Ю.Шведовой. М.: Русский язык, 1984.
  4. Руднев В.П. Энциклопедический словарь культуры ХХ века: Ключевые понятия и тексты. М.: Аграф, 2003.
  5. Флоренский П.А. Имена // Малое собр. соч. в 5 т. СПб, 1993. Т.1.

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