Some aspects of speech training of future engineers
About authors
- Angarsk State Technical Academy
Knowledge of the main concept of the language and perfection of various speech skills contribute to the broadening of the students' outlook, to the development of their cognitive abilities and to the independence of thinking as well. The classes in the Russian Language and Speech Culture appeal to cultivate language initiative and to develop language intuition. They improve the training level of engineers. Active forms of teaching such as seminars, practical training and tutorials help to solve these problems.
- Бондаревская Е.В. Теория и практика личностно-ориентированного образования / Под ред. Е.В.Бондаревской. Ростов н/Д, 2000.
- Гужва Ф.К. Практические занятия по современному русскому литературному языку // Русский язык в школе. 1978. № 5.
- Культура русской речи: Учебник для вузов / Под ред. Л.К.Граудиной и Е.Н.Ширяева. М., 2004.
- Преподаватель XXI век // Общероссийский журнал в мире образования: новости в двух строках. 2004. № 2.
- Русский язык и культура речи: Учебник / Под ред. проф. В.И.Максимова. М., 2001.
- Русский язык и культура речи: Практикум / Под ред. проф. В.И.Максимова. М., 2000.
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