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Vol 163

Vol 162
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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Corps of directors of the mining institute

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This article presents a brief analysis of the leadership of the Mining Institute, covering the entire history of its existence. Attention is drawn to the average term of leadership of the Institute by all 45 directors, to their role in the life of the state with an indication of the most significant positions, to their great contribution to world and national science. Special emphasis is placed on the fact that 26 of the 45 directors of the Institute were its graduates, each of whom in one way or another strived for its improvement.

How to cite: Afanasev V.G. Corps of directors of the mining institute // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 7-9.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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Contribution of geologists of St. Petersburg university to the theory and practice of mining engineering

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The paper involved deals with the development of geology at the university beginning with the second half of the XIX century when three departments of this profile were established. Special attention is paid to the petrographic school that has been founded by the first university professor of geology AA Inostrantsev and has been further carried on by his students and followers up to present time. It also makes reference to a great contribution of geologists during the time of the Great Patriotic War as well as mention is made of the oil field discovery by the graduates of the Institute that has been highly appreciated by the state administration.

How to cite: Afanasev V.G., Dyatlova M.M. Contribution of geologists of St. Petersburg university to the theory and practice of mining engineering // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 10-12.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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Academician N.M. Krylov (125th anniversary of his birth)

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A brief sketch of the life and creative activity of the outstanding Soviet Mathematician Academician N.M. Krylov, compiled by the authors on the basis of archival and previously published materials for the 125th anniversary of the birth of the scientist.

How to cite: Barbochenko L.V., Bart E.L., Sysoeva M.Y. Academician N.M. Krylov (125th anniversary of his birth) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 13-15.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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I.P.Dolbnya - Mining Engineer, Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Director of the Mining Institute (150th anniversary of his birth)

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The paper is devoted to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the famous scientist and talented teacher of the Mining Institute I.P. Dolbnya. On the basis of archives, scientific mathematical literature and memoirs, a brief biography of the scientist is given, memories of his contemporaries are presented, and the main aspects of his scientific research are highlighted.

How to cite: Barbochenko L.V., Bart E.L., Sysoeva M.Y. I.P.Dolbnya - Mining Engineer, Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Director of the Mining Institute (150th anniversary of his birth) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 16-18.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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Mining engineers - prominent Russian mathematicians of the late 19th - early 20th centuries

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The pedagogical and scientific activity of three famous graduates of the Mining Institute: G.A.Timet, I.P.Dolbnya, N.M.Krilev, who achieved great results in mathematics and its applications and headed the mathematical department of the Institute in the late XIX - early XX century, is briefly summarized below.

How to cite: Barbochenko L.V., Bart E.L., Sysoeva M.Y. Mining engineers - prominent Russian mathematicians of the late 19th - early 20th centuries // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 19-21.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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Archbishop Leonid (Krasnopevkov) - a graduate of the Mining Institute

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The article tells about the pupil of the Mining Cadet Corps, a figure of the Russian Orthodox Church, an outstanding writer and teacher, Archbishop Leonid (Krasnopevkov) of Yaroslavl and Rostov (1817-1876). Due to the education of high morality received in the corps, as well as his bright personality, he chose for himself the path of monastic service. But he preserved and developed in his life that creative beginning, the foundation of which was laid by the Mining Corps and which he used in his creative service for the good of mankind.

How to cite: Bondareva O.N. Archbishop Leonid (Krasnopevkov) - a graduate of the Mining Institute // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 22-24.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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"In memory of labor and ministering"

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Recent studies of the archival documents of the bas-relief portrait kept in the Mining Museum have shown that for 130 years it was part of the decorations of the Conference Hall, and that it entered the museum's collection in 1805. It also turned out that the author of the portrait was P.A. Soimonov, a senator, one of the prominent figures of Russian history of the late 18th century, the fifth director of the Mining Institute, who made a great contribution to the development of the Mining Institute and its museum.

How to cite: Borovkova N.V. "In memory of labor and ministering" // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 25-27.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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Cultural traditions of the Mining Institute: history and modernity

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The key aspect in the process of Russia's revival is culture, which absorbs the nation's centuries-old experience, its values, which ultimately predetermine the country's development. Domestic culture is characterized by a huge heritage and an abundance of traditions, the latter representing the people's interest in soft values. The founders of these values, people with high creative potential, are prepared to a greater extent by higher school. In Russia, education has always played an outstanding role, being an important factor in the formation of moral values, as well as influencing the development of mentality and intellect. It has always been hereditarily important for the Russian higher school to aim its students not only at professional training, but also at giving them a wide scope in as many fields of thought as possible. This contributed to the development of students' balanced judgment and freedom of thought.

How to cite: Voloshinova I.V., Pozina L.T., Plyukhina T.V. Cultural traditions of the Mining Institute: history and modernity // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 28-30.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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St. Macarius Church of the Mining Institute in the space of education, science and culture

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A modern sociologist can see that the number of believers in Russia is now three times the number of inhabitants. Since one and the same person simultaneously believes in different things. People are ready to accept any delusion, without realizing what consequences it entails. This is the main temptation of occultism. It also has to do with the refusal to think (and choose). Today's man is doomed to go through the whole history of religion, starting with magic, occultism and shama-nism. It is not only the average person who faces this choice, but also the scholar. It is difficult to say what can move a person to a thought feat - common sense or normal human physiology, but one day, having realized what poison feeds him, after Osip Mandelstam's "hero of our time" will say "I drink the cold mountain air of Christianity".

How to cite: Voronov A.I. St. Macarius Church of the Mining Institute in the space of education, science and culture // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 31-33.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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Mining Institute: contribution to the socio-cultural development of Russia

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Saint Petersburg Mining Institute for the entire period of its existence (more than 230 years) has gained fame as a center for the development of culture and social relations in Russia. The article below is devoted to the contribution of the Mining Institute to the social and cultural life of the country, the role of students of the Institute, one of the largest scientific and educational institutions of global importance, in the development of Russian philosophical science, literature, and Russian civil society

How to cite: Gorshkov L.K. Mining Institute: contribution to the socio-cultural development of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 34-37.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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The influence of mechanics on the development of mining engineering up to the beginning of the twentieth century

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The article deals with the development of mechanics as a science in its historical development up to the beginning of XX century. The peculiarity of the historical development of mechanics is due to the development of technology. At the initial stage till the end of XVIII - beginning of XIX centuries technique was ahead of mechanics development, and then with the development of differential and integral calculus mechanics begins to be ahead of technique and provides its further development. The article reexamines the phases of development of technique and mechanics, while noting the trends in the development of individual sections of mechanics. Due to the emerging needs of mining, both simple and compound machines (pumps, winders, blowers, etc.) arise and are improved. With their appearance arises the need for their maintenance and repair. Special attention is paid to the contribution of Russian scientists and inventors to the progress of engineering and mechanics.

How to cite: Gospodarikov A.P., Tolstunov S.A. The influence of mechanics on the development of mining engineering up to the beginning of the twentieth century // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 38-48.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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The role of scientific societies in the development of mathematics and mining sciences

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This paper deals with the formation of various scientific societies, their influence and role for the development of fundamental and natural science disciplines. Some aspects of the development of such a fundamental science as mathematics, starting from the moment of its origin and up to the present time, are considered in sufficient detail.

How to cite: Gospodarikov A.P., Tolstunov S.A. The role of scientific societies in the development of mathematics and mining sciences // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 49-60.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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Medieval universities and the formation of the language of power

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Medieval culture determined the development of many institutions of the modern West. In particular, the genesis of the authority of power is attributed to this era. This, in turn, was due to the activity of universities. It was graduates of law faculties who formed the basis of the bureaucracy and formed the relevant state documentation. Written law became the basis of social relations and the authority of power in the structure of medieval society. University education gained the status of a code of access to the system of power. Educated people, who obtained the necessary licenses and degrees, supported and asserted the significance of the authority of power. Thus, medieval scholarship developed a particular rhetoric of power, conditioned by Aristotle's political theory. The state and the power of the king were viewed through the prism of the idea of the "common good" and the natural necessity for human existence. All this determined the formation of the language of power in the High Middle Ages.

How to cite: Dushin O.E. Medieval universities and the formation of the language of power // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 61-63.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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Traditions of western and Russian philosophical anthropology and the development of the educational system

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The modern Western education system, based on the philosophy of postmodernism, seeks to completely eliminate conflicts between teacher and student and provide the student with complete freedom to choose life values. The Russian education system should take into account the ideas embedded in our philosophical tradition: the recognition of the inexhaustible and fruitful antinomianism of human essence and the belief that each person belongs to the divine spirituality. The education system must preserve the basic conflict between teacher and student, as well as the desire to form in the student a certain system of spiritual values.

How to cite: Evlampiev I.M. Traditions of western and Russian philosophical anthropology and the development of the educational system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 64-67.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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Actor of the Imperial Alexandrinsky Theater V.V.Samoilov - a graduate of the St. Petersburg Mining Corps

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V.V. Samoilov (1812-1887) was a remarkable actor of the Alexandrinsky Drama Theater, a brilliant representative of the Samoilov acting dynasty. He was one of the founders of the realistic style in the Russian theater, a great professional of stage reincarnations (contemporaries called him "Proteus of the Russian scene"), his acting technique was absolutely perfect. Samoilov had an analytical mind and for actors of the time was a highly educated man, as he graduated from the Mining and Forestry Institute. In addition, Samoilov was a richly gifted man with a variety of gifts - the actor was a talented singer and musician, drew beautifully. His cozy house (it is located on Stremyannaya Street) was one of the centers of cultural life in St. Petersburg in the second half of the XIX century (the memorial apartment was opened in 1994). V. Samoilov is one of the most famous graduates of the Mining Institute.

How to cite: Zilotina E.A. Actor of the Imperial Alexandrinsky Theater V.V.Samoilov - a graduate of the St. Petersburg Mining Corps // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 68-71.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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Mining Institute in the formation and development of higher geological education in Russia - USSR

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The main features of training specialists and raising the professional level of teachers at the Mining School - Mining Institute for the first 150 years since its foundation are considered / the role of teachers and graduates of the Institute in the organization of higher geological education in the leading mining and geological institutes of our country is emphasized The peculiarities of the system of training of engineering and geological personnel, established in the USSR in the 50-70s, which provided the mineral reserve of our country and guaranteed the basis of its economic independence, are highlighted.

How to cite: Kagarmanov A.K. Mining Institute in the formation and development of higher geological education in Russia - USSR // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 72-74.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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Traditions of teaching mining engineering disciplines at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute

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The problems of development of mining education in the St. Petersburg Mining Institute are considered. The main stages of their development are considered: before the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), during the war and in the post-war period. A brief characterization of these stages is given. Brief biographies of key figures who contributed to the successful formation of mining education at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute are given. The traditions of teaching mining engineering disciplines are revealed. Teaching traditions are based on both analytical and experimental and experimental-analytical teachers, whose knowledge is based primarily on their own industrial and scientific experience.

How to cite: Kovalev O.V., Mozer S.P., Tkhorikov I.Y. Traditions of teaching mining engineering disciplines at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 75-76.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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On the periodization and dynamics of capitalist modernization in Russia (1860-1890s)

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The article presents the periodization of the development of the Russian Empire in the 19th century. Then the main factors, subjects, peculiarities and contradictions of economic and socio-cultural development of the North-West region of Russia are considered.

How to cite: Kuznetsov V.N. On the periodization and dynamics of capitalist modernization in Russia (1860-1890s) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 77-79.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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Student-suicide: a historical and cultural phenomenon in Russia in the early twentieth century

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The article investigates such a historical phenomenon as the growth of suicides among young people and especially among students in the early XX century. The author believes that although it is possible to speak about the growth of suicides among Russian students in 1906-1914, this growth was hardly of avrational and catastrophic nature. At the same time, the discussion of these suicides in the press made it possible to criticize the system that existed at that time. The created image of a suicidal student acquired a pronounced ideological character, which, on the one hand, made it possible to discuss the meaning of suicide and, on the other hand, drew attention to the fate of the intelligentsia in Russia.

How to cite: Lyarskii A.B. Student-suicide: a historical and cultural phenomenon in Russia in the early twentieth century // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 80-82.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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Peter the Great and the formation of mining in Russia

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Many historians consider Peter the Great to be an outstanding reformer and organizer of Russia. His reforms greatly contributed to the development of mining and the progress of manufacturing industry. Peter's policy in the field of mining and metallurgical industry was aimed at freeing the state from economic dependence on foreigners, strengthening the military power of the Russian state and meeting the needs of the domestic market. Ore mining, production of iron, copper and other metals increased significantly in Russia. Russia took one of the first places in the world in mining and processing of iron stones and smelting of pig iron. Under Peter the Great, training in mining began, and new mining schools were opened in Olonets Province and the Urals.

How to cite: Nikitashina S.O. Peter the Great and the formation of mining in Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 83-85.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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The project of transformation of the educational part of the mining department in the context of government policy in the field of education in the second half of the 1820s

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The article deals with the system organization of higher mining education in Russia in the 20s of the XIX century. The educational system of higher mining educational institutions that trained specialists for the mining industry is analyzed. Changes in this system and their reasons are shown. The project of development of higher mining education developed by the head of the Department of Mining and Salt Production E.V. Karneev is analyzed in detail. The reasons why it was not realized are revealed.

How to cite: Plyukhina T.V. The project of transformation of the educational part of the mining department in the context of government policy in the field of education in the second half of the 1820s // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 86-88.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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Development of the education system in Russia under Nicholas I: the choice of evaluation criteria

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The article considers different points of view on the Russian education system under Nicholas I. Attention is drawn to the fact that with regard to the policy of Nicholas I in the field of educational system there are a number of hackneyed phrases and there is no criterion for assessing the development of this system. It is argued that such a criterion can only be quantitative characteristics (growth in the number of educational institutions and the number of students) and the effectiveness of the system as a whole. The effectiveness of the system can be determined only by the degree of contribution of graduates of higher mining schools to the development of the industries in which they were specialized and of the state administration at that period. The author insists on applying this criterion to technical and legal education as well. As the first experience of such an analysis at the Department of History and Political Science of the G.V. Plekhanov Leningrad Mining Institute is mentioned.

How to cite: Sevastyanov F.L. Development of the education system in Russia under Nicholas I: the choice of evaluation criteria // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 89-92.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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The development of industry in Western Siberia in the 1920s-1930s and the improvement of the general educational level of workers (historiography of the issue)

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The article deals with the historiography of the issue of increasing the educational level of workers in Western Siberia in the 1920s-1930s in connection with the intensive industrial development of the Siberian region. The fundamental works on the history of Siberia and the history of the working class covering the period of 20-30s are analyzed, numerous scientific articles related to various aspects of this problem are identified, studied and systematized. The period of the most intensive study of the topic of interest to us is investigated, the most famous monographs are evaluated, and the contribution of specific scientists to the study of the educational level of workers in Western Siberia in connection with the industrialization of this region is presented.

How to cite: Serebrennikov S.V. The development of industry in Western Siberia in the 1920s-1930s and the improvement of the general educational level of workers (historiography of the issue) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 93-97.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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Management of mining education in the system of higher and central institutions of the Russian Empire (19th - early 20th centuries)

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The article addresses some problems of management of mining education in pre-revolutionary Russia. The author pays much attention to departmental subordination in higher education in general and in the first technical higher education institution of Russia - St. Petersburg State Mining Institute - in particular. Different periods in the history of Russian education related to the state reforms of the 19th - early 20th centuries are considered. The situation of mining educational institutions subordinated to the Ministry of Finance is analyzed, taking into account the activities of the Ministry of Public Education. As a result, the author concludes that the problem of choosing between two systems of education - centralization of the educational process in the hands of one ministry or subordination of special educational institutions to the relevant industries - was very relevant in the Soviet period.

How to cite: Sokolov A.R. Management of mining education in the system of higher and central institutions of the Russian Empire (19th - early 20th centuries) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 98-100.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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From the history of education in the new times: philosophy in the universities of the Jesuit order

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The history of New Age education opens with the reform of the medieval school by the Society of Jesus (Societatis Jesu, 1534). The instrument providing this reform was the Plan of Instruction, the Ratio Studiorum of 1599. The educational activity of the Jesuits was based on several principles, such as universality of the educational system; continuity of secondary and higher educational classes; efficiency of functioning of schools and universities; unity of education and upbringing. The article considers the content of education in Jesuit universities, analyzes the place and role of philosophy as an academic subject. Philosophy was taught in Jesuit universities for three years and included such subjects as logic, ethics, physics, mathematics and metaphysics. The educational course was based on the philosophy of Aristotle and the theology of St. Thomas Aquinas. Jesuit professors at the University of Coimbra (Emmanuel de Goes, Cosmas de Magelhaes, Balthazar Álvarez and Sebastián de Couto) compiled a systematic course of philosophy (Cursus Conimbricences) between 1592 and 1606. This course included 8 volumes of treatises in which Conimbricences summarized and gave verbatim commentary on Aristotle's major texts. Used particularly, but by no means exclusively, in Jesuit colleges, these commentaries were widely influential throughout the 17th century and had a significant impact on the development of philosophy in Modern times.

How to cite: Tsypina L.V. From the history of education in the new times: philosophy in the universities of the Jesuit order // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 101-104.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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Prominent characters of Russian history of the late 18th - early 19th centuries in their involvement in the stages of development of the Mining Institute

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This article presents outstanding scientists of Russia's first higher technical school – G.V. Plekhanov Leningrad Mining Institute. The authors' attention is drawn to the activities of M.F. Soimonov, A.A. Musin-Pushkin, N.A. Lvov, V.V.Kapnist, A.N.Olenin, D.I. Khvostov, G.R. Derzhavin, I.I. Chemnitzer and other people who studied or worked at the Mining Institute, patronized the first technical university of Russia or simply knew the graduates of the Mining School. In a lively form, the authors tell about outstanding figures of Russian history of the 18th - early 19th century, associated with the Mining Institute, who took part in the scientific and cultural life of Russia at that time.

How to cite: Shalygin L.M., Polyarnaya Z.A., Brylevskaya E.A. Prominent characters of Russian history of the late 18th - early 19th centuries in their involvement in the stages of development of the Mining Institute // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 105-110.
Cultural and Educational Traditions in the History of Mining Institute and Higher School
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Francisco de Vitoria and the University of Salamanca (on one successful reform of university education)

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Francisco de Vitoria (1492-1546), a Spanish Dominican theologian and philosopher, professor in the pulpit of the University of Salamanca, was one of the successful reformers of the European educational system at the border between the Middle Ages and the early modern period. His reform in teaching included the use of Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica instead of Peter Lombard's Libri quattuor sententiarum, systematic lectures on various questions of theological theory, political and moral sciences, and new teaching methods. These influenced the shaping of modern higher education.

How to cite: Shmonin D.V. Francisco de Vitoria and the University of Salamanca (on one successful reform of university education) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 111-113.
Contemporary traditions of training organization at the Mining Institute
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History of the Mining Institute in term papers of the Department of Informatics and Computer Technologies

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Modern computer technology makes it possible to create visual information. Such presentations can be made with the help of Power Point program, which is a part of Microsoft Office computer package. Students of the specialty "Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits" prepared presentations about the activities of famous geologists who worked at the Mining Institute. These were the topics of final course works on informatics. Creation of any presentation is a creative work, which reveals the individuality of the student. Knowledge of modern methods of computer technologies in presenting information will be useful for students in their future professional activities.

How to cite: Bykova O.G. History of the Mining Institute in term papers of the Department of Informatics and Computer Technologies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 114-116.
Contemporary traditions of training organization at the Mining Institute
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On the role of the collective in the moral education of cadet corps students

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This article draws special attention to the fact that in modern pedagogy practiced in our country, the problem of the role of the workers' collective in moral education is the subject of discussion. The author criticizes the point of view of pedagogues who destructively reject and substantiates the pedagogical expediency of using the principle of education in and through the collective of workers. At the same time collectivism is regarded as the most important moral trait of mankind, providing comradely relations in the collective of servicemen. Characterizing the educational potential of the collective, the author substantiates the modern criteria of the collective as a subject of education. As one of the tasks of realization of the pedagogical potential of the collective the organization of the group form of educational activity is indicated. Psychological advantages of group organization of educational activity compared to traditional forms of educational process organization are motivated. It is explained how these advantages contribute to the moral maturation of cadets.

How to cite: Dugin I.M. On the role of the collective in the moral education of cadet corps students // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 117-119.
Contemporary traditions of training organization at the Mining Institute
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Study of activity motivation

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The work focuses on the problems of diagnostics of activity motivation. The theoretical and methodological prerequisites for the use of projective techniques and questionnaires are considered. The results of experimental studies of achievement motivation using Heck-Hausen test and Ehlers questionnaire are presented.

How to cite: Zobnina L.Y. Study of activity motivation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 120-122.
Contemporary traditions of training organization at the Mining Institute
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Breathing that brings health

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Over the last decade, the number of people with chronic illnesses entering higher education has increased significantly. By the end of studies, the number of such students becomes even greater. In these conditions, the role of the Department of Physical Education increases, which can positively influence the situation by conducting activities aimed at preventing diseases and restoring the health of students. One of such methods is breathing exercises. They do not require financial expenses and always remain under our control. The department has developed a complex of health-improving measures that can be used in students' physical exercise classes. The complex is based on a patented complex of breathing exercises.

How to cite: Kaello V.V. Breathing that brings health // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 123-125.
Contemporary traditions of training organization at the Mining Institute
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The role of cultural studies in the education system

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In the process of modernization of the Russian education system there is a significant renewal of the content of education in accordance with the requirements of the time and the country's development goals. The development of new educational standards and strategic goals of education becomes very relevant in today's organic and strongly changing world. The rapid development of global processes and the complex socio-cultural situation of the early XXI century determine the need to find ways and means to overcome the negative and contradictory processes of modern society. The main means in the process of overcoming the crisis are knowledge and intellect, especially their humanitarian component. Therefore, the role and importance of cultural studies as a science and educational subject in educational institutions of our country is becoming more and more relevant.

How to cite: Kislitsina A.N. The role of cultural studies in the education system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 126-128.
Contemporary traditions of training organization at the Mining Institute
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Diachronic aspect in the content of the course "Russian Language and Culture of Speech"

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The article deals with the issue of teaching the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech" in non-humanitarian universities. The article discusses the necessity of presenting scientific knowledge about language in diachronic aspect. The conclusion is made that the modern linguistic norm, facilitating its mastering, opens up to users the prospects of language development.

How to cite: Kudryashova V.V. Diachronic aspect in the content of the course "Russian Language and Culture of Speech" // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 129-130.
Contemporary traditions of training organization at the Mining Institute
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Ethics and business etiquette in the system of general humanitarian education of graduate students at the Mining Institute

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Business etiquette is a complex system of applied knowledge of humanitarian importance and the overall goal of this course is to provide graduate students with the necessary knowledge in the field of psychology and ethics of business contact as an important tool of interpersonal communication and a means of human adaptation to the business environment. Since etiquette and rules of good tone are always an expression of the spirit of the time, a certain situation and reflect the social structure of society, knowledge of business etiquette will allow future specialists to use them in practice as an important means of communication, which was facilitated by the ethical and psychological practical work included in the course, involving the modeling of various ethical situations.

How to cite: Larina T.A. Ethics and business etiquette in the system of general humanitarian education of graduate students at the Mining Institute // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 131-133.
Contemporary traditions of training organization at the Mining Institute
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Organization of control and determination of the level of formation of skills of listening to foreign-language audio sequence during training in a technical university

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This article considers the problems of organizing and improving test checking in the process of teaching foreign languages. Then the optimal ways of organizing the control and evaluation of the ability to perceive by ear and understand audio information in a foreign language are considered. A set of exercises aimed at promoting the development of students' auditory culture is developed and used with maximum efficiency.

How to cite: Mikheev A.I. Organization of control and determination of the level of formation of skills of listening to foreign-language audio sequence during training in a technical university // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 134-136.
Contemporary traditions of training organization at the Mining Institute
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Culture of communication with a young person after extreme situations during university enrollment

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The article addresses the current problem of different approaches in contacts with young people who have survived an extreme situation in connection with the assessment of the adequacy of their desire to enroll in higher education. In their research the authors use methods of psychological study and distinction of features of young people who have survived an extreme situation with a risk to life and have a desire to enter a higher education institution. Three groups of hypothetical applicants with different starting conditions and motivation are proposed for consideration. As a result of a professional, psychologically validated interview, the authors expect to be able to speculate on the further appropriateness and feasibility of studying these groups of young people. Thus, the authors conclude that the identified features must necessarily be taken into account not only by physicians, but also by educational psychologists when working with applicants.

How to cite: Naumenko E.B., Shmidt V.E. Culture of communication with a young person after extreme situations during university enrollment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 137-138.
Contemporary traditions of training organization at the Mining Institute
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The concept of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process of university students

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The article addresses such an everyday social phenomenon of our time as predicting the success of higher education in a certain profession. In their research the authors use the methods of psychology and sociology. They use a combined program of the conceptual model of psychological and pedagogical support of the process of learning and education in the course of professional education. The authors show that with the realization of this concept there appears the possibility of substantiating the system of socio-psychological training in various higher education institutions and conducting methodological recommendations for these classes at the stages of preparation for admission, admission and study in the university. Thus, the article develops the relationship between the concept of prediction and diagnostic methods at different stages of professional education.

How to cite: Naumenko E.B., Shmidt V.E. The concept of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process of university students // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 139-140.
Contemporary traditions of training organization at the Mining Institute
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Sociocultural self-identification of the individual as one of the goals of humanitarian education in a technical university

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The article discusses the importance of cultural self-identification of young people and possible ways of its development during the period of study at a technical university. It should be taken into account that today's students are not only future professionals of applied branches of economy, but also the backbone and the main part of the Russian intelligentsia in several successive decades. The future way and lifestyle of modern youth, intellectual and ethical value choice will largely depend on the socio-cultural positions acquired during their student years.

How to cite: Petrova A.A. Sociocultural self-identification of the individual as one of the goals of humanitarian education in a technical university // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 141-143.
Contemporary traditions of training organization at the Mining Institute
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Scientific knowledge and science education in the process of modern education

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The state of devastation, the collapse of former ideals and the lack of new ones have brought Russia to the point where many people began to believe only in miracles. One of such "miracles" appeared in the form of pseudoscience, which today is a well-organized network of professional falsifiers. Another serious problem threatening reason and science both in Russia and in many other civilized countries is the revival of paranormal beliefs - archaic superstitions and notions of magical consciousness of ancient ages. Astrologers and psychics? Occultists and shamans, magicians and sorcerers promoting mysticism, magic, divination and prophecy have widely penetrated the market of services, especially in the field of medicine, psychology and education.

How to cite: Pukshanskii B.Y. Scientific knowledge and science education in the process of modern education // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 144-145.
Contemporary traditions of training organization at the Mining Institute
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Modern problems of the theory of cognition in the philosophy course

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The theory of cognition is an important part of philosophy. Recently, the role of this theory is increasing in the process of training a specialist, in the environment of a humanistic university. This is due to the progress of knowledge, the connection of the theory of cognition with humanistic and anthropological problems, the formation of information society. Modern problems of epistemology are the problems of the evolution of knowledge, the prospects of its development in the future. The most important prospect is the development and introduction into all spheres of activity of biocomputers - new subjects of cognition - parts of a new reality. The inclusion of modern problems of epistemology in the course of philosophy is necessary to prepare the young generation for activity and life in a significantly changing environment.

How to cite: Rebeshchenkova I.G. Modern problems of the theory of cognition in the philosophy course // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 146-148.
Contemporary traditions of training organization at the Mining Institute
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Organization of research work of students at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute

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The St. Petersburg State Mining Institute pays great attention to the issues of activation of students' research work, which is considered as one of the priority directions of continuous training of specialists. The article lists the main tasks and trends of students' research work in the institute for the last 5 years. The efficiency of the introduction of new forms of students' research work in the educational process is also studied.

How to cite: Sinkov L.S. Organization of research work of students at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 149-151.
Contemporary traditions of training organization at the Mining Institute
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Training of oil and gas specialists at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute

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The issues of Russian education in the field of oil and gas production are considered, the stages of its development at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute are described. The importance of graduates of the Mining Institute - initiators of a number of scientific trends in the development of theory and practice of hydrocarbon field development - is emphasized. The stages of selection and training of specialists in the field of hydrocarbon field development in the conditions of modern society are analyzed. The interrelation of the labor market and the level of education of graduates - young specialists is considered. Training of highly qualified specialists in modern conditions is impossible without close connection of higher educational institution with industrial and scientific associations.

How to cite: Slyusarev N.I., Mozer S.P. Training of oil and gas specialists at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 152-153.
Contemporary traditions of training organization at the Mining Institute
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Methodological aspects of end-to-end nanotechnological (chemical-physical) education in a technical university

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The meaning, general principles, methodological foundations, and examples of cross-cutting nanotechnology education are reviewed. This education includes students' mastering the basics of nanotechnology in physics and chemistry classes, studying the possibilities of nanotechnology in special courses and oriented (on nano-objects) training of the best graduates in postgraduate studies in "Chemical Physics" and "Physical Chemistry".

How to cite: Syrkova A.G., Boguslavskii E.I., Korsakov V.G. Methodological aspects of end-to-end nanotechnological (chemical-physical) education in a technical university // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 154-156.
Contemporary traditions of training organization at the Mining Institute
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Innovations in the process of teaching foreign languages to the undergraduate students at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute

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In the 2000-2001 academic year, the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the St. Petersburg State Mining Institute underwent a reorganization aimed at improving the quality of foreign language teaching. The changes affected not only the teaching staff, but also the conditions of teaching foreign languages. As a result of these changes, modern teaching conditions were created at the department, which have no analogues among all Russian universities. With the introduction of the new teaching format, the department faced a number of urgent problems that had to be solved in the course of reorganization.

How to cite: Fedorov K.V. Innovations in the process of teaching foreign languages to the undergraduate students at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 158-160.
Fundamental Sciences: applied and interdisciplinary research
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Development of scientific bases of subsoil heat energy development

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For the first time in the world the methodology of economic and mathematical modeling and optimization of parameters and indicators of geothermal technological complexes was created, the bases of their design were developed and more than ten pre-project documents and investment projects were created, under which the construction was started, geothermal systems were built and operated in Russia and near abroad. The methodology of geological and economic evaluation of the first in the world practice geothermal resources and prospects of their development was developed, the following was done: calculation of the resource base, mapping and division into areas of density and economic feasibility of geothermal resources of Russia (in particular, its central regions).

How to cite: Boguslavskii E.I. Development of scientific bases of subsoil heat energy development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 161-163.
Fundamental Sciences: applied and interdisciplinary research
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On one method of calculating the stressed state of the rock massif during the development of reservoir deposits

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A numerical and analytical method for solving nonlinear geomechanics problems has been developed. This method is based on the combination of the Vlasov variational method, the Newton-Kantorovich linearization method and the method of general iterative process. The physical nonlinearity of the rock deformation process is considered in the framework of the main hypotheses of small elastic and plastic deformation Genki-Ilyushin.

How to cite: Gospodarikov A.P., Ivakin V.V., Karpukhina O.E., Kereichuk M.A. On one method of calculating the stressed state of the rock massif during the development of reservoir deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 164-167.
Fundamental Sciences: applied and interdisciplinary research
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Dynamical approach in describing the interaction of heavy nuclei

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To describe the formation of secondary particles as a result of heavy ion collisions at medium energies, a model of nuclear hydrodynamics was used, taking into account the nonequilibrium equation of state. This model was used to represent two-differential cross sections of the formation of  particles and other fragments. The model of hydrodynamics taking into account thermalization and the formation of a local warm region allows us to describe the experimental two-differential cross sections of the subthreshold birth of pions, kaons, and antiprotons in nuclear-nuclear collisions. This allows, in particular, to determine the parameters of the nuclear forces and the magnitude of the nuclear matter compression modulus.

How to cite: Dyachenko A.T. Dynamical approach in describing the interaction of heavy nuclei // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 168-170.
Fundamental Sciences: applied and interdisciplinary research
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Refraction of longitudinal waves by a layered packet of elastic-plastic and brittle media

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This paper deals with the modeling study of the refraction process of a plane compressive wave by a system of a fissile homogeneous medium. It is assumed that the wave front is parallel to the inter-surface boundaries of the medium. The solution of the problem is obtained using a numerical finite-difference method.

How to cite: Karpenko V.V., Kaprenko A.V. Refraction of longitudinal waves by a layered packet of elastic-plastic and brittle media // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 171-174.
Fundamental Sciences: applied and interdisciplinary research
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Mathematical modeling of joint action of mining pressure and explosive stress waves on mine workings

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In this paper, the joint effect of static and dynamic stress fields on the excavations is considered, and tensile stress regions in the contour zones of the excavations are modeled.

How to cite: Karpenko V.V., Gospodarikov A.P., Kolton G.A. Mathematical modeling of joint action of mining pressure and explosive stress waves on mine workings // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 175-178.
Fundamental Sciences: applied and interdisciplinary research
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Geosynergetic problems of nanospace and phase states of fossil coals and coalbed methane

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This paper deals with the carbophos nanomedium, occupying the boundary region, but at the same time possessing its own features. Of particular importance is the rupture of atomic-molecular space with chemical processes and micro- and macro-space with mechanical processes. Metastability of the state of the open coal-gas system, detachment of nanocomponents, nanostructure and fractal properties are manifested at bifurcations in the linear-asymptotic type of development. In coherent processes it is manifested in gas dynamic phenomena of bursts, in stable processes - in stable gas evolution during coal metamorphism and metageneration. Prediction horizons, uncertainty of conceptual interpretations, entropic character of coal formation-metageneration processes are different aspects of coal nanospace as a real-defined and spatial-temporal category.

How to cite: Kiryukov V.V., Novikova V.N. Geosynergetic problems of nanospace and phase states of fossil coals and coalbed methane // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 179-182.
Fundamental Sciences: applied and interdisciplinary research
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Parameterization of functionals from solutions of differential equations

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This article describes the parametric representation of functionals on the solution of a first-order ordinal differential equation as a function of the initial condition.

How to cite: Lebedev I.A. Parameterization of functionals from solutions of differential equations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 183-185.
Fundamental Sciences: applied and interdisciplinary research
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Plasma electronics for solving energy problems

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Magnetic and probe techniques for diagnostics of anisotropic plasma were developed for the first time. Modern digital measurement methods, plasma installations and new generation plasma energy devices, as well as special mathematical programs for fundamental studies of anisotropic plasma were created. Inventions of the St. Petersburg Mining Institute are used to solve problems of plasma power engineering.

How to cite: Mustafaev A.S. Plasma electronics for solving energy problems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 186-188.
Fundamental Sciences: applied and interdisciplinary research
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Methodological problems of distant investigation of astrophysical objects plasma

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The electron distribution function in anisotropic plasma has been studied by probe method and Hanle magnetic polarization method. Moments of the anisotropic electron distribution function were measured in helium plasma - beam discharge, the rate constant of alignment decay for helium atoms in the 41D2 state as a result of collisions with charged particles was determined. A new method for diagnosing the anisotropic properties of inaccessible plasma objects has been experimentally tested; electron distribution functions, the degree of electron pressure anisotropy, and the alignment cross section of the total angular momentum of excited helium atoms in electron collisions have been measured. The advantage of the new method is the direct measurement of anisotropic parameters of inaccessible plasmas, the estimation of which was previously carried out only theoretically.

How to cite: Mustafaev A.S., Mezentsev A.P. Methodological problems of distant investigation of astrophysical objects plasma // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 189-191.
Fundamental Sciences: applied and interdisciplinary research
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Probe diagnostics of the angular structure of the electron distribution function in anisotropic plasma

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A method for recovering the full electron velocity distribution function and its angular components in a plasma with an arbitrary degree of anisotropy has been developed. The method is based on the measurement of the second derivative of the probe current with respect to the potential for different orientations of a flat one-sided probe with respect to the plasma symmetry axis. The optimal angles of the probe orientation are determined and the number of probe orientations necessary to recover the angular components of the electron velocity distribution of a given rank is estimated. The operability of the proposed method for determining the electron velocity distribution in a plasma with an arbitrary degree of anisotropy is demonstrated in a model experiment.

How to cite: Mustafaev A.S., Mezentsev A.P., Fedorov V.L. Probe diagnostics of the angular structure of the electron distribution function in anisotropic plasma // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 192-195.
Fundamental Sciences: applied and interdisciplinary research
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The necessity to take into account fundamental trends in the development of nature in natural science research

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Many natural science studies do not take into account two interrelated fundamental trends - directionality and repeatability. In this connection, the author of the article puts forward the hypothesis that geological cycles should be characterized by a tendency to increase their duration. This is confirmed by large-scale variations in the duration of the established cycles, as well as by the analysis of Phanerozoic boreal transgressions on the territory of Russia.

How to cite: Odesskii I.A. The necessity to take into account fundamental trends in the development of nature in natural science research // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 196-197.
Fundamental Sciences: applied and interdisciplinary research
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Method for determination of nitrogen solubility in binary III-V systems

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A model has been developed to calculate the solubility of nitrogen in conventional binary III-V compounds. The model takes into account internal deformations due to relaxation of atoms and the statistical origin of alloys. It is shown that the dispersion of bond lengths in III-V-N solid solutions plays an important role and cannot be neglected. The solubility limit increases by more than three orders of magnitude if both sublattices relax to distances greater than the sixth nearest neighbor position.

How to cite: Parfenova I.I. Method for determination of nitrogen solubility in binary III-V systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 198-200.
Fundamental Sciences: applied and interdisciplinary research
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Internal strains and structure of energy bands in Ill-N alloys

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We have investigated the influence of near-order on the electronic properties of III-V-N solutions. In nitride-containing solutions, the clustering of identical atoms as second neighbors leads to an increase in the stress energy and a strong decrease in the width of the forbidden zone. On the other hand, the electronic properties of GaInAs depend very weakly on the near-order. The reason for this is the localization of the wave function of the states of the zone edges around certain atoms.

How to cite: Parfenova I.I. Internal strains and structure of energy bands in Ill-N alloys // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 201-203.
Fundamental Sciences: applied and interdisciplinary research
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Methodological specifics of calculation of electret transducers

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Methodological problems of electret transducer calculation are discussed. It is shown that the electret transducer insert is too complicated object for modeling. Therefore, it is necessary to make some simplifying assumptions in the model. For example, the transducer membrane is assumed to have a dome-shape. Since the amplitude of membrane oscillations is small, the object under consideration is studied in the linear approximation. A method of calculating the sensitivity of the electret microphone depending on the frequency of oscillation, transducer geometry, voltage and charge of the electret, etc. is proposed. The deflection of the membrane under the action of electrostatic forces is taken into account. It is shown that this procedure leads to a relatively simple analytically feasible solution. Application of the procedure allows to develop nondestructive testing methods for electret microphones, to optimize the design of electret microphones, to use the design of electret transducer in the educational process, etc.

How to cite: Pshchelko N.S. Methodological specifics of calculation of electret transducers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 204-206.
Fundamental Sciences: applied and interdisciplinary research
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Methods of research of filtration heat transfer in complex mining and geological conditions

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This paper presents analytical methods for investigating the processes of unsteady conjugate heat transfer complicated by the motion of the filtered sphere boundary. The investigations were carried out on the basis of formulation and solution of the following problems: conductive heating of an infinite rod connected to a variable heat flow on the combustion surface, which moves at a constant speed; convective heat transfer in a gasification channel connected to an increase in its length; filtration heat transfer of gas and coolant in an inhomogeneous medium with initial conditions on a moving boundary. Graphs of the acceptance dependences are presented.

How to cite: Smirnova N.N. Methods of research of filtration heat transfer in complex mining and geological conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 207-211.
Fundamental Sciences: applied and interdisciplinary research
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On the dependence of dynamic fracture toughness on the size of a crack in a material

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The problem of dynamic loading of a material with a crack is investigated. Expressions for dynamic fracture toughness using the incubation-time criterion are obtained. It is shown that the graphs of dependence of dynamic fracture toughness on time to fracture qualitatively change with the crack length.

How to cite: Taraban V.V. On the dependence of dynamic fracture toughness on the size of a crack in a material // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 212-214.
Fundamental Sciences: applied and interdisciplinary research
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Ion velocity distribution function in low-temperature plasma

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The kinetic equation for the motion of ions in the intrinsic gas is solved. It is shown that the ion velocity distribution differs significantly from the equilibrium (Maxwellian) distribution. The probe method was used to study the ion velocity distribution function in a low-temperature helium plasma.

How to cite: Fedorov V.L., Mezentsev A.P., Mustafaev A.S. Ion velocity distribution function in low-temperature plasma // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 215-217.
Fundamental Sciences: applied and interdisciplinary research
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Dialectical relationship between intermolecular forces and their influence on the state of water

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Dispersive forces are in antagonistic relations with chemical forces, which, in turn, can be in synergistic or antagonistic relations with forces of electrical nature. Due to the struggle and unity of these forces, inclusion compounds (embedding solutions, clathrates) exist in nature. The manifestation of the dialectical relationship of the three forces is most clearly realized in water. Water exists in nuclear ionic, molecular and metallic states. In liquid form, water exists as a dynamic inclusion solution, which is constantly formed and constantly destroyed.

How to cite: Sharafutdinov Z.Z. Dialectical relationship between intermolecular forces and their influence on the state of water // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 218-222.
Humans, society, culture: actual socio-humanitarian problems
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The role of economic worldview in the development of human society

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The content and main types of economic worldview are revealed, historical stages of evolution of economic worldview are investigated, the main ways and forms of influence of economic worldview on the development of human society are analyzed.

How to cite: Volovich V.N. The role of economic worldview in the development of human society // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 223-226.
Humans, society, culture: actual socio-humanitarian problems
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Speech portrait and means of its creation (on the material of Sergey Dovlatov's prose)

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This article analyses the linguistic means of creating a speech portrait in S. Dovlatov's works. An attempt is made to describe such means as antithesis, irony. The lexical units characterizing the speech of literary characters are analyzed. The classification of dialogues in which relationships of characters are presented is given.

How to cite: Egorenkova N.A. Speech portrait and means of its creation (on the material of Sergey Dovlatov’s prose) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 227-229.
Humans, society, culture: actual socio-humanitarian problems
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Local self-government in the system of modern democracy

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Local self-government has become one of the most important social institutions of modern democracy. As a universal structure of civil society, local government has multi-purpose powers that can meet a number of pressing needs of the population, such as housing, social services and education. In addition, local government, by allowing ordinary citizens to participate in political life as councillors and providing them with the opportunity to participate in decision-making, plays an important role in legitimizing the existing political regime. Modern systems of self-government are based on the traditions and values of liberal democracy and social democracy. The values that the liberal tradition particularly associates with local self-government are freedom, participation and efficiency. The social democratic tradition holds and defends values such as equality and the right to welfare. Local government in modern democracy is placed in a contradictory position. The central state both needs and fears local self-governance.

How to cite: Zavrazhin V.N. Local self-government in the system of modern democracy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 230-232.
Humans, society, culture: actual socio-humanitarian problems
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Foreign experience of gender symmetry formation: expediency of its application in Russian conditions

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The author emphasized the relevance of the topic "women's presentation in parliament" and offered a definition of the term "gender asymmetry". A brief chronological review of women's gaining suffrage was also presented. The author dwelt on a comparative analysis of the quantitative representation of women in the highest legislative bodies of various states and concluded that women's political participation is influenced by the level of socio-economic development of the state and a certain type of electoral system. Special attention was paid to the practical effect of "gender quotation marks" abroad and the possibility of their use in Russia.

How to cite: Ivanova N.A. Foreign experience of gender symmetry formation: expediency of its application in Russian conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 233-235.
Humans, society, culture: actual socio-humanitarian problems
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"In the beginning was the word": the (Russian) word in the conceptosphere of V. Rasputin's story "Ivan's Daughter, Ivan's Mother"

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The paper analyzes the lexical manifestations of the concept "(Russian) word" in the last novel by V. Rasputin. The conceptual framework of the book uses linguocultural and theo-anthropo-cosmic approaches to the interpretation of the concept and presents it as the Logos, the source and root of all things, the ultimate truth. It is the interest in the (Russian) word, the return to it, that is believed to generate creative activity and, as a consequence, the resurrection of the Russian soil.

How to cite: Kostina A.G. "In the beginning was the word": the (Russian) word in the conceptosphere of V. Rasputin’s story "Ivan’s Daughter, Ivan’s Mother" // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 236-238.
Humans, society, culture: actual socio-humanitarian problems
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Elements of speech technique in the process of teaching rhetoric

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Mastering the literary norms of modern language and elements of eloquence technique is an indicator of the general cultural level of a modern speaker. The components of a successful speech are not limited only to voice, articulation, pace and ability to keep a pause. Each phrase of the speech should carry a certain semantic content for the sake of which it is pronounced. Knowledge of the laws of logical reading and the ability to identify underlined words in the text can help in such a situation.

How to cite: Sinelnikova T.M. Elements of speech technique in the process of teaching rhetoric // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 239-241.
Humans, society, culture: actual socio-humanitarian problems
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Corruption as a socio-political phenomenon and object of research

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This article considers theoretical and methodological problems of corruption in public administration, presents the formulation of the object and subject of the study. It reveals socio-economic, political, ideological and moral prerequisites for the sustainability of corruption as a socio-political phenomenon, areas and forms of its manifestation. Special attention is paid to the study of this phenomenon in the context of modernization of modern Russian society. The possibilities of modeling corruption based on the generalization of international experience of anti-corruption activities are also considered. The article substantiates the main directions of activities of government bodies and public institutions aimed at reducing and eradicating the causes that give rise to corruption.

How to cite: Sorokin S.I. Corruption as a socio-political phenomenon and object of research // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 242-245.
Humans, society, culture: actual socio-humanitarian problems
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Oil: politics and education

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The article analyzes political and social processes in Russia and its geopolitical position. The authors emphasize the dependence of the political line on the volume of oil reserves and their rational use. The reasons for the crisis of modern civilization are assessed. The conclusion is made about the necessity of Russia's transition from raw materials to knowledge-intensive economy as a factor of sustainable development.

How to cite: Stankevich L.T., Gorbatova N.V. Oil: politics and education // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 246-248.
Humans, society, culture: actual socio-humanitarian problems
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Mythology in modern cinema: visual art in the course "Cultural Studies"

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The article is devoted to the issue of the concept of mythological plot in the animated movie "The Lion King" produced by Walt Disney Studios. Its components are miraculous birth, acquisition of magical fragility, heroic deeds and trials, short-term death and rebirth, wisdom of rule and mystical death of the hero. The plot of The Lion King develops on the symbolic model of cosmogonic myth and heroic initiation. The hierarchy associated with the roles of the central characters and narrative persons is based on Egyptian myth (Osiris). The climax of the movie is the duel between the protagonist and his antagonist. In this conflict, the model of eschatological myth can be traced. The narrative artistic space of the movie and the heroics represent different aspects of mythological thinking.

How to cite: Trofimova I.V. Mythology in modern cinema: visual art in the course "Cultural Studies" // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 249-251.
Humans, society, culture: actual socio-humanitarian problems
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Environmental and political potential of higher school as an institution of civil society

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This article considers such an aspect of higher school as the formation of environmental and political potential of the Russian society in the new conditions. Higher school is the most important channel for the formation of environmental culture, scientific environmental outlook and professional skills of rational nature management, nature conservation and environmental safety of specialists, and, ultimately, the successful solution of environmental problems. The liberal-democratic transformations taking place in our country have brought significant changes to the system of higher professional education. According to the Concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010, higher education should become an institution of civil society, the most important factor in the formation of new life attitudes of the individual. It is necessary to make changes in the process of higher education training.

How to cite: Kharchenko L.N. Environmental and political potential of higher school as an institution of civil society // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 252-254.
Teaching cultural studies in technical universities
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Museum pedagogy as a strategy for teaching cultural studies in technical universities

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The main problem of the article is the methodology of teaching the theory and history of culture in technical universities. Traditional teaching methods are currently ineffective and require a new approach. The main problems are a consequence of the negative attitude of students to the humanities and traditional methods of their teaching. We consider the theory of museum communication and mu-museum pedagogy to be the basis of an alternative approach. We believe that visual communication should become the main way of modern education, since modern multimedia allows applying the principles of museum pedagogy even without visiting museums.

How to cite: Bezzubova O.V. Museum pedagogy as a strategy for teaching cultural studies in technical universities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 255-258.
Teaching cultural studies in technical universities
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Student's cultural paradigm and educational model

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The article shows modern aspects of teaching the theory and history of culture in technical universities. The questions of dialog "teacher-violet", formation of new in-formation space and continuity of values are considered. The concept of "culture-digma" is introduced and classification of culture-digmas in the educational process is given. The cultural digma is a characteristic of mentality, including the attitude to culture as a whole, the chosen system of cultural values and the ability to cultural interaction. There are differentiated "traditional/common", "romantic/individualistic" and "indifferent/civilization" culturantigmas. The educational model and type of communication with students of each cultural group are presented.

How to cite: Gashkova E.M. Student’s cultural paradigm and educational model // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 259-261.
Teaching cultural studies in technical universities
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Theme "Archaic Culture" in the course of cultural studies for students of technical universities

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The article presents the principles of selection and arrangement of information on the topic "Primitive Culture" when teaching students of technical universities. This topic occupies the most important place in the cycle of lectures on philosophy and history of culture. Primitive culture is the first topic considered in the historical part of the course, so it is within the lecture on primitive culture that the teacher can and should show students how the realities of a particular culture can be considered on the basis of previously postulated theoretical principles. We believe it is appropriate that the lecture be based on the theory of anthropologist P. Radin. Radin noted that primitive culture is characterized by a pragmatic and realistic perception of life, and that magic and religious thinking are of a secondary nature. Taking into account this idea, we arrange the topics of the lecture on primitive culture along the axis "practice-mentality": from the description of the function of survival culture to the description of the function of comprehension.

How to cite: Kirilenko S.A. Theme "Archaic Culture" in the course of cultural studies for students of technical universities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 262-265.
Teaching cultural studies in technical universities
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Features of teaching the history of world culture in the framework of the course "Cultural Studies" at the St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (on the example of the history of ancient culture)

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The article presents the structure and methodology of teaching the theory and history of culture at St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University). Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of teaching the history of world culture, in particular the history of Ancient Greece and Rome. The methodology proposed in the article allows, on the one hand, to focus students' attention on the most important characteristics of the civilization of Greece and Rome, taking into account its essential specificity, and, on the other hand, to reveal the sequence of cultural influences in the development of European civilization. The task is not only to present individual facts and theoretical statements, but also to comprehend a different - in this case Greco-Roman - culture through the presentation of its essential features.

How to cite: Klimin A.I. Features of teaching the history of world culture in the framework of the course "Cultural Studies" at the St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (on the example of the history of ancient culture) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 266-268.
Teaching cultural studies in technical universities
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Cultural studies in technical universities: unnecessary luxury or urgent necessity?

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In the conditions of scientific and technological progress, the importance of self-regulation mechanisms of social life generated by culture is increasing. The main role among them belongs to morality, because the relationship of morality to culture in general is similar to the relationship of culture to society: it is an element that determines the overall state of the system. For technical universities, the teaching of cultural theory is of great importance. The unprecedented technical power of mankind in our days can become not only dangerous, but also useful. Only an educated person who understands the principles of social communication and humanistic values can distinguish good from evil. Therefore, the study of cultural studies is a vital necessity for representatives of engineering disciplines.

How to cite: Kruglova L.K. Cultural studies in technical universities: unnecessary luxury or urgent necessity? // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 269-271.
Teaching cultural studies in technical universities
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On the specifics of conducting seminar classes on the course "Cultural Studies"

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The subject of the study is the origins and principles of construction of scientific and humanitarian educational traditions. The theory and history of culture is considered as a mediator providing the coincidence of professional and moral education, as it allows resolving the contradiction between specifically scientific and humanitarian educational traditions. From this point of view, seminars on theory and history of culture are seen as a dialog of students with different cultural traditions and value systems. The study of world cultural traditions in order to familiarize students with them is considered as the main condition for the formation of a creative personality capable of dialog with the bearers of different types of thinking and values.

How to cite: Sapenok O.V. On the specifics of conducting seminar classes on the course "Cultural Studies" // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 272-274.
Teaching cultural studies in technical universities
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Application of information technologies in teaching cultural studies

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Scientific principles of information technology application in the course of cultural studies were developed. The development of electronic educational and methodological data is realized. It contains a control test and an electronic educational-methodical complex applied in training. Recommendations on its creation and application are given.

How to cite: Fomina N.N., Tolstikova I.I. Application of information technologies in teaching cultural studies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 275-278.
Teaching cultural studies in technical universities
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To the question about the specificity of teaching of culturology and the importance of cultural traditions of St. Petersburg higher school for the formation of personality of the future specialist

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In the current conditions of a complex crisis spiritual situation, when market technocracy dominates over the mental life in Russia, the need for humanization of the educational process has increased, as it is the main condition for the humanitarian revival of modern society. The problem of humanization cannot be solved only by increasing the number of humanitarian educational series. The preservation and development of the best cultural traditions of Russian universities, and St. Petersburg universities in particular, the coincidence of educational and cultural goals, the development of students' ability to think creatively and unaided will allow to form not only a specialist, but also a broad-minded personality with high moral and aesthetic qualities - a historical-cultural personality.

How to cite: Chernyak A.I. To the question about the specificity of teaching of culturology and the importance of cultural traditions of St. Petersburg higher school for the formation of personality of the future specialist // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 279-281.