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A. I. Chernyak
A. I. Chernyak
Admiral S.O. Makarov State Maritime Academy
Admiral S.O. Makarov State Maritime Academy
St. Petersburg


Teaching cultural studies in technical universities
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To the question about the specificity of teaching of culturology and the importance of cultural traditions of St. Petersburg higher school for the formation of personality of the future specialist

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In the current conditions of a complex crisis spiritual situation, when market technocracy dominates over the mental life in Russia, the need for humanization of the educational process has increased, as it is the main condition for the humanitarian revival of modern society. The problem of humanization cannot be solved only by increasing the number of humanitarian educational series. The preservation and development of the best cultural traditions of Russian universities, and St. Petersburg universities in particular, the coincidence of educational and cultural goals, the development of students' ability to think creatively and unaided will allow to form not only a specialist, but also a broad-minded personality with high moral and aesthetic qualities - a historical-cultural personality.

How to cite: Chernyak A.I. To the question about the specificity of teaching of culturology and the importance of cultural traditions of St. Petersburg higher school for the formation of personality of the future specialist // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 279-281.