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Vol 163
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The influence of mechanics on the development of mining engineering up to the beginning of the twentieth century

A. P. Gospodarikov1
S. A. Tolstunov2
About authors
  • 1 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 2 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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The article deals with the development of mechanics as a science in its historical development up to the beginning of XX century. The peculiarity of the historical development of mechanics is due to the development of technology. At the initial stage till the end of XVIII - beginning of XIX centuries technique was ahead of mechanics development, and then with the development of differential and integral calculus mechanics begins to be ahead of technique and provides its further development. The article reexamines the phases of development of technique and mechanics, while noting the trends in the development of individual sections of mechanics. Due to the emerging needs of mining, both simple and compound machines (pumps, winders, blowers, etc.) arise and are improved. With their appearance arises the need for their maintenance and repair. Special attention is paid to the contribution of Russian scientists and inventors to the progress of engineering and mechanics.

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