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Vol 163
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Foreign experience of gender symmetry formation: expediency of its application in Russian conditions

N. A. Ivanova
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  • G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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The author emphasized the relevance of the topic "women's presentation in parliament" and offered a definition of the term "gender asymmetry". A brief chronological review of women's gaining suffrage was also presented. The author dwelt on a comparative analysis of the quantitative representation of women in the highest legislative bodies of various states and concluded that women's political participation is influenced by the level of socio-economic development of the state and a certain type of electoral system. Special attention was paid to the practical effect of "gender quotation marks" abroad and the possibility of their use in Russia.

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  1. Государственное право буржуазных стран и стран, освободившихся от колониальной зависимости. М., 1977.
  2. Дорутина Т.А. Женщины в жизни общества. М., 1999.
  3. Le Dictionnaire pratique du droit humanitaire d’ Françoise Bouchet-Saulnier. P.:La Decouverte & Syros, 1994.

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