Features of teaching the history of world culture in the framework of the course "Cultural Studies" at the St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (on the example of the history of ancient culture)
- St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University)
The article presents the structure and methodology of teaching the theory and history of culture at St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University). Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of teaching the history of world culture, in particular the history of Ancient Greece and Rome. The methodology proposed in the article allows, on the one hand, to focus students' attention on the most important characteristics of the civilization of Greece and Rome, taking into account its essential specificity, and, on the other hand, to reveal the sequence of cultural influences in the development of European civilization. The task is not only to present individual facts and theoretical statements, but also to comprehend a different - in this case Greco-Roman - culture through the presentation of its essential features.
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