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Vol 163
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Actor of the Imperial Alexandrinsky Theater V.V.Samoilov - a graduate of the St. Petersburg Mining Corps

E. A. Zilotina
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  • Memorial Museum-Apartment of Actor Samoilovs
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V.V. Samoilov (1812-1887) was a remarkable actor of the Alexandrinsky Drama Theater, a brilliant representative of the Samoilov acting dynasty. He was one of the founders of the realistic style in the Russian theater, a great professional of stage reincarnations (contemporaries called him "Proteus of the Russian scene"), his acting technique was absolutely perfect. Samoilov had an analytical mind and for actors of the time was a highly educated man, as he graduated from the Mining and Forestry Institute. In addition, Samoilov was a richly gifted man with a variety of gifts - the actor was a talented singer and musician, drew beautifully. His cozy house (it is located on Stremyannaya Street) was one of the centers of cultural life in St. Petersburg in the second half of the XIX century (the memorial apartment was opened in 1994). V. Samoilov is one of the most famous graduates of the Mining Institute.

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  1. Долгова Н. Василий Васильевич Самойлов (к столетию со дня рождения) // Ежегодник Императорских театров. СПб, 1913. Вып.1.
  2. Мичурина-Самойлова В.А. Полвека на сцене Александринского театра // Государственный академический театр драмы. 1935.
  3. Мичурина-Самойлова В.А. Самойловы в избранных воспоминаниях // Полвека на сцене Александринского театра. Л.: Правда, 1935.
  4. Отчет о торжественном праздновании столетия со дня рождения В.В.Самойлова // Ежегодник Императорских театров. СПб, 1913. Вып.1.
  5. Панаева (Головачева) А.Я. Воспоминания. М.: Художественная литература, 1972.

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