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Vol 163
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Peter the Great and the formation of mining in Russia

S. O. Nikitashina
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  • G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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Many historians consider Peter the Great to be an outstanding reformer and organizer of Russia. His reforms greatly contributed to the development of mining and the progress of manufacturing industry. Peter's policy in the field of mining and metallurgical industry was aimed at freeing the state from economic dependence on foreigners, strengthening the military power of the Russian state and meeting the needs of the domestic market. Ore mining, production of iron, copper and other metals increased significantly in Russia. Russia took one of the first places in the world in mining and processing of iron stones and smelting of pig iron. Under Peter the Great, training in mining began, and new mining schools were opened in Olonets Province and the Urals.

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  1. Анцыферов Ф. Иной путь, или к чему могли привести петровские реформы // Вокруг света. 2004. № 7.
  2. Гаврилова Л.М. Развитие горного дела в эпоху Екатерины II / Л.М.Гаврилова, В.Г.Афанансьев, Ф.Л.Севастьянов. СПб, 2000.
  3. Мартынов М.Н. Горнозаводская промышленность на Урале при Петре I. Свердловск, 1948.
  4. Павленко Н.И. Развитие металлургической промышленности России в первой половине XVIII в. М., 1953.
  5. ПСЗ. Т.5, 3464.
  6. ПСЗ. Т.5, 3255.

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