Francisco de Vitoria and the University of Salamanca (on one successful reform of university education)
About authors
- G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
Francisco de Vitoria (1492-1546), a Spanish Dominican theologian and philosopher, professor in the pulpit of the University of Salamanca, was one of the successful reformers of the European educational system at the border between the Middle Ages and the early modern period. His reform in teaching included the use of Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica instead of Peter Lombard's Libri quattuor sententiarum, systematic lectures on various questions of theological theory, political and moral sciences, and new teaching methods. These influenced the shaping of modern higher education.
- Франсиско де Виториа. Лекции об индейцах и военном праве (фрагмент) // Человек. Мыслители прошлого и настоящего о его жизни, смерти и бессмертии. М., 1991. С.273-277.
- Шмонин Д.В. Философия в испанских университетах и начало возрождения схоластики в XVI в. // Вестник Русского христианского гуманитарного института. 2004. № 5. С.187-195.
- Belda Plans J. La escuela de Salamanca y la renovación de la teología en el siglo XVI. Madrid, 2000.
- Francisco de Vitoria. In IV Sententiarum; Summa Sacramentorum Ecclesiae. Valladolid, 1560.
- Francisco de Vitoria. Comentarios a la Secunda Secundae de Santo Tomás / Ed. V.Beltrán de Heredia. En 6 vols. Salamanca, 1933-1952.
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