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Vol 163
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St. Macarius Church of the Mining Institute in the space of education, science and culture

A. I. Voronov
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  • G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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A modern sociologist can see that the number of believers in Russia is now three times the number of inhabitants. Since one and the same person simultaneously believes in different things. People are ready to accept any delusion, without realizing what consequences it entails. This is the main temptation of occultism. It also has to do with the refusal to think (and choose). Today's man is doomed to go through the whole history of religion, starting with magic, occultism and shama-nism. It is not only the average person who faces this choice, but also the scholar. It is difficult to say what can move a person to a thought feat - common sense or normal human physiology, but one day, having realized what poison feeds him, after Osip Mandelstam's "hero of our time" will say "I drink the cold mountain air of Christianity".

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