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Vol 163
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The project of transformation of the educational part of the mining department in the context of government policy in the field of education in the second half of the 1820s

T. V. Plyukhina
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  • G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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The article deals with the system organization of higher mining education in Russia in the 20s of the XIX century. The educational system of higher mining educational institutions that trained specialists for the mining industry is analyzed. Changes in this system and their reasons are shown. The project of development of higher mining education developed by the head of the Department of Mining and Salt Production E.V. Karneev is analyzed in detail. The reasons why it was not realized are revealed.

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  1. ПСЗ. № 22208.
  2. ПСЗ. № 23894.
  3. О составлении Комитета для лучшего устройства учебной части по горному и соляному ведомству. РГИА. Ф.37. Горный департамент. Оп.2, д. 24.

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