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E. M. Gashkova
E. M. Gashkova
St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University
St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University


Teaching cultural studies in technical universities
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Student's cultural paradigm and educational model

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The article shows modern aspects of teaching the theory and history of culture in technical universities. The questions of dialog "teacher-violet", formation of new in-formation space and continuity of values are considered. The concept of "culture-digma" is introduced and classification of culture-digmas in the educational process is given. The cultural digma is a characteristic of mentality, including the attitude to culture as a whole, the chosen system of cultural values and the ability to cultural interaction. There are differentiated "traditional/common", "romantic/individualistic" and "indifferent/civilization" culturantigmas. The educational model and type of communication with students of each cultural group are presented.

How to cite: Gashkova E.M. Student’s cultural paradigm and educational model // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 259-261.