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Vol 163
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History of the Mining Institute in term papers of the Department of Informatics and Computer Technologies

O. G. Bykova
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  • G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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Modern computer technology makes it possible to create visual information. Such presentations can be made with the help of Power Point program, which is a part of Microsoft Office computer package. Students of the specialty "Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits" prepared presentations about the activities of famous geologists who worked at the Mining Institute. These were the topics of final course works on informatics. Creation of any presentation is a creative work, which reveals the individuality of the student. Knowledge of modern methods of computer technologies in presenting information will be useful for students in their future professional activities.

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  1. Богатырева А.Г. Программа компьютерной презентации PowerPoint / А.Г.Богатырева, И.В.Марасанова // Записки Горного ин-та. СПб, 2002. Т.150. Ч.1. C.13-16.
  2. Гурьев Ю.С. Геолог Соболев и открытие алмазных месторождений Якутии // Записки Горного ин-та. СПб, 2003. Т.155. Ч.1. C.270-272.
  3. Журин А.А. Microsoft PowerPoint 2000: Краткие инструкции для новичков. М., 2001.

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