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Vol 163
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Archbishop Leonid (Krasnopevkov) - a graduate of the Mining Institute

O. N. Bondareva
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  • G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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The article tells about the pupil of the Mining Cadet Corps, a figure of the Russian Orthodox Church, an outstanding writer and teacher, Archbishop Leonid (Krasnopevkov) of Yaroslavl and Rostov (1817-1876). Due to the education of high morality received in the corps, as well as his bright personality, he chose for himself the path of monastic service. But he preserved and developed in his life that creative beginning, the foundation of which was laid by the Mining Corps and which he used in his creative service for the good of mankind.

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  1. Описание празднования столетнего юбилея Горного института. СПб, 1874.
  2. Письма митрополита Московского Филарета к архимандриту Антонию. М., 1877.
  3. Письма Леонида, архиепископа Ярославского, к архимандриту Пимену. М., 1877.
  4. Пушкин А.С. Об обязанностях человека // Мысли о литературе. М., 1988.
  5. Савва, епископ Харьковский. Воспоминания о высокопреосвященном Леониде. Харьков, 1877.
  6. Слепцов Н.П., 1815-6.XII.1915, покоритель Чечни и Дагестана. Петроград, 1916.
  7. Шилова Е.И. Первый в России доктор сельского хозяйства // Вестник Ленинградского ун-та. 1978. № 15.

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