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A. V. Kaprenko
A. V. Kaprenko
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute



Fundamental Sciences: applied and interdisciplinary research
  • Date submitted
  • Date accepted
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Refraction of longitudinal waves by a layered packet of elastic-plastic and brittle media

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This paper deals with the modeling study of the refraction process of a plane compressive wave by a system of a fissile homogeneous medium. It is assumed that the wave front is parallel to the inter-surface boundaries of the medium. The solution of the problem is obtained using a numerical finite-difference method.

How to cite: Karpenko V.V., Kaprenko A.V. Refraction of longitudinal waves by a layered packet of elastic-plastic and brittle media // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 171-174.