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Vol 163
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Speech portrait and means of its creation (on the material of Sergey Dovlatov's prose)

N. A. Egorenkova
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  • G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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This article analyses the linguistic means of creating a speech portrait in S. Dovlatov's works. An attempt is made to describe such means as antithesis, irony. The lexical units characterizing the speech of literary characters are analyzed. The classification of dialogues in which relationships of characters are presented is given.

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  1. Арьев А. Наша маленькая жизнь // С.Довлатов. Сочинения в 3-х томах. СПб, 1995. Т.1.
  2. Генис А. Довлатов и окрестности. М., 1999.
  3. Каргашин И. Освобожденное слово: поэтика прозы Сергея Довлатова // О Довлатове: Статьи, рецензии, воспоминания / Сост. Е.Довлатова. Тверь, 2001.

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