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Vol 163
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Student-suicide: a historical and cultural phenomenon in Russia in the early twentieth century

A. B. Lyarskii
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  • Institute of Management and Economics
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The article investigates such a historical phenomenon as the growth of suicides among young people and especially among students in the early XX century. The author believes that although it is possible to speak about the growth of suicides among Russian students in 1906-1914, this growth was hardly of avrational and catastrophic nature. At the same time, the discussion of these suicides in the press made it possible to criticize the system that existed at that time. The created image of a suicidal student acquired a pronounced ideological character, which, on the one hand, made it possible to discuss the meaning of suicide and, on the other hand, drew attention to the fate of the intelligentsia in Russia.

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  1. Барзилевич И. Студент-самоубийца. СПб, 1910.
  2. Гордон Г.И. Пессимизм и самоубийства среди учащейся молодежи // Заветы. 1912. № 3.
  3. Жбанков Д. Современные самоубийства // Современный мир. 1910. № 3.
  4. РГИА. Ф.733, оп.199, д.105, л.316, 330, 338; д.107, л.276.
  5. Самоубийства, покушения на самоубийства и несчастные случаи среди учащихся учебных заведений МНП в 1905-1915 гг. СПб, 1906-1916.
  6. Теодорович М.Ф. Самоубийство: Указатель литературы на русском языке. М., 1928.
  7. Феноменов М.Я. Причины самоубийств в русской школе. М., 1914.
  8. Хлопин Г.В. Самоубийства, покушения на самоубийства и несчастные случаи среди учащихся русских учебных заведений: Санитарно-статистическое исследование. СПб, 1906.

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