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Vol 193

Vol 192
Formation of competent language person problems: young generation culture of speech (materials of plenary meeting)
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From speech culture to academic rhetoric: 55th anniversary of the department of russian language and literature of SPSMU

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The paper represents itself a summary of subjects concerning speech culture and language learning in the first technical higher educational institution in Russia. Educational, organizational, methodological and upbringing functional activities of the department of Russian language and literature of SPSMU are being correlated with the range of problems of the scientificresearch work, which is directed at optimization and intensification  of the professionally oriented rhetoric education.

How to cite: Shchukina D.A. From speech culture to academic rhetoric: 55th anniversary of the department of russian language and literature of SPSMU // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 11.
Formation of competent language person problems: young generation culture of speech (materials of plenary meeting)
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Modern world knowledge in speech of a young person

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This article examines the interconnections between relevant everyday situations and their linguistic expression which combine to create standard communicative contexts typical for the speech of contemporary young people.

How to cite: Rogova K.A. Modern world knowledge in speech of a young person // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 16.
Formation of competent language person problems: young generation culture of speech (materials of plenary meeting)
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The dynamic tendencies in the contemporary russian

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The paper deals with the dynamic processes in the contemporary Russian  language.  They are influenced by the extralinguistical factors, but have their own spesifics in the contemporary Russian language. Such the processes functions as the lexical-phraseological dominants, which reflect the more active changes in the system of the contemporary Russian. The author offers the analysis of these dominants.

How to cite: Mokienko V.M. The dynamic tendencies in the contemporary russian // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 21.
Formation of competent language person problems: young generation culture of speech (materials of plenary meeting)
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Language youth subcultures in the speech practice media

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The paper representation language of the youth subculture in the media associated with the operation of special editions and is considered an example of the magazine «Ptjuch,» which was published from 1994 to 2003. The author demonstrates how the media shaped the speech subculture, rather a kind of lexical  terms.

How to cite: Konkov V.V. Language youth subcultures in the speech practice media // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 25.
Formation of competent language person problems: young generation culture of speech (materials of plenary meeting)
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Speech portrait of young people in contemporary fiction

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The paper based on an analysis of domestic fiction simulated voice portrait of modern youth. It  is stressed that the massive literature adapted to the changing conditions of operation, to social transformation and the technological innovations. Demonstrated a clear orientation of the lexicon of a native speaker, given by the authors of detectives in the direction of the negative pole.

How to cite: Chernyak V.D. Speech portrait of young people in contemporary fiction // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 29.
Formation of competent language person problems: young generation culture of speech (materials of plenary meeting)
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Blessed is he who in his youth was young and blessed is he who has matured time ...

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The determining factor of speech of young people - psychology, which suggests a protest verbal behavior, the desire for agility and entertainment, creativity and imitation. All these  qualities are realized in the jargon. The addiction to youth slang in adulthood - a sign of immaturity of the individual.

How to cite: Khimik V.V. Blessed is he who in his youth was young and blessed is he who has matured time ... // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 33.
Formation of competent language person problems: young generation culture of speech (materials of plenary meeting)
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Russian linguistic personality: young generation spelling

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In the paper in the framework of the linguistic personality theory some problems concerning peculiarities  of revealing and describing the spelling of young generation  are considered.  The main results of the poll among the students of a higher technical school are outlined; characteristic features of their written practice, established under the new social conditions and suffered the impact of the virtual communication, are  described.

How to cite: Ivanova N.K. Russian linguistic personality: young generation spelling // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 37.
Formation of competent language person problems: young generation culture of speech (materials of plenary meeting)
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Interaction issues of language and culture in modern methods of teaching russian as a foreign language

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In this paper, the interaction of language and culture in learning SRI Russian as foreign language, discussed at the XII Congress MAPRYAL. Highlighted methodological concepts and directions, were developed from the time of the previous Congresses: intercultural education, cultural dialogue, cultural linguistics, methodology of teaching Russian in a multicultural school in Russia.

How to cite: Lysakova I.P. Interaction issues of language and culture in modern methods of teaching russian as a foreign language // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 41.
Modern language situation and culture of speech problems
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Errors and the typing еrrors connected with lexical compatibility (to a question on necessity of studying of norms of written speech in technical college)

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The article is devoted to studying of spelling norms in technical college, to errors and the typing errors connected with lexical word  compatibility.

How to cite: Artamonov V.N. Errors and the typing еrrors connected with lexical compatibility (to a question on necessity of studying of norms of written speech in technical college) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 45.
Modern language situation and culture of speech problems
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The linguo-philosophical problem of identities and distinctions: experience of functional-semantic analysis of modern russian form words

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The article deals with the problem of  functional-semantic analysis  of  Modern  Russian form words in the light of linguo-philosophical theory of identities and distinctions. Words-particles are presented as actualizators of the given relations – special  semantic  objects giving  the information about the most important principles of the device of language system and the activity of learning consciousness.

How to cite: Ataeva E.V. The linguo-philosophical problem of identities and distinctions: experience of functional-semantic analysis of modern russian form words // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 48.
Modern language situation and culture of speech problems
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Nabokov’s prose as didactic material for forming student’s oral-cultural competence

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In the article the author proves the necessity of using classical samples of Russian prose of 20th century as didactic material in the course «Russian  language and Culture of Speech»; she gives  the complex of exercises and tasks, which are aimed at forming general cultural, language and speech competences.

How to cite: Bolshakova G.N. Nabokov’s prose as didactic material for forming student’s oral-cultural competence // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 52.
Modern language situation and culture of speech problems
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Language errors and dynamics of language norms

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The gradual erosion of standards in the modern Russian language is a dangerous tendency. Error may eventually acquire the status of normativity, when the phenomenon fits into the language system, not contradict it. Non-obvious, hardly seen micro  violations  at  various  linguistic levels, as well as in borrowing (expansion and narrowing of word meaning) slightly distort the norm and often are not immediately recognized as an error.

How to cite: Vakulova E.N. Language errors and dynamics of language norms // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 56.
Modern language situation and culture of speech problems
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The transformation of fraseological cliché in newspaper’s language. The soviet cliché «the shark of imperialism» and «the shark of capitalism»

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The article dwells upon such two-component phraseological units as soviet-cliches, on example of such phraseological units as «imperialism shark» and «capitalism shark» and their transformation in the language of printed media and Internet. A monitoring of printed  media shows,  that  such  units and their transformation  is  still  actively  used  and –  as  a  part  of the «language game» – have outlived the political system that gave birth to them.

How to cite: Verbitskaya V.V. The transformation of fraseological cliché in newspaper’s language. The soviet cliché «the shark of imperialism» and «the shark of capitalism» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 60.
Modern language situation and culture of speech problems
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The persuasion strategy (gender aspect) in students’ communication on the forum on the website

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This article is devoted to the persuasion strategy and means of its actualization, analyzing  the connection between the gender of the interlocutors and their choice of the means, which are used to actualize the strategy.

How to cite: Gatieva M.V. The persuasion strategy (gender aspect) in students’ communication on the forum on the website // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 64.
Modern language situation and culture of speech problems
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The discourse of controversion in science (regarding the sketchness of a conflict)

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  The paper presents the analysis of the controversial discourse in the modern Russian academic community. The conflict situation described as a script is universal for most European cultures and types of discourse while the linguistics filling of this script and particularities of the script’s structure depict its specific. The article represents the comparison of Russian native speakers’ speech behavior in conflict situations in television and scientific discourses.

How to cite: Glushkova M.S. The discourse of controversion in science (regarding the sketchness of a conflict) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 68.
Modern language situation and culture of speech problems
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Academic speech of students in the lingvuocultural environment of the region

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This article is devoted to studing of academic speech of students because this is practically unknown level speech. The results of monitoring of the use of loanwords, idioms and the variants of pronouncing and accent in students speech are described here.

How to cite: Zdorikova Y.N. Academic speech of students in the lingvuocultural environment of the region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 72.
Modern language situation and culture of speech problems
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The modern woman in the mirror of the language (based on feminist vocabulary of the end оf twentieth and the beginning of twenty first centuries)

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The article describes the modern woman’s image in the Russian linguistic picture  of the world basing on feminist vocabulary of the last decades. The nominations  captured  in  the  modern lexicography sources are used as the investigation   material.

How to cite: Morozova I.A. The modern woman in the mirror of the language (based on feminist vocabulary of the end оf twentieth and the beginning of twenty first centuries) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 76.
Modern language situation and culture of speech problems
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Air and gas as terms in the russian chemical terminology of the XVIII – early XIX centuries

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The usage of the terms air and gas among the other denominations signifying «aeriform fluids» in the Russian original and translated chemical literature of the XVIII – early XIX centu- ries is analized.

How to cite: Sokolov A.I. Air and gas as terms in the russian chemical terminology of the XVIII – early XIX centuries // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 79.
Modern language situation and culture of speech problems
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Axiological characteristic of a modern student’s personality

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The article is devoted to the study of the component of modern Higher Education, the analysis of personal characteristic of a student due to  his/her  sociocultural  expectations  and verbal abilities.

How to cite: Falina V.A., Badelina M.V. Axiological characteristic of a modern student’s personality // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 83.
Modern language situation and culture of speech problems
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Multilanguage situation аnd russian language in Kazakhstan (by example of Sh.Ualihanova’s and O.Sultanyaeva’s work)

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The article is devoted to the analysis russian language culture in multicultural kazakh society and of polilingvism and individual authors world, that is representated in the Sh.Ualikhanov and O.Sultanyaeva’s works.

How to cite: Shaimerdenova N.Z. Multilanguage situation аnd russian language in Kazakhstan (by example of Sh.Ualihanova’s and O.Sultanyaeva’s work) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 87.

Aspects of semantics and valency actual for lexicographic

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This article is devoted research actual at the present stage of development of linguistics to concept «valency». At studying of this question the basic aspects of semantics and valency necessary in a lexicography are revealed.

How to cite: Astratova Y.V. Aspects of semantics and valency actual for lexicographic // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 90.

The role of schools of sciences in the development of innovative processes in humanities teaching in technical institutions

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The article covers the role of school of science in the development of innovative processes concerning coordination of humanities teaching in a technical institutions.

How to cite: Afanasev V.G. The role of schools of sciences in the development of innovative processes in humanities teaching in technical institutions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 94.

«Thematic portfolio» as a modern method of training the students in university

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In this article the approaches to the definition of the didactic concept of «portfolio», «thematic portfolio» are analyzed, cited its understanding. An approximate model of the compilation of the thematic portfolio is given.

How to cite: Baeva Y.V. «Thematic portfolio» as a modern method of training the students in university // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 97.

Information and communication technologies in education of students of legal specialities

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This paper considers in the education of students of legal specialities to information and communication technologies.

How to cite: Baimuldina N.S. Information and communication technologies in education of students of legal specialities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 101.

The peculiarities of forming social-cultural competence of high technical school students

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In the paper the definition of social-cultural competence and its components are given as well as the key professional competences of high technical school students are determined. Some ways and means of forming social-cultural competence are recommended.

How to cite: Vasileva P.A., Lebedeva I.S. The peculiarities of forming social-cultural competence of high technical school students // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 104.

Possibilities and problems of using the internet-resources in scientific work

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Extension of the information space based on global computer networks and information technologies issues a fundamentally new problem in front of the education system – to train specialists able to work with large information arrays in the new medium of informational society. Changing the conditions of professional activity leads to the review of general methodology as well as specific methods and teaching techniques in different areas, both in theory and practice of teaching.

How to cite: Voloshinova I.V. Possibilities and problems of using the internet-resources in scientific work // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 107.

Communicative competence of a specialist service

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Communicative competence an integral part of their professionalism is an essential part of their professional appearance. Communicative competence of the expert is his characteristics, properties and qualities of personality, a set of specialized knowledge and skills that enable to perform professional activities with high quality.

How to cite: Gvazava V.I. Communicative competence of a specialist service // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 111.

Project method – the modern technology of training of students to speech culture

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In this article it is considered modern interpretation of didactic notion of “project method”. The approaches to structure of the given technology are analyzed, the understanding confirmed by practice of teaching in institute of higher education is resulted.

How to cite: Gorobets L.N. Project method – the modern technology of training of students to speech culture // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 115.

Innovative technologies in rhetoric

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The article discusses the rhetoric function that is able to shape a personality and an outlook, and outlines the problem of achievement of effectiveness of rhetoric knowledge that is topical for а technical university. The author suggests using new interactive methods for teaching such courses as Standards of Speech and Rhetoric. One of rhetoric trainings devoted to «Public Speech» is described in detail.

How to cite: Evstyugina A.A. Innovative technologies in rhetoric // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 119.

Methodology of work with the tutorial «We read texts about world religions»

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There is an educational methodological package (EMP), which is created at the department of Russian language of Saint-Petersburg Mechnikov State Medical Academy consisting of two tutorials. The aim of this package is to teach students monological utterance and to train them to be tolerant towards different religions and cultures. Methodology of work with the EMP tutorials is represented in this paper. Students’ knowledge forms of control are being specially attended.

How to cite: Ivanova E.A. Methodology of work with the tutorial «We read texts about world religions» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 123.

Innovations in practice of english languge teaching (to the problem of Nabokov’s bilingual texts studying)

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This paper considers a question about innovative technologies of English language teaching using Nabokov’s bilingual writing as an example. The author suggests the problematic method of teaching which create professional competences a person needs in any his occupation.

How to cite: Kolosova E.S. Innovations in practice of english languge teaching (to the problem of Nabokov’s bilingual texts studying) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 126.

The pecularities of teaching economic disciplines

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This paper considers the peculiarities of teaching economic disciplines in branch (financial, technical, agricultural) Universities.

How to cite: Makasheva E.D. The pecularities of teaching economic disciplines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 129.

Humanities courses at technical universities

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Humanities promote the training in technical colleges qualified specialists with professional skills along with creative thinking, positive outlook, longing for self-education, creativity and self-improvement.

How to cite: Nikonova S.I. Humanities courses at technical universities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 132.

An innovative textbook in the language teaching practice in medical school

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The paper describes the requirements for modern language textbooks and analysis of English textbooks to create innovative language textbooks for medical students.

How to cite: Orlova E.V., Lobanov V.A. An innovative textbook in the language teaching practice in medical school // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 135.

Modern image of a lecturer

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The aim of this article is to analyze the image of hymaniterian teaching of morden high school teachers. The main teaching principles of these teachers are bringing up of new people, applied knowledge, learning by doing, reasonable management of teaching process.

How to cite: Pozina L.T. Modern image of a lecturer // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 139.

Role of pedagogical conditions in the course of preparation of the expert at the higher school

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In given article the essence of concept pedagogical conditions reveals, in the course of training of students in high school their role speaks an example of formation of professional physical readiness of students of the Saint Petersburg mountain university.

How to cite: Rudenko G.V., Panchenko I.A. Role of pedagogical conditions in the course of preparation of the expert at the higher school // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 143.

Discussions and debate as means of perfection of the standard of speech

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M.R.Savovoj's article is devoted disclosing of a role of educational debate and discussions in perfection of the standard of speech of students. M.R.Savova understands the standard of speech as culture of speech activity. The special attention in given article is payed to development of communicatively-speech abilities, first of all abilities to formulate the position, to listen and consider the point of view of partners in dialogue, to build argumentative texts, to convince of the correctness, to observe requirements to correct behavior during dispute and discussion. In article polemic, discussion and debate are analyzed and compared from the point of view of their importance for formation common cultural competence. At this M.R.Savova defines polemic and discussion as dispute versions, and debate as a discussion version that, in its opinion.

How to cite: Savova M.R. Discussions and debate as means of perfection of the standard of speech // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 146.

Subject «The russian language and the speech culture» in the contemporary humanitarian educational area (conceptual fundamentals of textbook writing)

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The given paper is about one of the realization variants of the methodical writing concept of the textbook «The Russian language and the speech culture» for nonphilologist-students. This textbook has been prepared by the teachers of Petersburg State University of Technology and Design.

How to cite: Svidinskaya N.T., Nalimova T.A. Subject «The russian language and the speech culture» in the contemporary humanitarian educational area (conceptual fundamentals of textbook writing) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 150.

Features of quality management of education facility in modern russian higher education

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The article is devoted to quality management problems in higher education sphere. The author develops an integrated approach to understanding and measuring of education process quality. Different approaches to estimation of main directions of quality management of educational services are determined and summarized in the article for providing competitiveness in higher education area in Russia.

How to cite: Sorokin S.I. Features of quality management of education facility in modern russian higher education // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 154.

Efficiency of innovative and traditional forms of teaching through the eyes of students

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Аccording to the survey in the Mining University the paper analyzes student’s attitude towards traditional and the innovative forms teaching process in the study of humanities.

How to cite: Kharchenko L.N. Efficiency of innovative and traditional forms of teaching through the eyes of students // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 159.
The russian literature in modern educational space
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of the motive analysis of a symbolist drama (on the example of the drama by D.Merezhkovsky «Paul The First»)

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The article is devoted to the motive approach to the analysis of a symbolist text. The revealing of the leading motives (an animal, playing, a mask, light, madness) allows to understand not only the laws of the structural organization of a symbolist drama, but also the author's relation to the certain period of Russian history.

How to cite: Glinkina N.A. of the motive analysis of a symbolist drama (on the example of the drama by D.Merezhkovsky «Paul The First») // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 161.
The russian literature in modern educational space
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The Language Representation Of Concept Art «Christianity» In The Novel «Shabby Generation» By N.S.Leskov

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This article gives analysis of language representation of the art concept «Christianity» in the famous novel «Shabby generation» by N.Leskov. The author reviews the lexis of semantic components of this mental complex, compares it with such important categories as «orthodoxy» and «religiosity». The author comes to the conclusion that the semantic of concept art «Christianity» in language awareness of N. Leskov connected with the idea of the search for ideal.

How to cite: Dolinina I.V. The Language Representation Of Concept Art «Christianity» In The Novel «Shabby Generation» By N.S.Leskov // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 165.
The russian literature in modern educational space
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The tobolsk chronicles of the XVIIth century аs regional material in the course оf «Cultural science»

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This article reviews the first chronicles of Siberia («About Siberia and the Siberian capture» (1636) Savvy Yesipov, «History of Siberian» (1680-1690 th ) Simeon Remezov) as regional illustrative materials for the general educational course «science of culture».

How to cite: Evseev V.N. The tobolsk chronicles of the XVIIth century аs regional material in the course оf «Cultural science» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 169.
The russian literature in modern educational space
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Studying of artistic text in practice in russian lessons and lessons of cultural speech (by example of story by I.A. Bunin «Antonovka apples»)

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In this article in example of story by I.A.Bunin «Antonovka apples» peculiarity of analyses of artistic text in technical audience is considered.

How to cite: Zlobin A.A. Studying of artistic text in practice in russian lessons and lessons of cultural speech (by example of story by I.A. Bunin «Antonovka apples») // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 173.
The russian literature in modern educational space
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Rhetorical potential of aphoristic genres (on the example of literary works by L.N.Tolstoy)

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The present article deals with rhetorical potential of the aphoristic genres on the example of the didactic goals achieved by their means in L.N.Tolstoy’s «Reader’s Companion».

How to cite: Karlik N.A. Rhetorical potential of aphoristic genres (on the example of literary works by L.N.Tolstoy) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 175.
The russian literature in modern educational space
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Conceptual space of the paremiological text as a reflection of national culture

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The article is devoted to the conceptual analysis of the space of the paremiological text. This space is an integral part of the semantic space – mental formation, which can find out peculiarity and universals of national culture.

How to cite: Katsyuba L.B., Kalmykova E.L. Conceptual space of the paremiological text as a reflection of national culture // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 179.
The russian literature in modern educational space
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Russian literature in modern process of education

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This paper considers the questions about teaching of Russian literature in school and higher educational establishments according to requirements of state educational standards of a new generation. 

How to cite: Makasheva S.Z. Russian literature in modern process of education // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 183.
The russian literature in modern educational space
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Problem of change of the status of the literature

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Work is devoted consideration of transformation of the status of the literature which in literary criticism (and in the humanities) has already been changing gradually since XVIII-th century thanks to search of implicit senses in culture and in literature. Referential function of the literary work focused on a reality, fades into the background, and on the first there is the poetic function directed on the message itself.

How to cite: Naumenko N.V. Problem of change of the status of the literature // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 186.
The russian literature in modern educational space
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Science and literature (on the base of Oldous Huxley anti-utopias and Zigmund Freid psychoanalysis)

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The article is dedicated to both examination of the scientific content of the art texts which were written by Oldous Huxley and study of art content of the scientific texts which were written by Austrian psychotherapist Zigmund Freid. 

How to cite: Pukshanskii B.Y. Science and literature (on the base of Oldous Huxley anti-utopias and Zigmund Freid psychoanalysis) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 189.
The russian literature in modern educational space
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Problem of study of artistic text аt rhetorical perspective

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This article is devoted to the problem of rhetoric analysis of artistic text, for example a poem N. Minsky, «Critic and poet». The composition of some artistic texts overlaps with the constructions of oratory speeches, but the rules of rhetoric is not possible to determine the elements that enhance the emotional impact of a literary text. Thus, the rhetorical features of a literary text can not be investigated without researching it shaped structure.

How to cite: Rusanova N.V. Problem of study of artistic text аt rhetorical perspective // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 192.
The russian literature in modern educational space
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Semiotics protagonist in modern prose

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The article analyzes some of the works of contemporary writers from Russia, Italy, Canada, Norway, England and Germany. We consider the situation of the main characters of these works. Applied semiotic method. Revealed the mechanisms and strategies of the protagonists of modern prose. The conclusion is made that the struggle between two trends (psychedelic and absurdity) in contemporary literature and illusory as the superior quality of its protagonists, is being occurred.

How to cite: Rybchak A.V. Semiotics protagonist in modern prose // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 195.
The russian literature in modern educational space
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Cento is special model of paroemia contamination (functions and particular qualities)

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The paper involved deals with a «sort of literary games» as cento included in the broader linguistic concept «contamination». Its functions and features have been reviewed on the basis of advertising Baltika beer in the form of centon.

How to cite: Travina L.E. Cento is special model of paroemia contamination (functions and particular qualities) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 198.
The russian literature in modern educational space
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Polyfunctionality of the title of the story«Crude mother soil» («Mat' syra – zemlya») by B.Pilnyak

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The article is devoted to the semantic research of the title of the storiy by Boris Pilnyak «Crude Mother Soil». The mythoepic meaning and polyfunctionality of the title of the story are of primary scientific interest for the author of the article.

How to cite: Fedorova T.N. Polyfunctionality of the title of the story«Crude mother soil» («Mat’ syra – zemlya») by B.Pilnyak // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 201.
The russian literature in modern educational space
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Spiritual concept in the areligious space: about some peculiarities of the conceptual structure of the I.Adamatsky narrative «The comforter»

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The article is devoted to the analysis of the conceptual structure of the I.Adamatsky anti-utopian narrative «The Comforter». The author analyses the fiction concept «consolation», that was placed to the unusual for it areligious space, in comparison with the common spiritual language concept.

How to cite: Shishkov M.S. Spiritual concept in the areligious space: about some peculiarities of the conceptual structure of the I.Adamatsky narrative «The comforter» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 205.
Traditional and new in the practice of teaching of the russian language as a foreign one
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Usage of artistic and journalistic texts for forming of speech competence of foreign stu-dents

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This article is devoted to the linguistic research of the artistic and journalistic texts to improve efficiency of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The article deals with the grammatical and stylistic facilities of the adjectives and their functions in the texts.

How to cite: Avlova T.B., Marusenko N.M. Usage of artistic and journalistic texts for forming of speech competence of foreign stu-dents // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 208.
Traditional and new in the practice of teaching of the russian language as a foreign one
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Using on-line technology at lessons of russian as a foreign language

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The article is devoted to research of using on-line technology at lessons of Russian as a foreign language effectiveness. While learning Russian as a foreign language it is necessary to understand the place of modern technologies in teaching foreign languages and what is their relevance for the students. Today, typical students are labeled generation Y or Millennial. Their lives, the way they learn, and the ways they communicate are shaped by the world they live in. One difference between present and previous generations is the amount of time they spend on-line. That is on-line technology is an instrument of communication and transmission of required information, the study of which helps to develop the certain skills in the process of learning Russian as foreign language. Nowadays there are many collections of the web-resources for studying Russian language as a foreign for beginners and advanced. 

How to cite: Artemeva Y.V. Using on-line technology at lessons of russian as a foreign language // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 212.
Traditional and new in the practice of teaching of the russian language as a foreign one
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Innovative methods of teaching of russian verb grammar to non-philologist foreign students

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The article shows innovative methods which help foreign students to master the most difficult and communication-significant grammar forms – verb forms. These methods, topical for Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language are a basis for a new five-model verb systematization, which is represented in a new textbook – «Verb Exercise Book».

How to cite: Volkova O.N., Kiseleva A.I. Innovative methods of teaching of russian verb grammar to non-philologist foreign students // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 214.
Traditional and new in the practice of teaching of the russian language as a foreign one
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What and how to include theoretical explanations of grammatical material in manuals on russian as foreign for students?

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In the article the problem of necessity of inclusion in manuals on Russian as foreign language theoretical explanations of a grammatical material is considered, the expediency of this inclusion is marked, and also ways of presentation of a grammatical material are analyzed.

How to cite: Girfanova E.M. What and how to include theoretical explanations of grammatical material in manuals on russian as foreign for students? // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 218.
Traditional and new in the practice of teaching of the russian language as a foreign one
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Sistem-wide catecories of symmetry and asymmetry in study of language

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The article discusses the application of one of the options of the general systems theory in study of language. Linguistic facts are considered from the standpoint of fundamental system-wide categories of symmetry and asymmetry, which constitute a dialectical unity.

How to cite: Glinka E.V. Sistem-wide catecories of symmetry and asymmetry in study of language // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 222.
Traditional and new in the practice of teaching of the russian language as a foreign one
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On principles of creating a textbook for teaching foreigners auding

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The paper briefly describes the most important principles of creating a textbook for teaching auding as seen by the author: using authentic audio texts, systematic teaching process and no written support. These ideas are demonstrated in author’s published textbooks.

How to cite: Gonchar I.A. On principles of creating a textbook for teaching foreigners auding // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 226.
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Russian as an unnative language and its theoretical basis

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In the article principles of teaching Russian as an unnative language are viewed, taking into account the achievements of study Russian as unnative and a foreign language. The new description of the Russian language is postulated - an integrative, which can be used as the basis for methods of teaching Russian as an unnative language at an early stage of learning in secondary school.

How to cite: Kirov E.F. Russian as an unnative language and its theoretical basis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 229.
Traditional and new in the practice of teaching of the russian language as a foreign one
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Formation of rhetorical culture of students: traditions and innovations in practice of teaching of russian as foreign

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Actual ways of formation of rhetorical culture of students-foreigners are considered in article.

How to cite: Kolesnikova L.N. Formation of rhetorical culture of students: traditions and innovations in practice of teaching of russian as foreign // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 234.
Traditional and new in the practice of teaching of the russian language as a foreign one
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Linguo-cognitive parameters of lexem semantization

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The article is devoted to one of the actual problems of vocabulary teaching – to the problem of lexeme semantization. It is proposed to supplement the common classification of lexeme semantization methods in consideration of the modern researches in sphere of the cognitive and psycholinguistics. At the moment there are no more than 10 common semantization methods. Their modifications may be increased up to 45 variants. It can help to form an individual knowledge of a foreign student that will correlate with knowledge of a native speaker.

How to cite: Lazareva O.A. Linguo-cognitive parameters of lexem semantization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 236.
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Dependence of typological and communicative meaning of the sentence from the type оf the predicate

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The summary: in the article dependence between the sentence and the personal - time form of a predicate is traced on a lexical material of the English and Russian of languages, examples of both rigid dependence in some cases, and insignificant influence of a predicate on the typology of the sentence have been presented.

How to cite: Lebedik V.N. Dependence of typological and communicative meaning of the sentence from the type оf the predicate // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 240.
Traditional and new in the practice of teaching of the russian language as a foreign one
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Impersonal sentences in the aspect of teaching the Russian language as a foreign one

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The paper briefly describes the most widely spread types of impersonal sentences, different variants of given language unit in a groove of academic grammar and in the aspect of teaching impersonal sentences at the classes of the Russian language as a foreign one are being described. An attempt to correlate indicated type of sentences on the material of Russian and English forms is done.

How to cite: Maltsev I.V. Impersonal sentences in the aspect of teaching the Russian language as a foreign one // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 243.
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About the role of knowledge in the speech activity and in the language teaching process

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The article deals with the main types of knowledge, necessary for the realization of process of speech activity and the question about the necessity of its formation in the language teaching process.

How to cite: Moskovkin L.V. About the role of knowledge in the speech activity and in the language teaching process // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 246.
Traditional and new in the practice of teaching of the russian language as a foreign one
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Types of semantic connectivity of remarks in public dialogue

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The article dwells in types of semantic link of remarks-stimulus and remarks-reactions in the minimum dialogical units. The given theme is considered in connection with a problem of forecasting of expansion of public dialogue at perception its listener/spectator.

How to cite: Popova T.I. Types of semantic connectivity of remarks in public dialogue // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 249.
Traditional and new in the practice of teaching of the russian language as a foreign one
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Representation of the realities of sovet-era in the national corpus of russian language as a criterion for selection of educational material

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The article considers the possibility of using data of the National Corps of Russian language for selecting study material, necessary for the emergence of cultural competence of foreign students. 

How to cite: Rykova E.B. Representation of the realities of sovet-era in the national corpus of russian language as a criterion for selection of educational material // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 253.
Traditional and new in the practice of teaching of the russian language as a foreign one
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The development of speech culture of foreign students on the basis of dating with the works of russian art

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The article is devoted to the development of Russian inofonov oral cultures on the basis of acquaintance with the works of art. It presents an analysis of methods of work with pictures in a foreign audience.

How to cite: Strelchuk E.N. The development of speech culture of foreign students on the basis of dating with the works of russian art // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 256.
Traditional and new in the practice of teaching of the russian language as a foreign one
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On a nation component in teaching humanities

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The article focuses on the issue of introducing a national component in the process of teaching the humanities. It provides an example outline of topics on the history of certain diasporas within the framework of the course in Russian history.

How to cite: Shaidurov V.N. On a nation component in teaching humanities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 260.
Sociocultural tendences of the modernity
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The role of the reader in revision of the classic's status

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This article represents the analysis of contemporary cultural and social situations from the point of view of the relations between the reader and the author based on the example of the Russian literary process phenomena.

How to cite: Boeva G.N. The role of the reader in revision of the classic’s status // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 262.
Sociocultural tendences of the modernity
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The modular text in the semiotic aspect

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This article describes the nature of the modular text as sign combination and sign as a whole in the aspect of already existing sign theory by Ferdinand de Saussure, Charles S. Peirce, Roman Jakobson.

How to cite: Bykova E.V. The modular text in the semiotic aspect // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 265.
Sociocultural tendences of the modernity
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The modular text in the semiotic aspect

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This article describes the nature of the modular text as sign combination and sign as a whole in the aspect of already existing sign theory by Ferdinand de Saussure, Charles S. Peirce, Roman Jakobson.

How to cite: Bykova E.V. The modular text in the semiotic aspect // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 265.
Sociocultural tendences of the modernity
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To anthropological model of the twenty first century

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The author proposes the conceptual analysis of «energy anthropology» and the perspective for it to be accepted in a new European philosophical discourse in general and in Russian culture in particular.

How to cite: Voronov A.I. To anthropological model of the twenty first century // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 268.
Sociocultural tendences of the modernity
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Development of the official legal periodical press in Russia

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In the article on an example of «Magazine of the Ministry of Justice» development in Russia the official legal periodical press is considered. The great attention is given to the maintenance and the structure of the periodical, its role in distribution of legal knowledge is defined.

How to cite: Gorobets A.F. Development of the official legal periodical press in Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 271.
Sociocultural tendences of the modernity
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Sociocultural policy in modern Russia

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The problem of sociocultural policy in Russia in the period after Soviet time is discussed in this article.

How to cite: Zhokhova L.A. Sociocultural policy in modern Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 274.
Sociocultural tendences of the modernity
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About the social phenomenon «information culture»

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The article presents analysis of processes of interaction between social information and intellectual culture, leading to genesis of new social phenomena – information culture, the level of which mainly determines the quality of social being and public conscience in contemporary conditions.

How to cite: Kirichek P.N. About the social phenomenon «information culture» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 277.
Sociocultural tendences of the modernity
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Post-soviet «Meta-science»

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The paper is an opinion about the theoretical state of post-Soviet philosophy which is described as a kind of metaphysics that avoids any discussion of its principles and often claims to be the meta-science.

How to cite: Mikeshin M.I. Post-soviet «Meta-science» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 281.
Sociocultural tendences of the modernity
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Apology of the gastronomy: rhetoric and aesthetics of pleasure

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The article explores social and cultural context of historical development of the theory of gastronomy and the practices of gourmet cuisine. This process is interpreted as an effect of the cultural ideology based upon humanistic rhetoric, ideals of progress and aesthetic transformation of pleasure experience.

How to cite: Rassadina S.A. Apology of the gastronomy: rhetoric and aesthetics of pleasure // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 284.
Sociocultural tendences of the modernity
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Information and intellест as the strategic souses of the modern society

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The information and intellect are considered as strategic souses of the modern society. It connects with the essential transformation of all its spheres, with the processes of the globalization. The information and intellect are the foundation of the modern strategic thinking for the forecasts and planning of the social activity.

How to cite: Rebeshchenkova I.G. Information and intellест as the strategic souses of the modern society // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 287.
Sociocultural tendences of the modernity
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Compliment as a form of speech etiquette

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The article deals with compliment as a form of speech etiquette, types of compliment according to the style and logical semanticist structure. Special attention is paid by the authors to the description of different types of communicative tasks during practical class «Compliment in our life».

How to cite: Titova Z.N., Orlova E.V., Za D.N. Compliment as a form of speech etiquette // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 290.
Sociocultural tendences of the modernity
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Scope/scale as a cultural phenomenon (а pragmatic aspect of semantics)

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Russian word масштаб combines two meanings: scale and scope. The scope may be viewed as an instrument of metaphoric comprehension, related to the notion of cultural landscape. The reader’s/spectator’s position plays a key role in the metaphoric way of understanding.

How to cite: Shifrin B.F. Scope/scale as a cultural phenomenon (а pragmatic aspect of semantics) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 293.
Professionally oriented rhetoric: theory – practice – methodology of teaching (round table materials)
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Notes about «Russian grammar». To the 300 anniversary of M.V.Lomonosov (1711-1765)

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The article deals with description of Russian language in «Russian Grammar» by M.V.Lomonosov, which was constructed on intuitive principles of functional linguistics and grammar modeling, considerably determined the ways of philological theory and practice in Russia.

How to cite: Sidorenko K.P. Notes about «Russian grammar». To the 300 anniversary of M.V.Lomonosov (1711-1765) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 296.
Professionally oriented rhetoric: theory – practice – methodology of teaching (round table materials)
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Artistic and rhetoric: unity of creative laws

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Both a speech maker and an actor use their voice and body as an instrument of their own. As any other professional a speech maker has to master managing this tool, which would help to meet his creative goals. An artistic technique develops an imaginative nature of man. In this respect the language of art implies an ability. Knowledge and ability are taught through Stanislavskiy’s artistic method .

How to cite: Marchenko O.I. Artistic and rhetoric: unity of creative laws // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 300.
Professionally oriented rhetoric: theory – practice – methodology of teaching (round table materials)
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To the 100 anniversary from the date of R.E.Soloveychik's birth

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In article the biography of the first managing chair of calculus mathematics of the Leningrad mining institute which has brought the considerable contribution to development of technical education is given.

How to cite: Prudinskii G.A. To the 100 anniversary from the date of R.E.Soloveychik’s birth // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 304.
Professionally oriented rhetoric: theory – practice – methodology of teaching (round table materials)
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Cooperative game theory applied to public-private partnership analysis

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Basic terms and laws of game theory are interpreted in application to public-private partnership project analysis. Public-private partnership gives enormous opportunities for project realization of social and public importance. The main object under consideration is cooperation between public companies and ones of private sector. Implementation of cooperative game theory to the problem of risks and profit allocation is shown.

How to cite: Dmitrikova A.P. Cooperative game theory applied to public-private partnership analysis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 307.
Professionally oriented rhetoric: theory – practice – methodology of teaching (round table materials)
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Risk management of projects development deposits of Кamennomysskaya group on the basis of real option

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Identified specific risks that have the greatest impact on the project of development of deposits Kamennomysskoy group. Determined the damage will be inflicted company, inappropriate risk management across the enterprise. Proposed the methods of risk management based on real options.

How to cite: Kruk M.N., Cherepovitsyn A.E. Risk management of projects development deposits of Кamennomysskaya group on the basis of real option // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 310.
Professionally oriented rhetoric: theory – practice – methodology of teaching (round table materials)
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Efficiency of application of low-waste and technologies without waste at complex use of raw materials

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In the given work efficiency of application of low-waste and technologies without waste is considered at a complexon use raw materials apatite-nefelinovogo and as problems which will allow to solve the given innovative technologies.

How to cite: Noskov V.A. Efficiency of application of low-waste and technologies without waste at complex use of raw materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 313.
Professionally oriented rhetoric: theory – practice – methodology of teaching (round table materials)
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Ways to improve subsoil management system oil and gas complex

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The article discusses the state regulation of subsoil use in Russia. The basic problems associated with the search, exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon deposits, which are not legally regulated. The classification of marginal oil and gas fields is developed, and suggested ways to improve the issues of state regulation of development of these deposits.

How to cite: Osovskii V.A. Ways to improve subsoil management system oil and gas complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 315.
Professionally oriented rhetoric: theory – practice – methodology of teaching (round table materials)
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Dynamic calculation of pipelines on seismic loads

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The approach is considered according to seismic stability of pipelines at conducting explosive works borehole charges or at influence of natural earthquake. In this paper independence of fluctuations of support of the pipeline is considered also.

How to cite: Gospodarikov A.P., Gorokhov N.L. Dynamic calculation of pipelines on seismic loads // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 318.
Professionally oriented rhetoric: theory – practice – methodology of teaching (round table materials)
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Methods of solution of some problems arising during development of internet-conferencing systems

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Some problems which arise during development of Internet-conferencing systems are considered. Methods of their solution which has been developed for SAVii system are described.

How to cite: Makhovikov A.B., Stolyarov K.V., Strelnikova A.V., Chernov M.A. Methods of solution of some problems arising during development of internet-conferencing systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 321.
Professionally oriented rhetoric: theory – practice – methodology of teaching (round table materials)
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Influence of discretely distributed charge оn electric adhesion

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The appearance of great pulling electric fields at anodic bonding process with a conductor surface to dielectric turns out to be possible due to the interlayer polarization developing in dielectric under the action of electric voltage. This results in a negative charge accumulation in a layer of small thickness beside anode. Thus applied electric voltage is distributed not through the whole thickness of a dielectric, but in fact is applied to a narrow area of the three-dimensional charge beside anode. Arising strong electric fields force the connected materials to unite. The physical and mathematical models for force characteristics of non-uniform electric field are developed. Research of a charge intermittence influence on intensity of an electrostatic field has shown a considerable differences on small distances to the charged surface between carried out and traditional ways of calculation. 

How to cite: Pshchelko N.S. Influence of discretely distributed charge оn electric adhesion // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 326.