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Vol 193
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Methodology of work with the tutorial «We read texts about world religions»

E. A. Ivanova
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  • Saint Petersburg Mechnikov State Medical Academy
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There is an educational methodological package (EMP), which is created at the department of Russian language of Saint-Petersburg Mechnikov State Medical Academy consisting of two tutorials. The aim of this package is to teach students monological utterance and to train them to be tolerant towards different religions and cultures. Methodology of work with the EMP tutorials is represented in this paper. Students’ knowledge forms of control are being specially attended.

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  1. Иванова Е.А. Мировые религии и сокровища культуры: Учеб. пособие для преподавателей: В 2-х частях / СПГМА им. И.И.Мечникова. СПб., 2010.
  2. Иванова Е.А. Читаем тексты о мировых религиях: Пособие по развитию монологической речи для студентов ближнего зарубежья. – в печати.
  3. Мечковская Н.Б. Язык и религия: Пособие для студентов гуманитарных вузов. М., 1998.

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