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Yu. V. Artemeva
Yu. V. Artemeva
Moscow State Open University
Moscow State Open University


Traditional and new in the practice of teaching of the russian language as a foreign one
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Using on-line technology at lessons of russian as a foreign language

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The article is devoted to research of using on-line technology at lessons of Russian as a foreign language effectiveness. While learning Russian as a foreign language it is necessary to understand the place of modern technologies in teaching foreign languages and what is their relevance for the students. Today, typical students are labeled generation Y or Millennial. Their lives, the way they learn, and the ways they communicate are shaped by the world they live in. One difference between present and previous generations is the amount of time they spend on-line. That is on-line technology is an instrument of communication and transmission of required information, the study of which helps to develop the certain skills in the process of learning Russian as foreign language. Nowadays there are many collections of the web-resources for studying Russian language as a foreign for beginners and advanced. 

How to cite: Artemeva Y.V. Using on-line technology at lessons of russian as a foreign language // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 193. p. 212.