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Vol 193
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Compliment as a form of speech etiquette

Zh. N. Titova1
E. V. Orlova2
D. N. Za3
About authors
  • 1 — Ivanovo State Medical Academy
  • 2 — Ivanovo State Medical Academy
  • 3 — Ivanovo State Medical Academy
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The article deals with compliment as a form of speech etiquette, types of compliment according to the style and logical semanticist structure. Special attention is paid by the authors to the description of different types of communicative tasks during practical class «Compliment in our life».

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  4. Орлова Е.В. Русский язык и культура речи для медицинских вузов. Ростов-на-Дону, 2011.
  5. Романова Н.Н. Словарь. Культура речевого общения: этика, прагматика, психология / Н.Н.Романова, А.В.Филиппов. М., 2009.
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