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Vol 193
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of the motive analysis of a symbolist drama (on the example of the drama by D.Merezhkovsky «Paul The First»)

N. A. Glinkina
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  • Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University
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The article is devoted to the motive approach to the analysis of a symbolist text. The revealing of the leading motives (an animal, playing, a mask, light, madness) allows to understand not only the laws of the structural organization of a symbolist drama, but also the author's relation to the certain period of Russian history.

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  1. Бойчук А.Г. Дмитрий Мережковский // Русская литература рубежа веков (1890 – начало 1920-х гг.). Кн.1. М., 2001.
  2. Гаспаров Б.М. Литературные лейтмотивы: Очерки русской литературы 20 века. М., 1994.
  3. Мережковский Д.С. Павел Первый // Д.С.Мережковский. Собрание сочинений: В 4 т. Т.3. М., 1990.

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