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Vol 149

Vol 148 No 2
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From Editorial Board

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June 2002 marks the 10th anniversary of the UN Conference in Rio de Janeiro, which defined the principles of a coordinated policy for sustainable development of the world community and preservation of the Earth's ecosystems. In the anniversary year, the UN is planning a broad discussion of the implementation of this policy by the world community. Intensive anthropogenic change of the biosphere has reached a catastrophic level by our time. It really threatens not only the well-being but also the very existence of mankind. This determines the primary, vital necessity of solving the problems of environmental protection and restoration, rational nature management.

How to cite: Board E. From Editorial Board // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 8-8.
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The role of subprogram "Ecology and environmental management" in the system of foreground research of the higher school

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In 2000, numerous applied programs of scientific research carried out by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation were united into one super-program "Scientific Research of Higher School in Priority Directions of Science and Technology". A new Regulation on the formation of the program was adopted and the scheme of scientific activity management was significantly changed. At present the program consists of 11 subprograms: "Production Technologies", "New Materials", "Chemistry and Chemical Products", "Technologies of Living Systems", "Transportation", "Fuel and Energy", "Ecology and Environmental Management", "Electronics", "Innovations", "Quality", "Architecture and Construction". This list of subprograms almost explicitly includes nine areas from the list of research and development activities, the financing of which at the expense of a portion of profit is taken into account for taxation.

How to cite: Kachak V.V., Sharovar I.I. The role of subprogram "Ecology and environmental management" in the system of foreground research of the higher school // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 9-13.
Safety problems of radiation, electromagnetic and other dangerous influence on people
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New X-ray protective materials based on ultradisperse systems

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Existing theory and practice use the classical law of exponential attenuation of X-ray radiation (XRD) during its passage in matter (Bouguer's law). However, as a result of exploratory experimental studies it was found that in materials containing small particles of metallic ultradispersed powders (UDP) of certain concentrations, there are significant deviations from the Bouguer law (up to 40-60% of the classical RI absorption curve). On the discovered phenomenon of anomalous RI absorption by materials containing UDP, in April 1994, a diploma on the discovery was received.

How to cite: Alekhin V.P., Artemev V.A. New X-ray protective materials based on ultradisperse systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 14-15.
Safety problems of radiation, electromagnetic and other dangerous influence on people
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Development of production technology for manufacturing sorbents and filters based on sorbents for radiochemical analysis and purification of drinking water and wastewater from radionuclides

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Technologies for the fabrication of thin-layer inorganic sorbents (TANS) based on different carriers, including carriers of natural origin, have been developed. Physico-chemical and sorption properties of the obtained materials under static, kinetic and dynamic conditions were studied, the possibilities of their use in the methods of radiochemical analysis and natural water purification were considered.

How to cite: Betenkov N.D., Voronina A.V., Kutergin A.S., Nedobukh T.A., Gileva Y.E. Development of production technology for manufacturing sorbents and filters based on sorbents for radiochemical analysis and purification of drinking water and wastewater from radionuclides // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 16-18.
Safety problems of radiation, electromagnetic and other dangerous influence on people
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Effect of radon fields on the concentration of ions in the air and electrical conductivity of rocks

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As a result of performed synchronous measurements of radon volumetric activity, concentration and subviscosity of aeroions, optimum levels of radon concentrations for radonotherapy have been revealed, it has been established that increase of radon volumetric activity leads to generation of aeroions above the maximum permissible concentration, i.e. aggravation of pathogenic action of radon by exposure of aeroions. The studies have shown that certain volumetric activity of radon in the subsoil air leads to changes in electrical conductivity of rocks and the surface layer of the atmosphere, resulting in variations of electromagnetic field and atmospheric electricity spatially confined to radon anomalies, which are 3-5 times higher than the background values and change the informational effect of electromagnetic fields on human beings.

How to cite: Bondarenko V.M., Demin N.V. Effect of radon fields on the concentration of ions in the air and electrical conductivity of rocks // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 18-21.
Safety problems of radiation, electromagnetic and other dangerous influence on people
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Development of methods and means of remote radar control of radioactive emissions into the atmosphere

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This paper outlines the results of research on radar detection of man-made formations in the lower atmospheric layer at large distances. A generalized mathematical model of the scattering of electromagnetic waves (radar cross section - RCS) of the leakage from the chimney of a nuclear power plant was developed. The calculated functions of RCS from the radar wavelength showed that the RCS values for accidental leakage are not so large, which creates difficulties in radar detection. The problem of detecting and recognizing the type of leakage has a solution when using a network of multi-position multi-band radars.

How to cite: Veremev V.I., Gorbunov I.G., Kalenichenko S.P., Konovalov A.A. Development of methods and means of remote radar control of radioactive emissions into the atmosphere // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 21-24.
Safety problems of radiation, electromagnetic and other dangerous influence on people
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Decontamination of industrial effluents of chemical plants from organochlorine compounds using sound chemistry

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The object of research is industrial effluents of chemical enterprises containing organochlorine compounds; the aim of the research is to develop a scientific basis and method of neutralization of highly toxic organochlorine compounds in the effluents of chemical enterprises, the impact of ultrasound. Sonolysis of H 2 O, H 2 O 2 , CCI 4 , etc. in a liquid-phase medium produces radical particles of H, OH, CI, CCI 3 , etc., which initiate oxidation reactions of chloroaromatic substances - lignin fragments (oligomers. smoke, phenols and other compounds) contained in industrial effluents to carbonic and hydroxycarboxylic acids with transition of elimination chlorine into solution as chloride-anion. Wastewater from bleaching facilities of pulp companies, and effluents from pyrolysis plants containing organochlorine compounds after treatment in an industrial generator of ultrasound at a frequency of 20-22 kHz and up to 400 kHz for 10-15 minutes become suitable for further processing at the stage of biological treatment. After treatment in the field of ultrasonic vibrations at the stage of biological treatment wastewater can be returned to a closed cycle of water use in this production.

How to cite: Kiprianov A.I., Vikulin A.V., Pranovich A.V. Decontamination of industrial effluents of chemical plants from organochlorine compounds using sound chemistry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 24-26.
Safety problems of radiation, electromagnetic and other dangerous influence on people
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Conceptual framework of the Center for Open Engineering Education "Radiation Safety of the Population of the Russian Federation"

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The main characteristics of radiation exposure of the RF population from natural and technogenic sources are considered. The main components of radiation sources are considered. The necessity of establishing the Center for Open Engineering Education "Radiation Safety of the Population of the Russian Federation" is shown. The tasks and main directions of the center's activity are formulated.

How to cite: Koroteev A.A., Koroteev D.A. Conceptual framework of the Center for Open Engineering Education "Radiation Safety of the Population of the Russian Federation" // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 27-29.
Safety problems of radiation, electromagnetic and other dangerous influence on people
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Analysis of radiation risks for the population in the impact zone of the nuclear complex enterprises of the Urals region

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It is shown that the optimal parameters for comparing the consequences of exposure of the population to different radiation sources are the expected frequency of radiation-induced cancer morbidity (radiation risk), as well as the loss of life expectancy. A methodology has been developed for a comprehensive assessment of both these parameters for the main sources of radiation impact on the population - radon and its daughter products, medical diagnostic X-ray procedures, consequences of radiation accidents in industry using any multiplicative and additive models of radiation risk extrapolation.

How to cite: Kruzhalov A.V., Zhukovskii M.V., Pavlyuk A.V. Analysis of radiation risks for the population in the impact zone of the nuclear complex enterprises of the Urals region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 30-34.
Safety problems of radiation, electromagnetic and other dangerous influence on people
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Evaluation of the electromagnetic environment in the city of Yekaterinburg

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The technique of estimating the intensity of the total impact of several simultaneously operating sources of electromagnetic radiation is proposed. The characteristics of antenna systems and peculiarities of radio wave propagation in rugged terrain are taken into account. A program for calculating the field strength has been developed, which allows visualizing the areas unfavorable from the point of view of the impact on the health of the population, for optimal planning of the location of radiation sources. At the first stage of research the most powerful sources of radio radiation - television and radio broadcasting stations - were taken into account.

How to cite: Panchenko B.A., Knyazev S.T., Shabunin S.N. Evaluation of the electromagnetic environment in the city of Yekaterinburg // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 34-37.
Safety problems of radiation, electromagnetic and other dangerous influence on people
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Development of physico-chemical bases and pilot technology for decontamination of soils from contamination by cesium and strontium radionuclides

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It is experimentally proved that adsorption of Fe(3+) and Sr(2+) cations on Cambrian clay is described by the Langmuir isotherm. The adsorption limit is 0.026 and 0.034 mol/kg, respectively, and the capacity of the clay is 73±5 mEq/kg. The landing sites of cations are 38.0 and 28.6 Å 2 , respectively, and the radii of hydrated cations are 348 and 302 pm. The latter value agrees with the Stokes radius of 309 pm. The Langmuir constants are 731 and 294, respectively, and the distribution coefficients between the solid and liquid phases at rn = 3.0+3.5 are 27±4 and 10±1.8. The ion exchange constant for the reaction ½ Sr 2+ (s) + 1/3 Fe 3+ (aq) ↔ ½ Sr 2+ (aq) + 1/3 Fe 3+ (s) is 0.95. Based on the data obtained, it is feasible to clean the pounds from strontium-90 contamination by washing with a Fe(3+) salt solution. Field tests in the 5th quarter of Vasilievsky Island of St. Petersburg confirmed the conclusion. The initial specific radioactivity of the pound reached up to 1.07 10 -4 Ci/kg. At heap leaching the purification degree of 60% was obtained, in conditions of convective leaching 90%. A formula for calculating the conditions for obtaining a given degree of purification is proposed.

How to cite: Chirkst D.E., Litvinova T.E., Cheremisina O.V., Streletskaya M.I., Ivanova M.V., Mironenkova N.A. Development of physico-chemical bases and pilot technology for decontamination of soils from contamination by cesium and strontium radionuclides // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 37-40.
Environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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System of emergency forecasting based on integrated impact assessment and dynamic models

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The paper is focused on the issues of combining different types of data and the results of modeling to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the state of objects of the ecological system and forecasting the development of the situation. On the basis of the metrological analysis of the main types of data the method of construction of the fixed assessment space is proposed, providing the formation of complex and comprehensive assessments on the basis of the organization of stratified projects and geographic information systems technology.

How to cite: Alekseev V.V., Komarov B.G., Korolev P.G., Kurakina N.I. System of emergency forecasting based on integrated impact assessment and dynamic models // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 41-43.
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Development of scientific basis for biogeochemical assessment of coastal aquatic landscapes and initiation of biogeochemical monitoring of Tsemesskaya Bay

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An environmental-geochemical study was carried out for the landscapes of the Black Sea coast, dividing the territories into regions according to the nature and degree of technogenic impact. A map of geochemical landscapes of Tsemesskaya Bay was drawn up. For the purpose of their biogeochemical assessment, some species of laurel, kelp and green algae growing in the coastal zone were analyzed to determine the concentrations of 20 chemical elements in their ashes. Some elements (Pb, Mn, Cu, Co) characterized by predominant accumulation in cystosira with significant general pollution of coastal areas of the bay were identified. In 1999 there is a slight decrease in the concentrations of some elements in the ash of the studied algae compared to the previous year. In 2000, some increase of element concentrations in ashes of the observed algae was observed.

How to cite: Alekseenko V.A., Alekseenko L.P., Suvorinov A.V., Eletskii B.D. Development of scientific basis for biogeochemical assessment of coastal aquatic landscapes and initiation of biogeochemical monitoring of Tsemesskaya Bay // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 43-46.
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Technology of photochemical purification of gas emissions

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The processes of hydrocarbon oxidation in a gas medium with a catalyst have been studied. Specific properties of heat and mass transfer of swirling flow of optically active medium consisting of hydrocarbon low-concentration components and air bilaterally irradiated with IR light are shown. Experimental results show that this method of gas purification has high technological and economic efficiency. The design of a new highly efficient multi-tube unit for oxidation of hydrocarbon low-concentration components, developed in accordance with the latest achievements of technology, which can be used in various industries, is proposed.

How to cite: Artamonov N.A., Kachak V.V. Technology of photochemical purification of gas emissions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 46-48.
Environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Creation of complexes of software and algorithmic tools for analyzing and forecasting the state of the environment

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The purpose of this study is to create a program-analytical complex that allows to forecast the state of the environment taking into account all climatic and landscape factors. The complex includes a simulator, which assumes binding to certain technogenic territories, and a database of modern disasters of natural and anthropogenic origin. In the course of the work, the theory of atmospheric propagation in the course of approximation of the real environment was further developed. A software system for accurate development of the problem of translation and densification of impurity taking into account the inhomogeneity of atmospheric characteristics by height and characteristics of the underlying surface was developed. Several blocks of the mathematical simulation model of pollutant behavior disclosed taking into account the peculiarities of the geographical location of the territory and the complex of information support of the model are developed.

How to cite: Babeshko V.A., Babeshko O.M., Zaretskaya M.V., Evdokimova O.S., Evdokimov M.S. Creation of complexes of software and algorithmic tools for analyzing and forecasting the state of the environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 49-51.
Environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Remote laser method of oil product film thickness measurement on agitated sea surface

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The paper describes a method of remote control of oil film thickness on rough sea surface using a laser with tunable wavelength. It is shown that the use of an algorithm for smoothing measurement data allows to accurately restore the thickness of oil films on the sea surface.

How to cite: Bakhtinov N.A., Belov M.L., Berezin S.V., Gorodnichev V.A., Kozintsev V.I. Remote laser method of oil product film thickness measurement on agitated sea surface // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 51-53.
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Dual-beam remote laser method of oil pollution detection on the sea surface

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This paper considers a laser method of controlling oil contamination on the sea surface based on probing the sea surface with two optical beams - vertically downward and at an angle along the line of travel. It is shown that the use of the two-beam sensing method allows to detect oil contamination on the sea surface with high reliability and to distinguish it from areas with smooth irregularities of the sea surface and areas with high reflection coefficient.

How to cite: Belov M.L., Gorodnichev V.A., Kozintsev V.I., Strelkov B.V. Dual-beam remote laser method of oil pollution detection on the sea surface // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 53-55.
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Selection of spectral measurement channels for the control of multicomponent gas pollutants in the atmosphere

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This paper describes the selection of analytical wavelengths for a laser gas analyzer designed to monitor atmospheric pollution. It is shown that the developed method qualitatively takes into account all the main factors affecting the operation of the gas analyzer and is preferable in terms of efficiency.

How to cite: Belov M.L., Gorodnichev V.A., Kozintsev V.I., Fedotov Y.V. Selection of spectral measurement channels for the control of multicomponent gas pollutants in the atmosphere // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 56-58.
Environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Aspiration chamber with blown nets for the aeroion counter

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The article focuses on the study of a measuring aspiration chamber with blowing grids for a light aeroion counter. To improve the reliability of the chamber it is proposed to perform it in the form of a flat electrode lens. Its mathematical model is proposed. The calculations of the electric field strength of the lens and the study of trajectories of aeroions movement in its working volume allowed to establish the necessary constructive dimensions of electrodes and to obtain the dependences allowing to choose the mode parameters of the aspiration chamber according to the given limiting mobility of aeroions.

How to cite: Ganeev F.A., Makoveev V.M., Khaibulova L.I., Soldatkin S.V. Aspiration chamber with blown nets for the aeroion counter // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 58-61.
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Theoretical model for quantitative assessment of ecosystem dynamics using time series of remotely sensed satellite data

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Theoretical model of quantitative assessment of the progressive development of the ecosystems with the application of time series of remote sensing satellite recordings. As a result of the ecosystems' remote sensing of synological and regional scale, received by satellites, there has been formed the computer database, has been made the scientifically acknowledged model validation, has been carried out the formalization and has been created the new theoretical model of quantitative assessment of the progressive development of ecological systems, which use the time series obsewations of natural objects made by the special space equipment as the basic data, there have been worked out the pattern generation algorithm and the software support of the model; the model was approved on a test polygons, sup- plied with a sufficient number of satellite and ground-based observation recordings. On the basis of this research the model was adapted for the solution of the prognostic tasks of the development of the regional ecosystems in conformity with the highly informative satellite recordings.

How to cite: Golovko V.A., Kondranin T.V. Theoretical model for quantitative assessment of ecosystem dynamics using time series of remotely sensed satellite data // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 61-63.
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Science-based substantiation and development of techniques for determination of multicomponent organic compounds content in air and water samples as applied to environmental monitoring problems.

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A set of methods with a unified methodological, instrumental and metrological base, universal for analyzed media (air, water, soil) and controlled objects (industrial, working and sanitary zones) has been developed. The basic method is the technique of determination of 27 microstrokes of ephemeral organic compounds in air analyses. It is based on preliminary concentration of components from the vapor-gas phase on a hydrophobic adsorbent, their subsequent thermal desorption on a capillary column, detection and processing of its data using PAC "MultiChrome", based on the results of absolute graduation. Depending on the analytical task different types of capillary columns are used, and in some cases - preconcentration by creofocusing desorbed samples in the initial part of the column. For the analysis of water and soil samples the method of gas extraction with accumulation of special compounds on hydrophobizing adsorbent was used.

How to cite: Gosteva N.A., Maltseva N.V., Gosteva M.Y., Panova L.V. Science-based substantiation and development of techniques for determination of multicomponent organic compounds content in air and water samples as applied to environmental monitoring problems. // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 63-65.
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Catalytic treatment of industrial wastewater and aqueous process solutions by oxidation in the liquid phase

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On the basis of analysis of methods of wastewater and solution purification by catalytic method and modeling of reactions of oxidation of solutions containing oxygen, chlorine and nitrogenous substances using various catalysts, catalytic systems of utilization and processing of aqueous wastewater and solutions are recommended for use in the main and auxiliary technological processes of many industries. The study of carbon, platinum-palladium-carbon materials for gas-phase oxidation provides wastewater treatment from organic and inorganic substances by their transformation into nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water. The final products of oxidation of organic compounds containing nitrogen, ammonia and chlorine, depending on the process parameters and type of catalyst are found.

How to cite: Dobrynkin N.M., Batygina M.V., Noskov A.S. Catalytic treatment of industrial wastewater and aqueous process solutions by oxidation in the liquid phase // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 66-68.
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Development of remote sensing localization system for ecological monitoring of natural and anthropogenic objects

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The fundamentals of radioacoustic sensing systems for remote sensing are investigated to solve the problems of environmental monitoring. The problem of the method and ways of its solution are defined. Hardware, software and intellectual means of the systems are developed. It is noted that the systems allow to carry out ultrafast high-precision remote measurements of temperature and humidity, to use correlation principles of wind speed measurement, adaptive algorithms of measurements for high altitudes, to integrate with aerological radar stations.

How to cite: Elfimov V.I., Kalmykov A.A. Development of remote sensing localization system for ecological monitoring of natural and anthropogenic objects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 68-71.
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Investigations of correlations between phytoplankton physiological state and fluorescence response using its maximum and stationary parameters

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The effect of heavy metal salts on the maximum and steady-state fluorescence intensity of algae was investigated. Different influence of copper, manganese and cobalt ions on these parameters was shown. The photosynthetic activity coefficient (PAC) calculated on the basis of these parameters correlates with the concentration of heavy metal salts and physiological state of algae. It was found that natural phytoplankton in polluted areas has a lower CFA value than in ecologically clean areas.

How to cite: Zavaruev V.V., Aponasenko A.D., Lopatin V.N., Kachin S.V. Investigations of correlations between phytoplankton physiological state and fluorescence response using its maximum and stationary parameters // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 71-74.
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Methodology for substantiating the scope of application of methods and technologies of municipal tunnel construction from the point of view of environmental safety

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The system of engineering-environmental control of normal functioning of the system "urban tunnel-array-technology-environment" should have in its composition such methods and measures to ensure engineering-environmental control, which would guarantee maximum environmental safety at minimum cost of natural resources, which leads to the solution of the problem of environmental optimization of underground space development, which can be achieved only with competent justification of the areas of application of construction practices and technologies.

How to cite: Kartoziya B.A., Kulikova E.Y. Methodology for substantiating the scope of application of methods and technologies of municipal tunnel construction from the point of view of environmental safety // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 74-77.
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Development of optical means for environmental monitoring of nuclear fuel cycle enterprises

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The purpose of the research is related to the problem of efficiency and environmental safety of radiochemical plants. A set of experimental studies of nitrogen dioxide fluorescence emitted by He-Cd laser has been carried out. New highly sensitive methods of simultaneous real-time detection of iodine-129 and nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen oxide both in the technological processes of spent nuclear fuel reprocessing and in atmospheric air have been suggested.

How to cite: Kireev S.V., Shnyrev S.L. Development of optical means for environmental monitoring of nuclear fuel cycle enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 78-81.
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Scientific and technical bases for building a regional information and analytical system for monitoring of potentially hazardous objects

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The system of complex assessment for various objects of national economy is presented, allowing to rank them by the degree of ecological risk. Regulatory and methodological documents establishing the subject, content and procedure of local monitoring for high environmental risk facilities and their corresponding impact territories are developed. The structure and content of the computer database "Regional List of Potentially Hazardous Facilities", which is the core of the monitoring system being created, have been determined.

How to cite: Kobernichenko V.G., Sovetkin V.L., Tyagunov G.V., Kharlampovich G.D., Yaroshenko Y.G. Scientific and technical bases for building a regional information and analytical system for monitoring of potentially hazardous objects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 81-83.
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Hydrological assessment of water availability periods in the Volga and Caspian Sea basins based on space and local ground monitoring

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Nonlinear models are considered in the report. The model describes the Caspian Sea level fluctuations, fluctuations of river basin runoff and water content. It is shown that sharp and unpredictable sea level fluctuations can be explained within the framework of the dynamic chaos theory. A simple model of the Earth's global climate is proposed. The model demonstrates the instability of the climate. The necessity of long-term and constant observations of the temperature regimes of the Caspian Sea and the Volga basin using aerospace monitoring is proved.

How to cite: Korablev I.V., Naidenov V.I., Feoktistov A.A. Hydrological assessment of water availability periods in the Volga and Caspian Sea basins based on space and local ground monitoring // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 84-87.
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System analysis of modern methods of reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere during the operation of diesel mining and transportation machines

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The article presents fundamental differences in the position of solving the problem of neutralization of waste gases in underground and surface mining operations. It is shown that for underground conditions this problem is practically solved by application of effective neutralizers of waste gases. Constructive improvement of neutralizers is carried out mainly in the direction of cost reduction due to the use of special catalysts instead of platinum. Neutralizers are not used in load-bearing mining operations because of large volumes of waste gases and their low efficiency at temperatures below 300. Other ways of normalizing the atmosphere are presented. The main ones are the use of engines that do not pollute the atmosphere with harmful exhaust gases; reduction of fuel demand by optimizing operating modes; use of special fuel additives that reduce soot output by about 2 times.

How to cite: Kuleshov A.A. System analysis of modern methods of reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere during the operation of diesel mining and transportation machines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 87-90.
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Cross-cutting energy-environmental analysis of harmful emissions with consideration of public health risk assessment

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A number of environmental safety problems can be solved by using the developed method of end-to-end energy-ecological analysis of technologies. When analyzing the energy intensity and ecological state of the technological chain in order to determine two economic components (energy and damage), a comparative analysis of economic damage from environmental pollution is carried out by two methods: risk assessment and payment of the enterprise for excess emissions. At the same time, the economic damage, defined in the context of consequences from the impact of hazardous waste on the human body, was determined depending on the concentration of emissions and the degree of risk. The comparative analysis of economic damage from environmental pollution according to different methods on the example of pollutant emissions by separate process units of JSC "VIZ" (Verkhne-Seletsky Metallurgical Plant) demonstrates a significant underestimation of economic damage determined by the method of regulatory fines.

How to cite: Lisienko V.G., Druzhinina O.G., Morozova V.A. Cross-cutting energy-environmental analysis of harmful emissions with consideration of public health risk assessment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 90-92.
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Geodynamically active zones of the East-European platform and their impact on the environment

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Geodynamically active zones are neotectonic linear structures separating crustal blocks of different ranks, in which these blocks interact with each other. For this reason, such zones are in a relatively high stress state. The degree of activity of such zones depends on the amplitudes of tectonic movements, the types of these movements and the style of interaction between the blocks. Their activity is well reflected in the relief. The ecological significance of such zones has been assessed. The tectonic structure and geomorphologic appearance, conditions and history of formation of some geodynamically active zones have been studied. They have different ranks and scales, depth of occurrence, size and age. These are the Ox-Don trough with internal zones of the second order in the center of the Russian plate, the Urzhumo-Orenburg zone of structural discordance in the east of the same plate, the Kuloi-Lou Pinega zone in the northernmost part of the Russian plate and some others.

How to cite: Makarov V.I., Sokolovskii A.K., Makarova N.V., Korchuganova N.I., Sukhanova T.V. Geodynamically active zones of the East-European platform and their impact on the environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 93-96.
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Gas-sensitive microsensor

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The proposed semiconductor microsensor element for continuous and operative control of gaseous medium condition includes as a base an oxide film obtained by magnetron method with the UVN-71 unit. The developed technology provides growth of the film up to 0.8 gm with subsequent thermal treatment with simultaneous control of its resistance. Tests in the laboratory allowed to reveal the dependence of gas sensitivity of the element and its fast response, as well as the features of the sensor operation in static and dynamic modes. The pulse mode of the sensor operation is preferable from the point of view of its durability and measurement accuracy.

How to cite: Mashkov A.S., Batyrev Y.P. Gas-sensitive microsensor // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 97-98.
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Ecological monitoring of water systems in the Baikal region

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Hydrochemical and microbial monitoring of water systems in the Baikal region shows that microorganisms are indicators of anthropogenic pollution. High quality microorganisms were found in the bottom sediments of the Selenga River near populated areas. In the polluted sediment of Lake Baikal, the methanogenic community was replaced by a sulfidogenic one. The results obtained indicate the need for quantitative assessment of bacterial activity in the aquatic ecosystem during environmental monitoring.

How to cite: Namsaraev B.B., Khakhinov V.V., Barkhutova D.D., Buryukhaev S.P., Dagurova O.P., Danilova E.V., Kozyrev L.P., Lavrenteva E.A. Ecological monitoring of water systems in the Baikal region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 99-101.
Environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Environmental monitoring of St. Petersburg port water area by onshore millimeter-wave radar

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The results of experiments on radar detection of slicks, including oil slicks, at low yaw angles are described. The economic feasibility of using natural slicks at the stage of development of sensing methods, system structure and data processing algorithms is substantiated. The conducted experiments showed the ability of onshore radar to effectively detect wind slicks on the sea surface at ranges up to 7 km in a wide range of meteorological conditions. The possibility in principle of detecting oil slicks by coastal radars was shown. Detection of slicks in low wind shows the ability of radar to respond to small roughness contrast. Spots in a remote area and with weak roughness are detected using the accumulation signal. Wind slicks can be interfered with when detecting oil spills in their background. In heavy rain, slick detection is difficult due to reflection from droplets, shadowing and destruction of slicks by droplets. Environmental monitoring problems can be solved by dispatching port radars.

How to cite: Nilov M.A., Beskid P.P., Chernetsova E.A., Nichiporenko N.T., Petrov A.V., Petrakov A.V., Timofeev V.P. Environmental monitoring of St. Petersburg port water area by onshore millimeter-wave radar // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 101-103.
Environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Pyridinium cationic polyelectrolytes in dispersion separation and wastewater treatment processes

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The features of flocculation of kaolin suspension by samples of homopolymer poly-1,2-dimethyl-5-vinyl-pyridinium methylsulfate and its copolymers with acrylamide, N-vinylpyrrolidone and vinyl acetate have been studied. High activity of poly-1,2-dimethyl-5-vinylpyridinium methylsulfate due to the formation of sufficiently large aggregates at low doses of flocculant was shown. It is also revealed that the synthesized copolymers and terpolymers in comparison with homopolymer have higher flocculating activity, which is characterized by a higher degree of suspension clarification. The reasons for the high flocculation activity of copolymers are related to the specific content and distribution of cationic centers in macromolecules. Additionally polyelectrolytes were investigated as dewatering agents in activated sludge treatment. The obtained results allowed to recommend the use of pyridinium polyelectrolytes as flocculants in the processes of water treatment of various origins.

How to cite: Novakov I.A., Navrotskii A.V., Malysheva Z.N., Dryabina S.S., Radchenko F.S., Radchenko S.S. Pyridinium cationic polyelectrolytes in dispersion separation and wastewater treatment processes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 104-106.
Environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Development of catalytic materials and devices for thermocatalytic method of atmospheric protection from pollution by toxic emissions

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The prospects of using catalysts based on metal cell-body and complex-oxide active coatings for purification of waste gases in various industries and transportation have been shown. Effective thermocatalytic neutralizers of harmful substances of chemical productions, for example, for afterburning of acrylonitrile, cresol and other organic compounds, have been created and successfully tested. Neutralizers of exhausts of diesel and Otto engines running on liquid transport and gas fuel have been developed and tested. The catalysts significantly reduce the content of carbon monoxide, fuel soot, nitrogen oxides in the exhausts. The search for new catalytic compositions and improvement of their manufacturing technology is underway. A new efficient absorption dryer for natural gas was created. This was done to ensure uninterrupted operation of transportation using environmentally less hazardous gas fuel during the winter period.

How to cite: Ostroushko A.A., Udilov A.E., Minyaev V.I., Makarov A.M., Deinezhenko V.I. Development of catalytic materials and devices for thermocatalytic method of atmospheric protection from pollution by toxic emissions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 106-109.
Environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Enhancement of hydrogen gas sensitivity of Sn02 films when doped with palladium

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The sensitiveness and effectiveness of sensors in gas analyzers, which use tin dioxide and function on the principle of a near-surface area of spatial charge and changes of electric resistance of a film while adsorbing molecules of gases, largely depend on grain size and the presence of admixtures of noble metals. The research of the influence of admixtures on hydrogen, conducted in laboratory conditions, have established dependence of film surface resistance on the function of temperature and a mechanism of the given phenomenon.

How to cite: Rembeza S.I., Svistova T.V., Borsyakova O.I., Rembeza E.S. Enhancement of hydrogen gas sensitivity of Sn02 films when doped with palladium // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 109-111.
Environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Calculation of surface annual average concentrations of nitrogen oxides from emissions of heat power enterprises in Moscow

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The paper deals with the issues of wastewater spreading in the urban atmosphere. Three model simulation models are considered. These are the Russian officially approved standards OND-86, the model of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEl model) and the Gauss model. The MPEI model is based on the OND-86 approaches and has some differences. Compared to OND-86, the MPEl model places the maximum surface concentration closer to the effluent source, the lateral dispersion is wider due to urban surface and boundary layers, and the conversion rate of NO to N0 2 is about 50%. The MPEl model also takes into account differences in the smoke plume lift over multi-barrel stacks. The modeling results are presented as graphical fields of annual mean surface concentrations. The paper highlights common features and differences in the application of different models.

How to cite: Rogalev N.D., Prokhorova V.B., Basova T.F., Khatuntseva N.V. Calculation of surface annual average concentrations of nitrogen oxides from emissions of heat power enterprises in Moscow // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 112-114.
Environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Development of a model system of continuous control (monitoring) and regulation of harmful gaseous emissions from TPPs into the atmosphere

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According to the concept and terms of reference developed by the Moscow Power Engineering Institute under the program "Higher School Scientific Research in Priority Areas of Science and Technology" (subprogram 207, section 207.02) and R&D, regional power systems Tatenergo, Nizhnovenergo and Tumenergo are implementing an industrial monitoring system at their thermal power plants. The latter is realized as a system of continuous control and regulation of the combustion process and emissions of toxic substances into the atmospheric air. The use of a continuous emission monitoring system will reduce the negative environmental impact of thermal power plants, as well as improve the efficiency of power equipment operation.

How to cite: Roslyakov P.V., Zakirov I.A., Egorova L.E., Ionkin I.L., Raisfeld A.A. Development of a model system of continuous control (monitoring) and regulation of harmful gaseous emissions from TPPs into the atmosphere // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 114-117.
Environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Remote fluorimetric monitoring of oil pollution on water surface

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A method for remote determination of oil film thickness on water surface using Iidar fluorimetric instrument has been developed. To use this method in real conditions it is necessary to determine the type of oil on the basis of remote measurement of the fluorescence spectral band shape. However, laboratory studies have shown that the fluorescence spectra of true oil differ from those of an oil film on the water surface. This difference is most significant for thin films. Therefore, a new technique is proposed to estimate true oil fluorescence spectra from the Iidar fluorescence signal of oil film on water. The feasibility of the method for monitoring oil spills on water surface was investigated in laboratory conditions using different types of oil. The operability of the proposed method was confirmed by experimental results.

How to cite: Sidorenko V.M., Magomedov M.D., Ogneva P.G. Remote fluorimetric monitoring of oil pollution on water surface // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 117-120.
Environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Use of data from satellite monitoring of planetary atmospheric composition to quantify nitrogen oxide emissions

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Based on GOME satellite data on N0 2 distribution in the troposphere, the anthropogenic emission of nitrogen oxides in Russia in 2000 was estimated. The obtained value of 4 million tons agrees well with the value calculated from energy consumption data, which allows using space monitoring to substantiate emission inventories.

How to cite: Tereshin A.G., Klimenko V.V. Use of data from satellite monitoring of planetary atmospheric composition to quantify nitrogen oxide emissions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 120-122.
Environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Impact of the Cheboksarskaya HPP water release on hydrological regimes of the Volga and estuaries of its tributaries

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The paper presents the results of localized studies of the Volga River banks and estuary areas of its tributaries Bolshaya Kokshaga and Malaya Kokshaga, which are affected by the daily wave of water discharge in the tailrace of the Cheboksarskaya HPP. Dependences of temporal fluctuations of levels and current velocities were determined for different water area sections. The above results make it possible to draw up a mathematical model of water, alluvium and subsurface water movement, taking into account the relief features. This model is necessary to assess the effectiveness and environmental safety of measures aimed at the reconstruction of the territory used for recreational purposes.

How to cite: Turlov A.G. Impact of the Cheboksarskaya HPP water release on hydrological regimes of the Volga and estuaries of its tributaries // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 122-124.
Environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Features of realization of information system of environmental monitoring and air environment protection in Rostov region

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The problems of relevance of creating a regional information system of environmental monitoring and protection are considered. Scientific bases of multilevel information system of monitoring are developed taking into account some peculiarities of Rostov region. The integral approach is used? The choice of mathematical models is substantiated and calculation modules for each level of the regional information system of monitoring are defined, the atmospheric protection for calculation of concentration of the main near-Earth pollutants is offered. The data bank and control optimization system are created. Additional information on experimental studies is being collected, which is necessary to assess the adequacy of the program complex in the conditions of the Rostov region.

How to cite: Frolov A.V., Reznik L.A., Bondarenko S.M., Buzalo N.S., Nikitenko V.D. Features of realization of information system of environmental monitoring and air environment protection in Rostov region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 124-127.
Environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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The concept of active integrated environmental monitoring of mercury

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Studies of environmental pollution by one of the most dangerous toxic substances - quicksilver - can be performed with high accuracy on the basis of microelectronics, computing facilities and measuring devices organized as a unified information-measuring system of active integrated environmental monitoring. The paper considers the requirements that must be satisfied by the hardware implementation, the concept of equipment operation and system architecture, which provide filling the Internet computer network with information service.

How to cite: Shapiev S.T., Elimkhanov D.Z., Znamenskii V.S. The concept of active integrated environmental monitoring of mercury // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 127-128.
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Quantification method and approach to rationing of multifactor impacts on freshwater ecosystems

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A method for quantitative assessment of multifactor impacts on freshwater ecosystems has been developed. The method uses the general regularities of technogenic succession in reservoirs that we have established. At the same time, macrozoobenthos turned out to be the best indicator of the state of aquatic environment, biotic and anthropogenic changes in the ecosystem. Its parameters are recognized as the main ones for assessment of external load on reservoirs. The universal dimensionless parameter Y, which expresses the proportion of exceedance of community stability, serves as a measure of impact. This parameter is taken into account on the basis of the original isobolic model. For the first time it allows to adequately take into account the effect of interaction of limiting factors of any nature and in any quantity. This ensures high accuracy of the assessment. Maximum permissible levels of complex impacts are determined. A unified quantitative approach to rationing and regulation of multicomponent technogenic load on hydro-ecosystems is given.

How to cite: Shuiskii V.F., Petrov D.S. Quantification method and approach to rationing of multifactor impacts on freshwater ecosystems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 129-131.
Environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Using polarization measurements to probe forest land covers

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Recently, there has been an increased interest in aerospace methods of studying the Earth's surface, in particular, forest cover, the main tool of which is artificial and natural electromagnetic radiation of the radio-frequency range. The forest is semi-transparent to this band. This means that the forest can be probed to its full depth using radio waves, which is particularly important, for example, for ecological monitoring of the forest as the "lungs of the planet". The procedure of signal sensing and registration with the help of microprocessor-based control systems provides results of high accuracy, makes it possible to improve the accuracy of radiophysical characteristics of the forest cover and solve inverse problems.

How to cite: Yakubov V.P., Telpukhovskii E.D., Ruchkin V.V., Padusenko V.N. Using polarization measurements to probe forest land covers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 131-134.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Development of temperature and time modes of melting of quality steels with complex utilization of raw material resources

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Temperature dependences of kinematic viscosity of liquid stainless steel have been investigated. The existence of critical temperatures, heating above which leads to irreversible changes in the structural state of the melt, has been substantiated. Directed thermal influence on the melt based on its transition to another structural state allows to carry out melt solidification in various conditions, to regulate morphology and magnitude of structural composition and to develop scientifically grounded melting modes. A physical model of the structure of liquid stainless steels is proposed. The analysis of the obtained temperature dependences shows that liquid stainless steels can be in different states, the temperature fields of existence of which partially overlap.

How to cite: Baryshev E.E., Tsepelev V.S., Tyagunov G.V., Baum B.A. Development of temperature and time modes of melting of quality steels with complex utilization of raw material resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 135-137.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Gold uranium and gold ore deposits of Central Aldan - the largest potential source of these metals in Russia

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Uranium and gold belong to the group of strategically important mineral resources. Despite significant differences in their geochemical properties, under certain favorable conditions they form large joint or spatially close ore deposits. Currently, the raw material base of these metals in the Russian Federation has been significantly reduced and its expansion is possible through the integrated use of mineral resources. There is only one uranium mining enterprise in Russia - Priargunsky Mining and Chemical Association in Transbaikalia with annual uranium production of about 2,500 tons of uranium, while the total demand, including export supplies, is not less than 10,000 tons per year. So far, this deficit is compensated for by stockpiles, but in the future it will be necessary to develop new uranium-ore sites. The volume of gold mining does not fully satisfy the state's needs either. If in the 1990s gold production in the country amounted to about 200 tons, then by 2001 it fell to 150 tons. At the same time, about 60% of gold is extracted from alluvial deposits, most of whose reserves have already been worked out. The deposits of the Central Aldan ore district in Yakutia have been chosen as one of the largest potential sources of these metals. Large reserves of uranium and gold are concentrated here in extended ore-bearing zones. Despite relatively low grades, their joint mining may be economically efficient. The priority task is to identify new ore-bearing zones and areas within already explored zones with rich ores for industrial development.

How to cite: Boitsov V.E., Pilipenko G.N. Gold uranium and gold ore deposits of Central Aldan - the largest potential source of these metals in Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 138-140.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Criteria for social and environmental-economic assessment of regional mineral and raw material potential

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The article considers the prospects of development of the potential of the mineral and raw materials of the Tula region, represented by the most developed in the Central region of Russia mining complex for the extraction of coal, gypsum, clay, mine salts, phosphorites and other minerals, as well as the processing of solid waste. The method and mathematical model for economic and ecological quantitative assessment of regional mineral and raw material potential have been developed, allowing to determine the most market-competitive variant of development of this potential according to a set of indicators of social, economic and ecological criteria. A generalized criterion for assessing the effectiveness of integrated development options, which takes into account the value of the increment of the total combination of regional revenues associated with savings in the total combination of economic environmental payments with the maximum yield of useful marketable products per unit mass of minerals extracted, has been proposed and justified.

How to cite: Bulychev N.S., Ivatanova N.P. Criteria for social and environmental-economic assessment of regional mineral and raw material potential // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 140-143.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Rational use of coal deposit resources

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Traditional technologies of underground development of coal deposits are characterized by high labor intensity, high costs, difficult conditions of production life and negative impact on the environment. Reduction of social, production and environmental risk can be achieved by using downhole methods. The technological scheme of borehole development of coal deposits on the basis of underground coal combustion, coal methane production and power generation in the mine field is proposed. The scheme of purification of raw generator gas using potash-absorption method is substantiated. It is shown that the use of such technology allows to reduce emissions of nitrogen and sulfur oxides 4-6 times and 4-5 times respectively, to exclude pollution of the surrounding land by waste rock dumps.

How to cite: Vasyuchkov Y.F., Vasyuchkov M.Y. Rational use of coal deposit resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 143-149.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Technogenic geochemical anomalies in mining areas

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The paper considers the main factors affecting the assessment and forecast of the environmental situation in the exploration and development of ore deposits. The data on the composition of soils, water and bottom sediments in some large mining areas (Norilsk, Komsomolsk, etc.) are presented. It is shown that the variability of mineral and chemical composition of ores and host rocks within the subsurface is one of the most important factors both for solving the problem of rational use of mineral deposits and for predicting the environmental consequences of their mining.

How to cite: Gavrilenko V.V., Marin Y.B., Smolenskii V.V., Starichkov E.M. Technogenic geochemical anomalies in mining areas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 149-151.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Integrated assessment of clay rock transformation under the influence of radiation exposure

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The influence of long-term radiation irradiation on changes in composition, physical and chemical activity and mechanical properties of Lower Cambrian blue clays serving as the base of low-activity waste storage facilities has been analyzed. It is shown that as a result of formation of defects in the crystal lattice of rock-forming and cementing minerals and their amorphization there is a significant decrease in the values of the total deformation modulus and shear resistance parameters, absorption capacity and swelling ability of clays increases 2 times. It was noted that the thickness of these clays is characterized by a high content of bacterial mass, which indicates active microbiological activity, especially in the upper part of the section.

How to cite: Dashko R.E. Integrated assessment of clay rock transformation under the influence of radiation exposure // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 152-154.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Destruction and recycling of pesticides by ammonolysis method

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The work was carried out under the project "Development of technology for creating mobile means for destruction of obsolete and banned pesticides". The authors propose a set of methods to solve the problem of effective destruction of obsolete pesticides. This complex includes a combination of thermal, oxidizing and reducing effects. The proposed technical solutions are oriented to the design of mobile plants for pesticide recycling and reclamation of adjacent territories. As characteristic examples, the results of laboratory studies of granosan recycling, as well as the result of thermodynamic and kinetic study of thermolysis of hexachlorocyclohexane are presented.

How to cite: Zorin A.D., Kutin A.M., Zanozina V.F., Karataev E.N., Stepanova L.V., Gubanova N.V., Bykova E.A., Suprunova I.A. Destruction and recycling of pesticides by ammonolysis method // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 155-157.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Metallogenic specialization of greenstone complexes as a reflection of geodynamic settings of their formation

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Three genetic types of greenstone belts have been identified: plumtectonic, transitional, and playtectonic. The formation of greenstone belts of the plumtectonic type, caused by plumtectonics, occurred in the conditions of predominance of vertical tectonic movements on the basite composition protocols and led to the formation of microcontinents and primary accumulation of ore components. Greenstone complexes of belts of this type are characterized by the lowest ore content. The belts of the transitional type, which developed at the boundaries of microcontinents in the conditions of the initial form of plate tectonics manifestation, are the most productive; their structural-material complexes contain unique deposits of gold, ferruginous quartzites, sulfide copper-nickel and cupro-nickel ores. Pleitetectonic belts were laid down as riftogenic structures on the continental crust and developed in accordance with the Wilson cycle, which caused their complex structure and the combination of deposits that originated in different geodynamic conditions in space.

How to cite: Korsakov A.K., Sokolovskii A.K., Fedchuk V.Y., Sidelnikova E.V. Metallogenic specialization of greenstone complexes as a reflection of geodynamic settings of their formation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 157-160.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Study of kimberlite fracture by electric pulse method

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Fracture by the electric pulse method occurs as a result of formation of the discharge channel until it touches the opposite electrode, release of capacitor battery energy with increasing temperature (up to 2·10 4 K) and pressure (up to 10 9 Pa), initiating the growth of main fracture cracks. Investigations of the fracture process and experimental verification were carried out on different types of ores and artificial materials and confirmed the effect of selectivity of the process, which distinguishes this method from the traditional ones. The rational area of application of the method (fine crushing of raw materials with the coarseness of 100-60 mm and above) and the nature of damage to crystals were established. The method provides preservation of diamonds, which testifies to the prospects of its application.

How to cite: Kurets V.I., Lobanova G.L., Tarakanovskii E.N., Filatov G.P. Study of kimberlite fracture by electric pulse method // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 160-163.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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On the problem of quality assessment of technogenic raw materials

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Methodological bases of rational use of technogenic raw materials potential are developed. Technogenic processes forming industrial wastes are ranked by the degree of transformation of end products. Depending on the energy content of raw materials (energy provided by natural and technogenic processes) and the energy intensity of operations in the formation of waste, the criteria for assessing the quality and principles of technogenic waste utilization are defined. Approbation of theoretical studies in laboratory conditions confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed approach and allowed to establish the areas of utilization of large-tonnage wastes of mines. Low water demand binders (LWB) and a wide range of construction materials were synthesized on their basis. Regulatory documents allowing to use these wastes in road industry and construction industry have been prepared.

How to cite: Lesovik V.S., Strokova V.V. On the problem of quality assessment of technogenic raw materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 163-166.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Environmental monitoring of water and air migration of polluting components from the territory of sulfide-containing waste storage sites

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Mining and mining-processing enterprises are one of the most intensive sources of environmental pollution by solid wastes, which make up more than 90% of the volume of mined mineral raw materials. The result of such impact is the formation of technogenic massifs. Comparative analysis of the results of monitoring of technogenic massifs has allowed us to identify a number of regularities of their impact on the natural environment: The technogenic array is a lithochemical halo of pollution; The result of dust and gas emission from the surface of the anthropogenic massif is the formation of atmochemical and redeposited lithochemical pollution halos, pollution of vegetation and near-surface sediments; Temporary and permanent flows from the anthropogenic massif carry out and re-deposited rocks, which causes the formation of hydro- and lithochemical pollution flows; Infiltration of natural waters through technogenic sediments leads to the formation of hydrogeochemical halos and pollution flows.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Shuvalov Y.V. Environmental monitoring of water and air migration of polluting components from the territory of sulfide-containing waste storage sites // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 166-170.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Geodynamics and thermal fields of the eastern Precaucasian region

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It is noted that the territory of Dagestan and the adjacent part of the Caspian Sea as an object of monitoring of geodynamic movements and thermal fields is a unique geophysical laboratory, where on a relatively small territory there are different landscapes: from glaciers and alpine meadows to deserts and semi-deserts. The territory has a complex tectonic structure, geodynamic and seismic activity is high, and anthropogenic load on the environment is significant. The collected long-term factual material is used in the ongoing research along with the establishment of a geodynamic GPS-observation network and modern thermal survey of the region. As part of the work, field studies were conducted at the polygon to measure the temperature field at shallow depths; thermal space images were studied, and the obtained information was compared and analyzed.

How to cite: Safaraliev G.K., Bulaeva N.M., Tupik N.V. Geodynamics and thermal fields of the eastern Precaucasian region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 170-173.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Remote environmental monitoring of the Udachninsky MPP area (Yakutia)

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The paper presents the results of work on the organization of integrated environmental monitoring and creation of an electronic database for the territory of the Udachny Mining and Processing Plant of ALROSA LLC in the Republic of Sacha (Yakutia). It was justified to create three levels of information: the first (aerospace images, topographic, geological, geophysical and geochemical maps); the second (interpretation schemes of space and high-altitude images, results of interpretation of gravity, magnetic and radiometric fields, data of geochemical study of rocks) and the third (results of quantitative and qualitative processing of interpretation schemes, special analysis of multispectral space data, complex interpretation of heterogeneous data). The electronic bank is designed as a source of information on various aspects of the environmental situation in the territory, as well as a tool for management decision-making. Its constant replenishment with new materials (space, radiometric, geochemical, medical, etc.) will make it possible to expand the scope of the tasks to be solved.

How to cite: Serokurov Y.N., Lyukhin A.M., Kalmykov I.V. Remote environmental monitoring of the Udachninsky MPP area (Yakutia) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 174-176.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Efficient method of integrated processing of nepheline into alumina and by-products

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This article considers the main directions of improving the technology of complex processing of nepheline into alumina and related products. A promising "dry" method of alumina and Portland cement production is evaluated. The problem of separation and Si(IV) and obtaining coarse-grained alumina of maximum grades is considered. Prospects for expanding the range of products are shown.

How to cite: Sizyakov V.M. Efficient method of integrated processing of nepheline into alumina and by-products // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 177-182.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Recovery and utilization of coal mine methane is a prerequisite for rational development of coal deposits

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The substantiated technologies and installations designed for the extraction of methane from coal seams, as well as the analysis of experience in the operation of mines of the main coal basins of Russia and the countries of the near abroad allow us to draw conclusions about the high efficiency of designs that ensure the safety of mining operations and reduce the unit costs of subsoil reclamation. Promising methods of increasing permeability of coal-bearing formations and stand coals are also investigated.

How to cite: Slastunov S.V., Kolikov K.S. Recovery and utilization of coal mine methane is a prerequisite for rational development of coal deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 182-184.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Regularities of mine workings deformation at dynamic forms of rock pressure manifestations

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Field observations of the displacement of rocks around the preparatory and cleaning workings (operations) of SUBR mines (shafts) establish the effect of stratification of the roof of workings (operations) and cleaning chambers under the action of seismic waves. The shifts are traced to a depth of up to 4 m, and almost instantaneously, at the moment of the rock impact. When modeling the process of interaction of a flat straight wave with workings (production) of rectangular, vaulted and shapes of cross-section, it is shown that the probability of reaching the limit state of the host rocks due to the maximum difference in the main pressure (stress) is higher in workings (production) of rectangular and more shapes. Based on the revealed dynamics (changes) of seismic pressure (stress) and regularities of deformation of the host rocks, the design of reinforcement (strengthening) of the roof of chambers and joints of excavations (workings) with deep reinforced concrete anchors was developed.

How to cite: Trushko V.L., Protosenya A.G., Ogorodnikov Y.N., Kolosova O.V. Regularities of mine workings deformation at dynamic forms of rock pressure manifestations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 185-187.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Integrated processing of metallurgical production wastes on the basis of research of high-temperature physicochemical processes of metal smelting

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Measures for utilization of technogenic metallurgy wastes in the production of high quality alloys are proposed. Temperature dependences of physical properties of liquid superalloys are investigated, critical temperatures are determined, heating above which leads to irreversible intensive changes in the state of the melt. The relationship between the amount of cast waste in the scrap and features of temperature dependences of physical and chemical properties of the melt has been established. The increase in the amount of waste leads to the growth of critical temperatures. Application of high-temperature treatment allows to improve considerably the quality of casting superalloys, the scrap of which contains a large amount of foundry technogenic wastes.

How to cite: Bauman B.A., Baryshev E.E., Tsepelev V.S., Tyagunov G.V. Integrated processing of metallurgical production wastes on the basis of research of high-temperature physicochemical processes of metal smelting // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 188-190.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Use of acoustic technologies to recycle natural resources and improve environmental safety

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The article is devoted to acoustic technologies developed at Samara State Technical University, in particular, various cavitation machines. It is shown that cavitation can be effectively used for cleaning parts of important machines, cleaning stale oil waste, separating ore, increasing the efficiency of chemical processes, in the manufacture of electrolytic coatings and other purposes.

How to cite: Gromakovskii D.G., Malyshev V.P., Ibatulin I.D., Dynnikov A.V., Shigin S.V. Use of acoustic technologies to recycle natural resources and improve environmental safety // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 191-193.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Utilization of industrial waste containing calcium chloride

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The work concerns the development of electrochemical technologies for utilization of wastes containing calcium chloride. Technologies for obtaining calcium saccharate and calcium dithionite from calcium chloride in diaphragm electrolyzer are developed. The main products of electrolysis: hydrogen and chlorine are of great value. The kinetic regularities of electrode reactions have been studied by taking volt-ampere curves. The optimal parameters of the processes have been established.

How to cite: Guseinov M.A., Aliev Z.M., Gadzhieva A.M. Utilization of industrial waste containing calcium chloride // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 193-195.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Development of integrated technology for mining localized areas of thick coal seams

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The study of rational technologies of underground coal mining at thin and medium capacity mines allows recommending the mining technology combining coal extraction with other processes, for example, with the placement of solid industrial and domestic waste in the mine face. The described methods of down-cutting and chamber and pillar method provide an opportunity to realize integration processes that allow to extract additional reserves, reduce the environmental load and social tension in the regions.

How to cite: Gruzdev V.A., Terentev B.D., Sharovar Y.I. Development of integrated technology for mining localized areas of thick coal seams // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 196-197.
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Utilization of energy-rich materials

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The Russian Federation has accumulated a significant amount of morally and physically obsolete ammunition with powder and propellant charges made of ballistic missile solid propellants. These are valuable energy-rich materials that need to be utilized. A new direction of utilization of charges with expired storage time into extended and superimposed shaped charges as well as technical solutions for effective and safe processing of tubular nitroglycerine and pyrosilicone powders into industrial explosives are proposed. As technologies of utilization of superimposed shaped charges it is proposed to press preheated samples and cutting or drilling under continuous forced heat removal.

How to cite: Epifanov V.B., Kiryakov G.E., Medvedev A.V., Ziborov A.B., Kuznetsov A.A. Utilization of energy-rich materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 197-199.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Status and prospects of development of technogenic deposits of non-ferrous and noble metals

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The data on the content of useful components in the wastes of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises and the dynamics of their growth are given. The features of formation of technogenic deposits and distribution of non-ferrous metals within them are studied. It is established that although the content of metals in the technogenic deposit changes in different directions, the maximum changes are most often observed vertically. The requirements to technological schemes of technogenic deposits mining are substantiated and methods of selective excavation of useful components from tailing ponds of enrichment plants are proposed, providing for the extraction of only the most enriched areas with leaving the bulk of rocks in the place of their occurrence.

How to cite: Zubov V.P., Minaev Y.L. Status and prospects of development of technogenic deposits of non-ferrous and noble metals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 200-203.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Assessment of environmental and economic efficiency of recycling of secondary raw materials and technogenic wastes

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One of the main reasons for the low degree of waste utilization is insufficient methodological study of the issues of assessing the environmental and economic efficiency of the use of technogenic raw materials. The methodology for calculating the integral ecological and economic effect of non-ferrous metallurgy waste processing has been developed, which allows for a more rational allocation and use of resources in the creation of new, reconstruction of existing production facilities and existing environmental protection systems, to increase the economic interest of designers, technologists, owners of enterprises and investors in the processing of secondary raw materials and technogenic formations.

How to cite: Karelov S.V., Naboichenko E.S., Mamyachenkov S.V. Assessment of environmental and economic efficiency of recycling of secondary raw materials and technogenic wastes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 203-205.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Issues of utilization of industrial waste into construction materials

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The laboratory research on estimation of possibility of using different types of wastes of mining and metallurgical and power industrial complexes for production of wall materials is described. Dependences of change of strength properties of pressed bricks on granulometric composition of waste are given.

How to cite: Kovalev I.A., Kvilidze Z.V. Issues of utilization of industrial waste into construction materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 205-207.
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Selection of the location of impervious blanket using technical means of borehole hydromechanization

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Analysis of perspective objects for construction of impervious curtains makes it possible to formulate the main features of their design and conditions for analytical solution of filtration problems. When solving the problem the hydrodynamic grid of flow movement, specific inflow of solutions, height of filtration flow before the curtain and after it are determined. The problem of laminar plane-parallel filtration of solutions with a free surface in an unpressurized reservoir through a perfect curtain of contour-linear type is solved for two flow regimes: free unpressurized and waterlogged. The equations of material balance and continuity of flow are used in the solution.

How to cite: Naidenko I.Y., Fomkina E.E. Selection of the location of impervious blanket using technical means of borehole hydromechanization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 208-209.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Model of microresonant interatomic bonds in application to gold dissolution and sorption processes and their technological realization

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As a result of the conducted research, the technological scheme of per-sorption leaching of gold has been developed, based on the formation of peroxide-hydroxide compounds that enhance microresonance interactions between gold atoms and coplexing anions, which are formed during pulp treatment with appropriate physical fields and radiation. The laboratory setup is designed for experimental verification of the efficiency of the magnetic capillary method of metal ion extraction. As a result of experiments carried out on the unit, the data were obtained, indicating the need to convert the magnetic-capillary system into a magnetic-sorption system, with the output of ions, mixed by the magnetic field, on the ion-exchange sorbent. Realization of experimental studies is supposed to be carried out in a multistage apparatus with a functional module consisting of ion-exchange boxes with an external mesh screen.

How to cite: Sekisov A.G. Model of microresonant interatomic bonds in application to gold dissolution and sorption processes and their technological realization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 210-212.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Research of sulfidation and hydrosulfidation processes of rubber crumbs

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In order to find new directions for the use of polymeric material of worn rubber products, the hydrosulfidation of crushed rubber of automobile tire treads was carried out by two methods: polysulfidation followed by desulfidation with alkali and interaction with hydrogen sulfide. According to the first variant the content of mercaptogroups reaches 10%, according to the second variant at atmospheric pressure and room temperature up to 0.6%, at overpressure up to 1 atm 1.5%. It is shown that at treatment with hydrogen sulfide both physical absorption and chemisorption take place. The data on influence of temperature on speed of sorption of gaseous hydrogen sulfide are received.

How to cite: Tuzhikov O.I., Khokhlova T.V., Lazebnaya L.G., Gadzhiev G.R., Samoilenko A.Y., Tuzhikov O.O. Research of sulfidation and hydrosulfidation processes of rubber crumbs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 212-214.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Environmentally safe technologies of steam boiler blowdown water utilization

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The technological processes accompanied by significant discharges of mineralized wastewater include continuous blowdown of steam boilers. According to one of the developed technologies blowdown water of steam boilers is used as a heating agent for jet-barbotage vacuum deaerators of a closed heat supply system. In vacuum deaeration plants the high energy potential of blowdown water can be effectively utilized by using it as a working medium for jet ejectors of vacuum deaerators. It is very effective to use blow-off water for fuel oil atomization in steam and steam-mechanical nozzles of boilers. At steam supply of industrial productions, which do not require high purity of process steam, a new technology is applicable, providing complete mixing of blow-off water with steam used in these processes. The developed technologies make it possible to significantly increase the economic efficiency of boiler plant operation as a whole and reduce the amount of mineralized waste water discharges into surface water bodies. A number of technologies for utilization of heat and mass of blowdown water of steam boilers have been successfully introduced into industrial operation at thermal power enterprises in different regions of the country.

How to cite: Sharapov V.I., Deryabin A.N. Environmentally safe technologies of steam boiler blowdown water utilization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 214-217.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Use of new environmental-geochemical indicators of the state and dynamics of anthropogenic changes in forest ecosystems on the example of the Western Caucasus and the Pre-Caucasus

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As new ecological and geochemical indicators of ecosystems state it is proposed to use the indicators of absolute (IAA) and relative (IRA) accumulation of chemical elements in certain geochemical systems. The example of forest landscapes of the Western Caucasus shows the change of these indicators during the transition to landscapes of orchards, rain-fed fields, rice checks. In the soils of the considered anthropogenic systems various elements affecting the chemical composition of agricultural products are accumulated and removed from them.

How to cite: Alekseenko V.A., Bofanova A.B., Golovinskii P.L., Narezhnyi A.I., Suvorinov A.V. Use of new environmental-geochemical indicators of the state and dynamics of anthropogenic changes in forest ecosystems on the example of the Western Caucasus and the Pre-Caucasus // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 218-220.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Optimization of trophic chains in forests

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The first stage of the strategy of optimization of trophic chains in forests at the level of gene pool of producers - environment was developed with the help of Saprleskhoz. The realization of the system will increase the productivity of the region's forests by 32 %.

How to cite: Kotov M.M., Sobolev A.N., Romanova Y.V., Gagarin Y.N., Lazareva S.M., Shurgin A.N., Sukhanova L.V. Optimization of trophic chains in forests // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 220-222.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Main regularities of restoration processes in forest ecosystems of the North-West of Russia disturbed by economic impact

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The creative team of the Department of Forestry and Forest Management studies the reaction of forest biogeocenoses to the economic impact (thinning, thinning and complex forest care), reveals the dynamics, nature and direction of regenerative processes, systemic changes in forest ecosystems. It is noted that regenerative reactions are manifested in the form of external (exogenous) and internal (endogenous) changes and are the result of complex transformations in the system of structural and functional relationships. The core of regenerative processes are compensatory properties of the natural system, which ensure the possibility of realizing the resource-saving function in it and maintaining the stability of the biocycle. The results of experiments with logging and various forest management methods confirm these provisions and allow us to move from experimental and theoretical studies to practical recommendations.

How to cite: Melnikov E.S., Kuznetsov E.N. Main regularities of restoration processes in forest ecosystems of the North-West of Russia disturbed by economic impact // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 222-225.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Industrial utilization of aspen wood - an effective direction for sustainable forest management

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Large reserves of aspen and its rapid natural reproduction require urgent measures to find ways for wide industrial use of this wood species. On the basis of research of structure and physical and mechanical properties of wood the technologies of manufacturing of glued board (semi-finished product of furniture production) and plywood from aspen are developed and proposed for industrial use. The sequence of technological operations, norms of limitation of wood vices and processing defects, parameters of quality control of products and operations, parameters of processing modes and conditions are substantiated.

How to cite: Onegin V.I., Chubinskii A.N. Industrial utilization of aspen wood - an effective direction for sustainable forest management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 225-227.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Sustainable forest management in the green zone of St. Petersburg

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The theory and methods of organization and management of sustainable forestry in the green zone of St. Petersburg are developed. The methods of determining the boundaries, size and functional zoning of the green zone forests taking into account their impact on the carbon cycle are considered. The structure of multilevel GIS for information support of inventory and sustainable management of green zone forests is proposed.

How to cite: Selivanov A.A., Alekseev A.S., Lyubimov A.V. Sustainable forest management in the green zone of St. Petersburg // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 227-229.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Mathematical model of shoot morphology - development and prospects of application

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Indicator plants allow to determine the state and stability of phytocenosis. The study of properties of indicator plants is possible with the help of a mathematical model of shoot morphology. Due to the impact of environmental factors, plants change the structure of stem and leaf. The development of a mathematical model of the shoot is carried out by determining the parameters of morphology and architectonics of stem and leaf. For this purpose, the dimensions of morphology elements are investigated and the proportions between them are established. An important characteristic of an indicator plant is the amount of variation in the size or proportion of a morphology element relative to the average. If the variation of parameters of morphology or architectonics element is very large, it cannot be used to indicate the impact of environmental factor on the plant. In case the parameters of morphology or architectonics elements are stable, they can be used for a mathematical model of a shoot. An indicator plant should have at least one stable parameter of morphology or architectonics that changes its value under the influence of an environmental factor.

How to cite: Semenchuk N.N., Kurmyshev N.V., Postelnik D.Y., Rogotskii V.V., Andreeva M.V. Mathematical model of shoot morphology - development and prospects of application // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 230-233.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Complex influence of mountainous terrain and air-industrial pollution on biometric characteristics of pine plantations

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Geomorphology of the territory is one of the main factors influencing the formation of atmochemical pollution halos of forest ecosystem areas. As a result of the conducted research, spatial regularities of distribution of stand parameters depending on the terrain characteristics were quantitatively established. It was revealed that the increase in elevation, distance to the sources of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere and decrease in illumination of the macro-slope is accompanied by a decrease in the average diameter and height of stands. The differentiation of the degree of influence of natural and anthropogenic factors is adequately assessed by the equation of dependence of basic forest taxation characteristics of plantations on the parameters of forest site location.

How to cite: Fomin V.V., Shavnin S.A. Complex influence of mountainous terrain and air-industrial pollution on biometric characteristics of pine plantations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 234-236.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Criterion for sustainable forest management

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A new methodology for assessing and comparing the economic efficiency of forest area development options by the indicator of resource consumption, taking into account the expert assessment of their significance, is presented. The results of expert assessments of criteria of resource consumption for harvesting and reforestation works are analyzed.

How to cite: Tsypuk A.M., Rodionov A.V. Criterion for sustainable forest management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 237-239.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Mycorrhizae of self-sown oak cherry in forest plantations of Ulyanovsk region

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Quantitative dynamics of mycorrhizal endings development of self-sown oak seedlings during one vegetative period on the laid sample plot was studied. The obtained data showed that the maximum number of mycorrhizae on the roots of oak self-seedlings is formed by the end of the vegetation period, and this pattern can be traced at all stages of recreational digression. It was found that in forest communities of the Ulyanovsk region self-seeded oak cherry exists in an oblique interaction with ectomycorrhizal fungi, which is expressed in the formation of ectomycorrhizae on the roots of plants, which are transformed into sucking roots of plants.

How to cite: Churakov B.P., Aleeva L.R. Mycorrhizae of self-sown oak cherry in forest plantations of Ulyanovsk region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 239-241.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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On integrated environmental monitoring of forest and urban ecosystems

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New methods and means used at modular-block principle of construction of ecological monitoring system of forest and urban ecosystems are considered: complex method of estimation of environment and vegetation condition in zones of intensive anthropogenic impact with application of ground and remote means; measuring systems on the basis of film sensors of sorption type for estimation of air pollution; systems and means of measurements on the basis of fiber-optic technologies; atmospheric pollution monitoring systems based on the use of electromagnetic waves, etc.

How to cite: Shalaev V.S., Znamenskaya T.D. On integrated environmental monitoring of forest and urban ecosystems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 241-243.
Forecasting and prevention of emergencies and their consequences
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Multiband radar complex for remote monitoring of water areas

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In this work are stated a research results of the radar complex for water area remote sensing in Short- Wave, Ultra-Short Wave and Micro Wave bands. Complex gives operative data on the water surface condition of the Gulf of Finland areas in Russia NORTHWEST region. Data are to be use for preventing and liquidations of emergence situations.

How to cite: Barkhatov A.V., Kalenichenko S.P., Kutuzov V.M., Popov A.G. Multiband radar complex for remote monitoring of water areas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 244-247.
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Bioremediation of soil cover contaminated with oil products

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Studies of meadow phytocenoses have established a threshold concentration of oil products in sod-podzolic soils (3 p/m 2 ), the excess of which leads to disruption of plant life. In areas with such degree of soil contamination vegetation cover is formed in the second year after technogenic disturbance of the territory. The presence of oil products in the soil in the concentration of 4-5 p/m 2 causes the death of up to 95-100 % of natural flora. Analysis of research results allows us to distinguish three degrees of soil contamination with oil products based on the reaction of meadow plants: weak (1-2 l/m 2 ), medium (3 l/m 2 ) and strong (more than 4 l/m 2 ). For bioremediation of contaminated soils, it is advisable to cultivate meadow and creeping clover, hedgehog, meadow fescue, meadow timothy. Organic compost based on peat proved to be the best biostimulant for activation of soil microflora - oil-hydrocarbons destructors - under conditions of optimal soil humidity.

How to cite: Bogdanov V.L., Shmeleva I.V., Yakovitskaya A.P. Bioremediation of soil cover contaminated with oil products // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 248-250.
Forecasting and prevention of emergencies and their consequences
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Justification of parameters of the directional non-explosive method of rock destruction on the basis of expanding cement mixture

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The efficiency of the method of directional cracking of gypsum rocks using non-explosive cement-based fracture mixture (NBRM) can be increased by the developed design of stress concentrators in the form of two parallel metal plates. Design formulas and graphs of directional crack development between boreholes in time are presented.

How to cite: Borovkov Y.A., Sharov K.V. Justification of parameters of the directional non-explosive method of rock destruction on the basis of expanding cement mixture // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 251-254.
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Designing a database on methods of eliminating local technogenic pollution in rock massifs

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The methodology of database construction on methods of local technogenic pollution elimination in rock massifs is considered. The characteristic of optimal conditions of database application is given, rational type of its data organization is justified. The system of relational relations between the database objects is built on the basis of the information-logical model of the subject area.

How to cite: Bryukhovetskii O.S., Ganin I.P. Designing a database on methods of eliminating local technogenic pollution in rock massifs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 255-257.
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Remote control of dangerous goods transportation

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Transportation of dangerous goods by road in populated areas requires continuous control of the route, mode and conditions of transportation. Continuous remote control of transportation is a new technological task, the solution of which is based on scientific and technical achievements in satellite radio navigation, data transmission from mobile objects and geoinformation technologies. The principles of construction of the remote control system in relation to Russian conditions are considered, technical substantiation of the principles of construction of all components of the system is given: vehicle equipment (VE), radio-technical network of data transmission from VE to dispatching center (DC), equipment and software of DC. The possibilities of using hardware and software products of domestic manufacturers in the system are shown.

How to cite: Valeev V.G. Remote control of dangerous goods transportation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 257-259.
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Dynamic precursors of earthquakes

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A physical model of earthquake source formation as a statically unstable system with several degrees of freedom has been proposed; the mechanism of the process has been considered and a mathematical model of its description has been substantiated, which makes it possible to identify the main physical components for space monitoring and earthquake forecasting. It has been established that before realization of dynamic phenomenon there is rocking of rock volume (source zone) with propagation of ultra-low (period 3.5-4.5 h) lithospheric waves, which parameters can be used to determine hypocenter, magnitude and time of impact.

How to cite: Davydov V.F. Dynamic precursors of earthquakes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 259-261.
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Technology for disposal of underwater environmentally hazardous objects

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In the post-war period more than 40 ships with chemical munitions containing more than 50 thousand tons of active mass of toxic substances were sunk in the Baltic Sea water area. By the present time due to intensive corrosion there is a possibility of ships depressurization and entry of mutagenic and carcinogenic pollutants into the Baltic Sea water area, which causes the necessity of their isolation. To solve this problem the method of underwater objects burial is developed, which consists in primary cleaning of the vessel from bottom sediments, their replacement by concrete mixture, hydrotransported from the board of the technological vessel with the use of polyfunctional equipment. It is proposed to use local coarse-grained material, extracted and prepared directly in the water area of works, as a mixture filler. The technical means developed for the works are reliable and simple in operation, highly productive, allow to prevent an ecological catastrophe in the Baltic Sea water area in the shortest possible time and with high efficiency.

How to cite: Drobadenko V.P., Malukhin N.G. Technology for disposal of underwater environmentally hazardous objects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 262-264.
Forecasting and prevention of emergencies and their consequences
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Environmental monitoring of large-scale weak cloud formations

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The issue of remote monitoring of large-scale weak cloud formations in the atmosphere, ionosphere and outer space (space dust) is considered. These can be radioactive precursors of earthquakes and emergency releases of nuclear power plants, emergency releases of large petrochemical complexes and natural phenomena of emergency type. It is proposed to use modern pulse-phase radio navigation systems, which have high accuracy due to their atomic standard of frequency and time. It is possible to synchronize time signals by space means. The aim of the work is to create a system of problem-oriented computer support for the monitoring system taking into account the models of cloud formations of the considered type.

How to cite: Krylov G.N. Environmental monitoring of large-scale weak cloud formations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 264-266.
Forecasting and prevention of emergencies and their consequences
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Systematic and theoretical foundations of concept of early warning of negative geotechnical processes

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The main principles of the conception of early notification of negative engineeringgeological processes development are obsen.'ed. The methodology of the given conception includes the systematic approach, risk-analysis and theoretical basements of organization of lithotechnical systems monitoring.

How to cite: Pendin V.V., Babanakova S.A. Systematic and theoretical foundations of concept of early warning of negative geotechnical processes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 266-269.
Forecasting and prevention of emergencies and their consequences
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Forecasting of oil pollution processes in natural environments in case of an oil pipeline accident using mathematical models

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The task of forecasting the consequences of oil spill emergency in case of oil pipeline accident on the basis of GIS-technologies and calculation of economic damage caused to the natural environment (ENE) was set. Modeling of surface oil spill was carried out in Arc View GIS system using the adjusted Hydro Spatial Analyst module taking into account geofiltration of soils and terrain relief. The mathematical model of oil spreading is based on the equation describing the spread of a filtered liquid in porous material. The task of calculating financial and economic damage is based on the method approved by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation. A distinctive feature of the method used is that the fuzzy logic apparatus is used in the calculations. As a result of the work done, the consequences of the emergency situation can be presented on an electronic map, which makes it possible to calculate the area of contamination, the volumes of oiled pound and soaked oil, as well as the economic damage caused by the OPS.

How to cite: Prokoshev V.G., Zuev K.I., Trifonova T.A., Abrahin S.I., Arakelyan S.M. Forecasting of oil pollution processes in natural environments in case of an oil pipeline accident using mathematical models // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 269-270.
Forecasting and prevention of emergencies and their consequences
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Geodynamic and other natural factors of the ecological state of Russia's geological environment

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Natural processes with negative impacts on the natural environment and human life safety are widely manifested on the territory of Russia: endogenous (seismic hazard) and exogenous (mudflows, avalanches) geodynamic phenomena, as well as the accumulation of anomalous concentrations of toxicants in geological bodies.

How to cite: Smyslov A.A., Marchenko A.G., Kulachkov L.V., Botalova E.A., Tutakova A.Y., Alekhina V.V., Baranauskaite I.A. Geodynamic and other natural factors of the ecological state of Russia’s geological environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 271-274.
Forecasting and prevention of emergencies and their consequences
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Physical principles of forecasting the dynamics of natural and social processes

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The studied heliophysical and geophysical processes in the Solar System and in the interior of the planet Earth testify to their interconnection and dependence on the global external influence in the form of dissipative energy exchange of the Solar System bodies between themselves and the Earth. The variations of the Earth rotation rate, geomagnetic and gravitational fields are a harmonic series of oscillations determined by gravitational dissipation. Dynamics of relative motion of structural elements (blocks) of the Earth's crust and related catastrophic consequences and technogenic risks are a consequence of heliophysical factors (tidal wave, Cariolis acceleration), which affect not only inanimate nature, but also humans (cardiovascular diseases and immune system disorders).

How to cite: Sobolev L.M. Physical principles of forecasting the dynamics of natural and social processes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 274-276.
Economic and legal problems of nature conservation and environmental management
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The problem of environmental safety in the transition economy of Russia

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The problem of environmental security, as any scientific problem, requires research and disclosure of the essence and content of the very concept of environmental security. Currently, neither in economic nor in other scientific literature there is no clear definition of this concept. Environmental security as a problem can be successfully solved only in the transition from spontaneous nature management to a consciously managed one. Hence the formulation of the main task: the study and research of the natural environment as an object of socio-economic management as an integral part of the economic security of the Russian state.

How to cite: Volovich V.N. The problem of environmental safety in the transition economy of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 277-279.
Economic and legal problems of nature conservation and environmental management
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Methodological problems of oil and gas resources development strategy formation on the basis of their geological and economic evaluation

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The general problems of oil and gas resources development strategy formation are considered. The experience and methodological approaches used in strategy formation on the basis of geological and economic assessment of oil and gas resources in modern economic conditions are analyzed. An approach to the allocation of objects of resource assessment, taking into account the stages of resource development and heterogeneity of natural and economic conditions of development of forecast resources is proposed. The scheme of economic evaluation of resources is substantiated. The criteria for assessing the economic effect of oil and gas resources development at the level of local objects, oil and gas bearing complexes, regions and districts, oil and gas bearing provinces and the country as a whole are proposed.

How to cite: Ilinskii A.A., Pashkevich N.V. Methodological problems of oil and gas resources development strategy formation on the basis of their geological and economic evaluation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 280-285.
Economic and legal problems of nature conservation and environmental management
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Safety analysis and practice of reducing environmental risks of accidents in trunk pipeline transportation

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As a result of the conducted research, the safety analysis of the trunk pipeline transportation operation was performed on the basis of environmental risk assessment, determined on the basis of diagnostic efficiency, preventive measures, taking into account the impact of terrain and the mass of accidental oil release. Analysis of environmental risks of accidental oil release allowed to identify the most dangerous sections of the trunk pipeline, to develop engineering measures for environmental protection, consisting in installation of additional locking devices, creation of additional "barns" for oil collection, bunding of the territory.

How to cite: Kozlitin A.M., Popov A.I., Kozlitin P.A. Safety analysis and practice of reducing environmental risks of accidents in trunk pipeline transportation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 285-288.
Economic and legal problems of nature conservation and environmental management
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Improving the efficiency of environmental management in the development of mineral deposits

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The problem of rational use of natural resources and environmental protection in the mining and processing of minerals is considered as a task of improving the efficiency of environmental management, which is explained by the importance of this problem for the stabilization of economic development of the country and the formation of prerequisites for economic growth. The realization of a rational approach to nature management in the conditions of market relations is based on the financial and investment strategy, which assumes the possibility of using the financial resources of the trust fund, formed at the expense of deductions of subjects of nature management from the natural rent.

How to cite: Lobanov N.Y., Kuklina E.A., Nevskaya M.A. Improving the efficiency of environmental management in the development of mineral deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 288-291.
Economic and legal problems of nature conservation and environmental management
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Modeling scenarios of environmental dynamics of the region and calculation of environmental insurance tariffs

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The paper presents the structure of a software package aimed at modeling the environmental dynamics of an industrial region. The tool under consideration is supposed to be used, in particular, for generating scenarios of environmental situation development in conditions of insufficient statistics when forecasting environmentally negative events, major accidents and disasters. One of the possible uses of the proposed product is its application in environmental insurance to improve the relevant regulatory framework and the calculation of insurance tariffs.

How to cite: Nikonov O.I., Medvedev A.N., Medvedeva M.A., Stepanov S.V. Modeling scenarios of environmental dynamics of the region and calculation of environmental insurance tariffs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 291-293.
Economic and legal problems of nature conservation and environmental management
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Economic and legal aspects of management of the mineral and raw materials complex

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The basic provisions and principles of substantiation of the strategy of rational resource consumption and resource conservation in the system of reforming the mineral and raw materials complex of the country are formulated. Modern conceptual approaches to the formation of the system of state regulation and support of rational subsoil use are analyzed. Priority directions of improving the management of the mineral and raw materials complex of the country are considered. Recommendations for changing the taxation system of enterprises of mineral and raw materials complex, stimulating rational subsoil use are substantiated.

How to cite: Pashkevich N.V., Ilinskii A.A. Economic and legal aspects of management of the mineral and raw materials complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 294-296.