Regenerative succession is a natural response of forest ecosystems to economic impact. In forestry practice it is necessary to take into account regularities of regenerative reactions, to predict structural and functional changes in forest ecosystem, to correct regenerative processes, optimizing the solution of economic tasks. A comprehensive study assessed the impact of primary felling and various forest maintenance methods on the state of forest ecosystems: their productivity, sustainability, floristic diversity, the features of anthropogenic impact on the forest environment were studied, the dynamics and mechanisms of restorative reactions were revealed. Measures to improve the practice of economic impact on forest ecosystems were proposed. Particular attention is paid to theoretical aspects of the integrity and sustainability of forest ecosystems.
The creative team of the Department of Forestry and Forest Management studies the reaction of forest biogeocenoses to the economic impact (thinning, thinning and complex forest care), reveals the dynamics, nature and direction of regenerative processes, systemic changes in forest ecosystems. It is noted that regenerative reactions are manifested in the form of external (exogenous) and internal (endogenous) changes and are the result of complex transformations in the system of structural and functional relationships. The core of regenerative processes are compensatory properties of the natural system, which ensure the possibility of realizing the resource-saving function in it and maintaining the stability of the biocycle. The results of experiments with logging and various forest management methods confirm these provisions and allow us to move from experimental and theoretical studies to practical recommendations.