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A. B. Bofanova
A. B. Bofanova
Research Institute of Geochemistry of the Biosphere
Research Institute of Geochemistry of the Biosphere


Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Use of new environmental-geochemical indicators of the state and dynamics of anthropogenic changes in forest ecosystems on the example of the Western Caucasus and the Pre-Caucasus

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As new ecological and geochemical indicators of ecosystems state it is proposed to use the indicators of absolute (IAA) and relative (IRA) accumulation of chemical elements in certain geochemical systems. The example of forest landscapes of the Western Caucasus shows the change of these indicators during the transition to landscapes of orchards, rain-fed fields, rice checks. In the soils of the considered anthropogenic systems various elements affecting the chemical composition of agricultural products are accumulated and removed from them.

How to cite: Alekseenko V.A., Bofanova A.B., Golovinskii P.L., Narezhnyi A.I., Suvorinov A.V. Use of new environmental-geochemical indicators of the state and dynamics of anthropogenic changes in forest ecosystems on the example of the Western Caucasus and the Pre-Caucasus // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 218-220.