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A. V. Suvorinov
A. V. Suvorinov
RF Ministry of Education
RF Ministry of Education


Environmental monitoring
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Assessment of the possibility of geochemical self-recovery of agrolandscapes on the basis of monitoring

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Agrolandscapes make up the largest part of the world's man-made landscapes. Their soils are subjected to annual mechanical cultivation; fertilizers and toxic chemicals are applied. All this leads to specific contamination of soils with a number of chemical elements. All over the world, certain agro-landscapes are periodically withdrawn from agricultural turnover. In this regard, it is important to answer the question: whether geochemical "soil self-remediation" is possible in this case or not. If geochemical self-recovery is possible, it is desirable to know how long it can happen. We have developed a methodology of works on the basis of monitoring studies. On its basis this problem was considered for tea plantations of the Western Caucasus.

How to cite: Alekseenko V.A., Ovcharov I.V., Sannikova A.B., Suvorinov A.V. Assessment of the possibility of geochemical self-recovery of agrolandscapes on the basis of monitoring // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 88-90.
Scientific and innovative cooperation
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Development of cross-sectoral cooperation between the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia (review)

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The concept of socio-economic development of the country emphasizes that the main factors ensuring economic growth, its efficiency and competitiveness, improvement of living standards of the population are scientific and technical potential, natural resources, and integration into the world economy. Development of scientific and technical potential is necessary for creation and perception of innovations, concentration of resources for implementation of large projects, advanced training of engineering and scientific corps, covering the whole range of specialties and technologies. Increasing the influence of higher education on the processes of transformation of the country's economy affects, first of all, the use of scientific achievements in the real sector of the economy. Therefore, the Ministry of Education of Russia has set a course for cooperation with ministries, departments, economic entities and developed a methodological basis for such cooperation.

How to cite: Suvorinov A.V., Sarychev G.A. Development of cross-sectoral cooperation between the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia (review) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 141-144.
Environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Development of scientific basis for biogeochemical assessment of coastal aquatic landscapes and initiation of biogeochemical monitoring of Tsemesskaya Bay

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An environmental-geochemical study was carried out for the landscapes of the Black Sea coast, dividing the territories into regions according to the nature and degree of technogenic impact. A map of geochemical landscapes of Tsemesskaya Bay was drawn up. For the purpose of their biogeochemical assessment, some species of laurel, kelp and green algae growing in the coastal zone were analyzed to determine the concentrations of 20 chemical elements in their ashes. Some elements (Pb, Mn, Cu, Co) characterized by predominant accumulation in cystosira with significant general pollution of coastal areas of the bay were identified. In 1999 there is a slight decrease in the concentrations of some elements in the ash of the studied algae compared to the previous year. In 2000, some increase of element concentrations in ashes of the observed algae was observed.

How to cite: Alekseenko V.A., Alekseenko L.P., Suvorinov A.V., Eletskii B.D. Development of scientific basis for biogeochemical assessment of coastal aquatic landscapes and initiation of biogeochemical monitoring of Tsemesskaya Bay // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 43-46.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Use of new environmental-geochemical indicators of the state and dynamics of anthropogenic changes in forest ecosystems on the example of the Western Caucasus and the Pre-Caucasus

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As new ecological and geochemical indicators of ecosystems state it is proposed to use the indicators of absolute (IAA) and relative (IRA) accumulation of chemical elements in certain geochemical systems. The example of forest landscapes of the Western Caucasus shows the change of these indicators during the transition to landscapes of orchards, rain-fed fields, rice checks. In the soils of the considered anthropogenic systems various elements affecting the chemical composition of agricultural products are accumulated and removed from them.

How to cite: Alekseenko V.A., Bofanova A.B., Golovinskii P.L., Narezhnyi A.I., Suvorinov A.V. Use of new environmental-geochemical indicators of the state and dynamics of anthropogenic changes in forest ecosystems on the example of the Western Caucasus and the Pre-Caucasus // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 218-220.