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M. S. Evdokimov
M. S. Evdokimov
Kuban University
Kuban University


Environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Creation of complexes of software and algorithmic tools for analyzing and forecasting the state of the environment

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The purpose of this study is to create a program-analytical complex that allows to forecast the state of the environment taking into account all climatic and landscape factors. The complex includes a simulator, which assumes binding to certain technogenic territories, and a database of modern disasters of natural and anthropogenic origin. In the course of the work, the theory of atmospheric propagation in the course of approximation of the real environment was further developed. A software system for accurate development of the problem of translation and densification of impurity taking into account the inhomogeneity of atmospheric characteristics by height and characteristics of the underlying surface was developed. Several blocks of the mathematical simulation model of pollutant behavior disclosed taking into account the peculiarities of the geographical location of the territory and the complex of information support of the model are developed.

How to cite: Babeshko V.A., Babeshko O.M., Zaretskaya M.V., Evdokimova O.S., Evdokimov M.S. Creation of complexes of software and algorithmic tools for analyzing and forecasting the state of the environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 49-51.