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A. M. Lyukhin
A. M. Lyukhin
Moscow Geological Prospecting Academy
Moscow Geological Prospecting Academy


Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Landscape dynamics in the area of Udachninsky MPP (Yakutia) based on remote sensing data

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The study in the area of ecology is an essential part of geology prospecting. It must be carried out at the earliest stages of exploration of deposits and is to take into account the dynamics of change of the ecological situations at all stages of exploitation. In terms of the database set up to analyze the operation of the Udachninsky dressing mill there has been made an all-around ecology monitoring and as a result of long-term exploitation of the Udachninsky kimberlite pipe the dynamics of technogenic change of landscape is shown hereinafter.

How to cite: Serokurov Y.N., Lyukhin A.M., Kalmykov I.V. Landscape dynamics in the area of Udachninsky MPP (Yakutia) based on remote sensing data // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 156-158.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Remote environmental monitoring of the Udachninsky MPP area (Yakutia)

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The paper presents the results of work on the organization of integrated environmental monitoring and creation of an electronic database for the territory of the Udachny Mining and Processing Plant of ALROSA LLC in the Republic of Sacha (Yakutia). It was justified to create three levels of information: the first (aerospace images, topographic, geological, geophysical and geochemical maps); the second (interpretation schemes of space and high-altitude images, results of interpretation of gravity, magnetic and radiometric fields, data of geochemical study of rocks) and the third (results of quantitative and qualitative processing of interpretation schemes, special analysis of multispectral space data, complex interpretation of heterogeneous data). The electronic bank is designed as a source of information on various aspects of the environmental situation in the territory, as well as a tool for management decision-making. Its constant replenishment with new materials (space, radiometric, geochemical, medical, etc.) will make it possible to expand the scope of the tasks to be solved.

How to cite: Serokurov Y.N., Lyukhin A.M., Kalmykov I.V. Remote environmental monitoring of the Udachninsky MPP area (Yakutia) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 174-176.