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Vol 149
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Integrated assessment of clay rock transformation under the influence of radiation exposure

R. E. Dashko
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  • St. Petersburg State Mining Institute
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The influence of long-term radiation irradiation on changes in composition, physical and chemical activity and mechanical properties of Lower Cambrian blue clays serving as the base of low-activity waste storage facilities has been analyzed. It is shown that as a result of formation of defects in the crystal lattice of rock-forming and cementing minerals and their amorphization there is a significant decrease in the values of the total deformation modulus and shear resistance parameters, absorption capacity and swelling ability of clays increases 2 times. It was noted that the thickness of these clays is characterized by a high content of bacterial mass, which indicates active microbiological activity, especially in the upper part of the section.

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  4. Dashko RE. The peculiarities of geotechnical assessment of Lower Cambrian clays in the North-Westem part of the Russian platform / R.E.Dashko, I.L.Plechkova // Baltic Geotechnics'95 / Proceedings of the 8th Baltic Geotecnnical conference. Rotterdam, Brookfield, 1995.

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