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Vol 149
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Development of production technology for manufacturing sorbents and filters based on sorbents for radiochemical analysis and purification of drinking water and wastewater from radionuclides

N. D. Betenkov1
A. V. Voronina2
A. S. Kutergin3
T. A. Nedobukh4
Yu. E. Gileva5
About authors
  • 1 — Ural Technical University
  • 2 — Ural Technical University
  • 3 — Ural Technical University
  • 4 — Ural Technical University
  • 5 — Ural Technical University
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Technologies for the fabrication of thin-layer inorganic sorbents (TANS) based on different carriers, including carriers of natural origin, have been developed. Physico-chemical and sorption properties of the obtained materials under static, kinetic and dynamic conditions were studied, the possibilities of their use in the methods of radiochemical analysis and natural water purification were considered.

Бетенков Н.Д., Воронина А.В., Кутергин А.С., Недобух Т.А., Гилева Ю.Е. Разработка технологий изготовления сорбентов и фильтров на их основе для радиохимического анализа и очистки питьевых, а также сточных вод от радионуклидов // Записки Горного института. 2001. Т. № 5 149. С. 16-18.
Betenkov N.D., Voronina A.V., Kutergin A.S., Nedobukh T.A., Gileva Y.E. Development of production technology for manufacturing sorbents and filters based on sorbents for radiochemical analysis and purification of drinking water and wastewater from radionuclides // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 16-18.
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