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I. Yu. Naidenko
I. Yu. Naidenko
Moscow Geological and Exploration Academy
Moscow Geological and Exploration Academy



Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Selection of the location of impervious blanket using technical means of borehole hydromechanization

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Analysis of perspective objects for construction of impervious curtains makes it possible to formulate the main features of their design and conditions for analytical solution of filtration problems. When solving the problem the hydrodynamic grid of flow movement, specific inflow of solutions, height of filtration flow before the curtain and after it are determined. The problem of laminar plane-parallel filtration of solutions with a free surface in an unpressurized reservoir through a perfect curtain of contour-linear type is solved for two flow regimes: free unpressurized and waterlogged. The equations of material balance and continuity of flow are used in the solution.

How to cite: Naidenko I.Y., Fomkina E.E. Selection of the location of impervious blanket using technical means of borehole hydromechanization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 208-209.