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Vol 149
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Cross-cutting energy-environmental analysis of harmful emissions with consideration of public health risk assessment

V. G. Lisienko1
O. G. Druzhinina2
V. A. Morozova3
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  • 1 — Ural Technical University
  • 2 — Ural Technical University
  • 3 — Ural Technical University
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A number of environmental safety problems can be solved by using the developed method of end-to-end energy-ecological analysis of technologies. When analyzing the energy intensity and ecological state of the technological chain in order to determine two economic components (energy and damage), a comparative analysis of economic damage from environmental pollution is carried out by two methods: risk assessment and payment of the enterprise for excess emissions. At the same time, the economic damage, defined in the context of consequences from the impact of hazardous waste on the human body, was determined depending on the concentration of emissions and the degree of risk. The comparative analysis of economic damage from environmental pollution according to different methods on the example of pollutant emissions by separate process units of JSC "VIZ" (Verkhne-Seletsky Metallurgical Plant) demonstrates a significant underestimation of economic damage determined by the method of regulatory fines.

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  1. Лисиенко В.Г. Методика сквозного энерго-экологического анализа энерготехнологических объектов / В.Г.Лисиенко, О.Г.Дружинина, В.А.Морозова II Известия вузов. Черная металлургия. 1999. № 9.
  2. Лисиенко В.Г. Диссипативная методика сквозного энергоэкологического анализа энерготехнологических объектов / В.Г.Лисиенко, О.Г.Дружинина, В.А.Морозова // Известия вузов. Черная металлургия. 2000. № 3.
  3. Exteme. Externalities of energy. Vol.2. Methodology. Science Research European commission. 1995. EUR 16521 EN. ECSC-EL-EAEC, Brussels - Luxembourg, 1997.
  4. Региональный план действий по охране окружающей среды для Свердловской области. Оценка ущерба и ранжирование проектов для Свердловской области / УФ ЦПРП. Екатеринбург, 1997.
  5. Проект нормативов предельно допустимых выбросов в атмосферу для ОАО «ВИЗ» / НТЦ «Экология». Екатеринбург, 1992.

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