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Vol 149
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Physical principles of forecasting the dynamics of natural and social processes

L. M. Sobolev
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  • R&D Institute of Physics at Irkutsk State University
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The studied heliophysical and geophysical processes in the Solar System and in the interior of the planet Earth testify to their interconnection and dependence on the global external influence in the form of dissipative energy exchange of the Solar System bodies between themselves and the Earth. The variations of the Earth rotation rate, geomagnetic and gravitational fields are a harmonic series of oscillations determined by gravitational dissipation. Dynamics of relative motion of structural elements (blocks) of the Earth's crust and related catastrophic consequences and technogenic risks are a consequence of heliophysical factors (tidal wave, Cariolis acceleration), which affect not only inanimate nature, but also humans (cardiovascular diseases and immune system disorders).

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