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Vol 154

Vol 155 No 2
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Welcoming remarks by the Editorial Board

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The definition of sustainable development as development that ensures satisfaction of existing needs and does not jeopardize the ability of future generations to meet their own needs should underlie the Russian concept of rational nature management and environmental protection.

How to cite: Board E. Welcoming remarks by the Editorial Board // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 8-8.
Safety problems of radiation, electromagnetic and other dangerous influence on people
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Sorbents and filters based on them for radiochemical analysis and purification of drinking and waste water from radionuclides

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Technologies have been developed for producing inorganic sorbents suitable for treatment of radioactively contaminated wastewater and drinking water and for radiation monitoring of natural waters. Individual filters for drinking water treatment from radionuclides were developed and certified. Studies on the use of inorganic sorbents in the production of medical isotopes for disease diagnosis and radiotherapy of cancerous tumors have been initiated.

How to cite: Betenekov N.D., Voronina A.V., Denisov E.I., Kutergin A.S., Kutergina I.N. Sorbents and filters based on them for radiochemical analysis and purification of drinking and waste water from radionuclides // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 9-11.
Safety problems of radiation, electromagnetic and other dangerous influence on people
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Algorithms for calculating the radar characteristics of radioactive atmospheric emissions

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A structural scheme of the algorithm for calculating atmospheric emissions from nuclear power plants is presented. The additive model of the effective scattering area of the emission takes into account different components of the process: air ionization by radionuclides, turbulence and thermal inhomogeneities, aerosol particles, tracks of alpha-particles and meteorological formations of natural origin. Input data for calculations are meteorological data, radar parameters and interference situation in the region. As a result of calculations the field of spatial cross-sections of NPP emission into the atmosphere can be obtained and spatial characteristics of technogenic and natural meteorological formations can be specified (using radar data).

How to cite: Veremev V.I., Kalenichenko S.P., Konovalov A.A. Algorithms for calculating the radar characteristics of radioactive atmospheric emissions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 11-14.
Safety problems of radiation, electromagnetic and other dangerous influence on people
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Decontamination of industrial effluents containing aromatic compounds using sound chemistry

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The object of the research is industrial effluents of chemical plants containing aromatic compounds (phenols). The aim of R&D is to develop a scientific basis and method of neutralization of highly toxic aromatic compounds under the influence of ultrasound. The chemical effects of ultrasound in aqueous medium are observed under conditions of nonlinear vibration propagation and are associated with the phenomenon of cavitation. Under the influence of intense alternating vibrations, the liquid ruptures with the formation of a cavity, the development of which leads to the appearance of radical highly reactive particles. In the case of water such particles are hydrogen atom and hydroxyl radical. The hydroxyl radical is capable of oxidizing almost all known organic compounds; being a typical electrophile, OH* easily reacts with molecules containing an aromatic ring (chlorinated lignins and their fragments, chlorophenols, phenols). As a result of the interaction, the R-groups in the side chain are replaced with hydroxyls; the cleavage of the aromatic core leads to the formation of carboxylic and hydroxycarboxylic acids. Thus, the practical application of ultrasonic vibrations (USV) leads to detoxification of industrial effluents containing organochlorine compounds without introducing additional chemical reagents into the system.

How to cite: Kiprianov A.I. Decontamination of industrial effluents containing aromatic compounds using sound chemistry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 14-16.
Safety problems of radiation, electromagnetic and other dangerous influence on people
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Pilot operation of the Center for Open Engineering Education "Radiation Safety of the Population of the Russian Federation”

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The first results of pilot operation of the Center for Open Engineering Education "Radiation Safety of the Population of the Russian Federation" as a complex of information, educational and consulting resources in the field of radiation safety and radiation protection are reviewed. Materials of the Center are placed in the virtual representation of the Research Institute of Applied Mechanics and Electrodynamics of the Moscow Aviation Institute (NIIPME MAI) at the Moscow Virtual University ( ).

How to cite: Koroteev A.A., Koroteev D.A. Pilot operation of the Center for Open Engineering Education "Radiation Safety of the Population of the Russian Federation” // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 17-19.
Safety problems of radiation, electromagnetic and other dangerous influence on people
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Analysis of radiation risks for the population of the Urals region using threshold and threshold-free models

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The main ways of radiation risks assessment are considered: linear threshold-free model and practical threshold model. New approaches to selection of radiation risk assessment threshold based on comparison of man-made exposure doses with lifetime exposure doses from natural radiation sources are proposed. The threshold of risk assessment for exposure to radon daughter products equal to 30 Bq/m3 has been proposed. Using both threshold-free and threshold models the estimates of radiation risk for the population of Sverdlovsk region exposed to natural and anthropogenic sources were made. It is shown that the contribution of technogenic training is much lower than that of permanent radiation factors - radon and medical diagnostic irradiation.

How to cite: Kruzhalov A.V., Zhukovskii M.V., Pavlyuk A.V. Analysis of radiation risks for the population of the Urals region using threshold and threshold-free models // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 19-26.
Safety problems of radiation, electromagnetic and other dangerous influence on people
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Impact of cell phone antenna electromagnetic radiation on the user

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Electromagnetic radiation when using cellular phones can have a negative impact on humans. Studies of radiation types on a multilayer model of the human head made it possible to compile a program and perform numerical calculations.

How to cite: Panchenko B.A., Knyazev S.T., Kozlov S.A. Impact of cell phone antenna electromagnetic radiation on the user // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 27-29.
Safety problems of radiation, electromagnetic and other dangerous influence on people
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Electromagnetic fields in geophysical processes and their effects on biological objects

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The effects of excitation of natural electromagnetic fields during various, mainly biologically dangerous hydrometeorological processes, including sea storm waves, the development of convective cloudiness in the atmosphere up to thunderstorm stages, the approach and passage of cyclonal formations, intense dynamic processes in sea ice are considered. Biological significance of these electromagnetic fields for hydrobionts as sources of operative and prognostic information about dangerous processes in their environment is evaluated.

How to cite: Stepanyuk I.A. Electromagnetic fields in geophysical processes and their effects on biological objects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 29-32.
Safety problems of radiation, electromagnetic and other dangerous influence on people
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Physical and chemical substantiation of decontamination of the 5th district of Vasilievsky Island in St. Petersburg from strontium-90 contamination

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In order to calculate parameters of purification of soils from 90 Sr the exchange isotherm of Sr 2+ Ha cations of iron (III) between Cambrian clay and aqueous solution with pH = 3 was studied. Isotherms of joint cation adsorption in joint presence are described by the Langmuir equation. Using the values of the Langmuir constants, the Gibbs constant and energy of ion exchange equal to 15 and -6.7 kJ/mol, respectively, were calculated. These values coincide with those calculated from the individual adsorption isotherms of Sr 2+ and Fe (III) cations on clay. According to the obtained constants it is possible to deactivate soils from 90 Sr contamination by means of ion-exchange washing with solutions of iron (III) salts, which is confirmed by field studies in the 5th quarter of Vasilievsky Island. The performed technical-economic assessment of the decontamination of the 5th quarter shows that the washing cleaning will give an economic effect of about 150 million rubles compared to soil removal and burial.

How to cite: Chirkst D.E., Litvinova T.E., Cheremisina O.V., Ivanov M.V. Physical and chemical substantiation of decontamination of the 5th district of Vasilievsky Island in St. Petersburg from strontium-90 contamination // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 32-37.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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System of integrated assessment of the environmental condition of objects based on GIS

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The system of forming and obtaining complex assessments of the ecological state of environmental objects on the basis of heterogeneous data and modeling results, taking into account the characteristics of uncertainty was created. Based on the conducted metrological analysis of the main types of data, algorithms for the construction of a normalized space of estimates, which provide the formation of complex and comprehensive estimates based on the layer-by-layer organization of projects in the technology of geographic information systems, were implemented.

How to cite: Alekseev V.V., Komarov B.G., Korolev P.G., Kurakina N.I. System of integrated assessment of the environmental condition of objects based on GIS // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 38-40.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Biogeochemical monitoring of landscapes in Tsemesskaya Bay

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Ecological and biogeochemical monitoring of the state of the landscapes of the Tsemesskaya Bay studied changes in the content of a number of metals in the most common algae. Sampling was conducted annually in spring and summer. To increase the reliability of the data, information was processed on a specially compiled map of aquatic geochemical landscapes. During the period under study the highest concentration of the majority of studied metals in algae was registered in 1998. This is most likely due to previous pollution of the bay, when almost all enterprises of Novorossiysk were still operating. Minimum concentrations of metals in algae are typical for 1999. In 2000 metal concentrations started to increase again.

How to cite: Alekseenko L.P., Krasnikova T.V. Biogeochemical monitoring of landscapes in Tsemesskaya Bay // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 40-43.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Some models for the integrated study of environmental systemsм

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The purpose of this study is to create a software-analytical complex, which allows forecasting the state of the environment, taking into account all major climatic and landscape factors. The complex includes a mathematical model, which can be linked to specific man-made territories, and a database of modern disasters of natural and man-made nature. A set of programs for precise solution of the problem on the transfer and deposition of pollutants in the atmosphere, taking into account the heterogeneity of atmospheric properties by height and properties of the underlying surface, some blocks of the simulation mathematical model of the behavior of pollutants, taking into account the specific geographic location of the territory and a complex of information support for the model were developed.

How to cite: Babeshko V.A., Babeshko O.M., Zaretskaya M.V., Evdokimova O.V., Evdokimova S.M., Gladskoi I.B., Gritsai V.V., Solodukhin O.V. Some models for the integrated study of environmental systemsм // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 43-45.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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High-efficiency modular unitary wastewater treatment plant

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A new type of compact wastewater treatment plant has been developed to provide treatment (without chlorine) up to the level permitted for discharge into municipal wastewater treatment facilities or fishery water bodies. The technological scheme of one of the options of the purification station is described.

How to cite: Bakhtinov N.A., Gorodnichev V.A., Belov M.L., Kozintsev V.I., Fedotov Y.V. High-efficiency modular unitary wastewater treatment plant // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 46-48.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Anthropogenic methane and nitrous oxide emissions in Russia in 1950-2000

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A generalized methodology for calculating methane and nitrous oxide emissions from anthropogenic sources characteristic of the Russian economy was developed. The volumes of emissions of these gases in the energy sector, industry, agriculture, and forestry on the territory of Russia for the period 1950-2000 were calculated.

How to cite: Beznosova D.S., Tereshin A.G., Klimenko V.V. Anthropogenic methane and nitrous oxide emissions in Russia in 1950-2000 // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 48-50.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Lidar method for remote measurement of oil film thickness on water surface

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The problem of remote measurement of the thickness of oil films on water surface is considered and the method of remote control of oil pollution, based on the use of wavelength-tunable laser, measurement of the intensity of the reflected signal from the wavelength and application of a special algorithm for processing the results of laser measurements, is developed. It is shown that the developed method of remote control and algorithms of processing the received signals for the laser meter allow to establish the thickness of films of oil products on water surface (including the agitated sea surface) with an acceptable accuracy.

How to cite: Belov M.L., Berezin S.V., Kozintsev V.I., Gorodnichev V.A., Fedotov Y.V. Lidar method for remote measurement of oil film thickness on water surface // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 51-52.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Experimental model of fractured porous media for control of anthropogenic pollution of soils and subsurface soils

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An apparatus for modeling mass transfer in fractured porous media has been developed to obtain parameters of retention and migration of anthropogenic pollutants in soils and pounds. It was tested in laboratory and field lysimetric experiments while studying the migration of hydrocarbons and heavy metals in loamy soils. The results of the project are planned to be introduced in the environmental control system of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan as a new technology for monitoring of technogenic-contaminated soils and subsurface soils.

How to cite: Breus I.P., Neklyudov S.A., Breus V.A. Experimental model of fractured porous media for control of anthropogenic pollution of soils and subsurface soils // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 53-55.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Scientific and methodological justification and development of methods for determining the content of multicomponent organic compounds in air and water samples as applied to environmental monitoring tasks

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A unified methodological approach to the analysis of complex mixtures of volatile organic compounds in various media (air, water, soil), implemented with the use of universal methodological and instrumental bases, is substantiated. The main analytical method is the highly sensitive multivariate capillary gas chromatography in combination with other effective processes (gas extraction, sorption concentration, thermal desorption, cryogenic focusing etc.) applied in the operational line for sampling, sample preparation, pulsed sample introduction etc. Based on the metrological studies of the proposed basic technique for the analysis of multicomponent impurities (27 compounds in air samples) the techniques for measurement in air and water samples of mixed substances: gasoline, kerosene, white spirit and solvent oil were developed. The suggested principles of universality and unification of the operating series provide intensification and cheapening of their ecological control and monitoring.

How to cite: Gosteva N.A., Gosteva M.Y., Maltseva N.V. Scientific and methodological justification and development of methods for determining the content of multicomponent organic compounds in air and water samples as applied to environmental monitoring tasks // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 56-58.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Statistical model of anomalous natural phenomena in a dynamically unstable climatic system based on space observations

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A statistical model of spatial and temporal variability of long- and short-wave components of the Earth's radiative balance (RBZ) has been developed. The model reflects main features of anomalous natural phenomena in dynamically unstable climatic system. Based on the data of space observations of the RBZ components obtained by different space systems, including Russian ones, the time series of global fields of both components of the outgoing radiation for the last 20 years is reconstructed. The possibility of predictability of the behavior of anomalous natural phenomena based on the study of remote (teleconnections) of the observed radiation processes in the energy active zones of the Earth and "other regions" of the globe is analyzed.

How to cite: Golovko V.A., Kondranin T.V. Statistical model of anomalous natural phenomena in a dynamically unstable climatic system based on space observations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 58-62.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Physical principles of using electromagnetic radiation to clean the air from exhaust products of motor vehicles

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Theoretical and experimental studies of the resonant effects of electromagnetic fields on the combustion products of hydrocarbon compounds in motor vehicles have been conducted. The dependences of the influence of the characteristics of electromagnetic radiation (amplitude, frequency, polarization, modulation) on the detoxification of combustion products of automobile transport have been established.

How to cite: Kalashnikov N.P. Physical principles of using electromagnetic radiation to clean the air from exhaust products of motor vehicles // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 62-63.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Development of the basis for the construction of acoustic-radar systems of remote sensing of the surrounding space for environmental monitoring tasks

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The basics of construction and use of radio acoustic remote sensing systems for environmental monitoring tasks are considered. Information about hardware, software and algorithmic support of the system is given. The advantages of the system include ultra-operational high-precision non-contact remote temperature and humidity measurements, correlation principles of wind speed measurements, adaptive algorithms of measurements at high altitudes, kitting with airborne radar stations.

How to cite: Kalmykov A.A., Elfimov V.I. Development of the basis for the construction of acoustic-radar systems of remote sensing of the surrounding space for environmental monitoring tasks // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 63-66.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Use of electropulse technology in the production of oil pipeline pipes with corrosion protection

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The main share of accidents on oil pipelines, leading to serious negative environmental consequences, is associated with corrosion destruction of pipes. The most difficult task is corrosion protection of the welded joint of the pipes. The use of electric pulse technologies for fixing the elements of anticorrosive protection in butt-end areas of inner surface of pipes allows to increase the corrosion resistance of a pipeline and to decrease the expenses for its installation. The results of the conducted research allowed developing technological processes of fixing aluminum alloy protectors in pipes by means of magnetic-pulse welding, magnetic-pulse and electrohydropulse pressing of thin-walled stainless steel bushings into near-end sections of pipes, as well as creating the necessary equipment for implementing these processes.

How to cite: Karpukhin V.F., Glushchenkov V.A. Use of electropulse technology in the production of oil pipeline pipes with corrosion protection // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 66-68.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Development of methods and hardware for monitoring of water ecosystems state

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A complex of express optical methods and apparatuses has been developed that make it possible to measure a wide class of hydrobiological, hydrophysical and hydrochemical characteristics of water bodies. An original complex of sorption-spectroscopic techniques for determination of toxicants in natural waters using methods of solid phase spectroscopy (diffuse reflection spectroscopy, luminescence spectroscopy, solid phase spectrophotometry), atomic spectroscopy (atomic absorption spectroscopy and atomic emission spectroscopy with luminescence spectroscopy spectroscopy), atomic spectroscopy (atomic absorption spectroscopy and atomic emission spectroscopy with luminescence spectroscopy spectroscopy) and various other methods were developed. SR), chromatographic (ion chromatography) methods, On the basis of such multidisciplinary systems of rapid assessment of ecological condition and functioning of ecosystems, quality of surface waters the analytical, hardware and information support for monitoring and control of the quality of the natural environment was created.

How to cite: Kachin S.V., Kalyakina O.P., Lopatin V.N., Shchur L.A., Rubailo A.I., Pavlenko N.I., Aponasenko A.D., Makarskaya G.V. Development of methods and hardware for monitoring of water ecosystems state // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 69-72.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Development of laser methods and means of ecological monitoring of iodine isotopes in the atmosphere

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The fluorescence of molecular iodine isotopes 129 I and 127 I excited by Kr- and Nd-lasers was studied. A laser fluorescence method for determining the concentration of iodine-129 in gaseous media in real time was proposed. The sensitivity of this method makes it possible to carry out reliable and prompt control of the technological process of irradiated nuclear fuel reprocessing at nuclear fuel cycle enterprises and ecological monitoring of the atmospheric air. The promising nature of the lidar (remote) method for detecting these isotopes in the atmosphere is shown.

How to cite: Kireev S.V., Shnyrev S.L. Development of laser methods and means of ecological monitoring of iodine isotopes in the atmosphere // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 73-75.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Information and analytical system for monitoring potentially hazardous objects

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A scientific, methodological and software and information base for the organization of environmental monitoring of potentially hazardous objects was created. The normative-methodical materials establishing the subject, content and order of organization of local monitoring on the objects of high ecological risk and in the zone of their direct influence were developed. The structure and composition of the information-analytical system with the use of geoinformation technologies were determined. The software of the data bank "Territorial register of potentially dangerous objects" was created.

How to cite: Kobernichenko V.G., Sovetkin V.L., Tyagunov G.V., Yaroshenko Y.G. Information and analytical system for monitoring potentially hazardous objects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 76-78.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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On the concept of creating a lidar-radar complex for the detection and control of gas pollution in the atmosphere

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The physical basics of creating a lidar-radar complex for detecting gas pollutants in the atmosphere and controlling the state of the atmosphere are considered. To increase the reliability of remote measurements, a complex use of equipment operating in different spectral ranges is proposed. The combination of lidar and radar systems will make it possible to reliably determine concentrations of multicomponent atmospheric pollutants (using a lidar subsystem of differential absorption) and evaluate the speed and direction of their transfer (using a radar subsystem of meter range) and thereby obtain comprehensive information characterizing the operational environmental situation in the monitored area.

How to cite: Kozintsev V.I., Gorodnichev V.A., Slukin G.P., Belov M.L., Nefedov S.I., Fedotov Y.V. On the concept of creating a lidar-radar complex for the detection and control of gas pollution in the atmosphere // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 78-80.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Simulation of water availability periods in the Volga and Caspian Sea basins to assess the state of water resources in the region

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Nonlinear mechanisms of multi-year fluctuations of the Caspian Sea level are described. It is shown that taking into account the dependence of the evaporation layer from the surface of the Volga basin on the soil moisture content and the evaporation layer from the sea surface on its level leads to a fundamentally new (chaotic) mechanism of oscillations and the appearance of several levels of gravity. It is noted that the stochastic Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov differential equations have a stationary bimodal level probability density. It is established that the random process characterizing sea level fluctuations at nonlinear dependence of evaporation rate on these fluctuations turns out to be non-Gaussian. The transitions induced by "noise" caused by nonlinear evaporation processes are described. A new nonlinear stochastic model of Caspian Sea level fluctuations based on predicted physical effects is proposed.

How to cite: Korablev I.V., Latyshenko K.P., Naidenov V.I. Simulation of water availability periods in the Volga and Caspian Sea basins to assess the state of water resources in the region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 80-83.
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Environmental-mathematical model for selecting the optimal characteristics of excavator-vehicle complex

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The results of calculations of efficiency of application of the main methods of normalization of the atmosphere of the open pit are given. As an example, the conditions of open pit Udachny of AK Alrosa and the basic models of dump trucks with carrying capacity of 100-150 tons of domestic and foreign production are considered. The model and the developed medicine allow to substantiate the choice of optimal transport complex taking into account the dynamics of mining works, the environmental factor and various models of loading and transporting equipment.

How to cite: Kuleshov A.A., Koptev V.Y., Lankov P.Y., Pavlov V.N., Strebkov K.A. Environmental-mathematical model for selecting the optimal characteristics of excavator-vehicle complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 83-87.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Assessment of environmental damage to the population from atmospheric emissions of the enterprise by the method of risk assessment, taking into account environmental and epidemiological data in the conjugate system of plant - city

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The problems of assessing environmental damage to the population from atmospheric emissions of the enterprise according to the method of end-to-end environmental analysis are considered. Unit risks per unit of concentration of a harmful substance for the most hazardous substances in the atmosphere are calculated. The results of calculation of environmental damage for the city of Pervouralsk (Sverdlovsk region) and Severouralsk copper smelter (SUMZ) in the coupled system plant - city by the improved methodology of through environmental analysis with risk assessment, taking into account environmental and epidemiological data, and by the draft new methodology of calculation of environmental fines proposed by the Russian Government are presented.

How to cite: Lisienko V.G., Druzhinina O.G., Dolgii R.M., Morozova V.A. Assessment of environmental damage to the population from atmospheric emissions of the enterprise by the method of risk assessment, taking into account environmental and epidemiological data in the conjugate system of plant - city // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 87-89.
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Synthesis of polyelectrolytes and polymer complexes of aluminum pentahydroxochloride, study of their flocculation properties

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The kinetics of acrylamide polymerization in an aqueous solution of aluminum pentahydroxochloride representing a disperse system with polycharged aluminum aquahydroco-complexes as the main element was studied. The obtained reagent has a high efficiency in the separation of dispersed systems. The flocculation of activated sludge by polyelectrolyte copolymers based on poly-1,2-dimethyl-5-vinyl-pyridinium methyl sulfate was studied. The influence of flocculants on particle size distribution of activated sludge was studied by the method of optical microscopy and it was shown that the use of copolymers allows to increase the efficiency of dewatering and leads to the formation of strong floccules.

How to cite: Novakov I.A., Radchenko S.S., Navrotskii A.V., Radchenko F.S., Dryabina S.S. Synthesis of polyelectrolytes and polymer complexes of aluminum pentahydroxochloride, study of their flocculation properties // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 89-91.
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Thermal and electrocatalytic devices to protect the atmosphere from toxic emissions

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The compositions with high catalytic activity consisting of a carrier (foam material), an intermediate oxide layer, and a complex oxide catalytic coating were studied. On the basis of compositions of optimized compositions, thermocatalytic devices for neutralization of complex toxic substances in gases for the chemical industry, transport and heat power engineering were created. An electrocatalytic device for continuous dehydration of natural gas with electrolytic regeneration was developed, patented and successfully tested. The device enables uninterrupted operation of internal combustion engines using more environmentally friendly fuel in all climatic conditions.

How to cite: Ostroushko A.A., Udilov A.E., Minyaev V.I., Makarov A.M., Deinezhenko V.I. Thermal and electrocatalytic devices to protect the atmosphere from toxic emissions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 91-93.
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System of continuous control (monitoring) and regulation of harmful gaseous emissions of TPP into the atmosphere

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Monitoring of harmful industrial emissions is one of the main tools for determining the environmental characteristics of industrial facilities. Therefore, organization of systems for continuous monitoring of hazardous emissions (CMHE) of TPPs into the atmosphere is one of the priority tasks of the energy strategy of Russia. The subject of development is the system of continuous monitoring and regulation of TPPs harmful emissions into the atmosphere with flue gases. A CMHEconsists of automatic measuring complex for instrumental estimation of specific and gross emissions of harmful substances and information-computing complex, including hardware and software for information processing and providing various service functions. Using the system of continuous monitoring and regulation of emissions will reduce the negative impact of TPPs on the environment, as well as increase the efficiency of power equipment operation.

How to cite: Roslyakov P.V., Zakirov I.A., Ionkin I.L., Egorova L.E., Karankevich E.N. System of continuous control (monitoring) and regulation of harmful gaseous emissions of TPP into the atmosphere // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 94-96.
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Condition monitoring and management of environmentally hazardous facilities in mining and mineral processing

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The system of integrated environmental monitoring of objects of high environmental risk in the exploration and operation of oil and gas wells is proposed. Outlined the methodological basis of observation, assessment and control over the state of the natural environment components in the impact zone of oil production enterprises. It was revealed that for reliable determination of the level of environmental hazard of oil and gas industry facilities requires a detailed study of the state of the landscape before the construction of wells and the characteristics of the processes that create a technogenic load on the environment. In order to prevent and eliminate the consequences of the negative impact of oil and gas industry facilities a number of new technological solutions are proposed at different stages of the field operation (for example, at the stages of prospecting, exploration and development of hard-to-reach deposits to reduce the technogenic load of cluster horizontal wells with a waste of up to 500 m from the vertical). In cases of emergencies we offer technologies for localization of oil spills, processing of oil-contaminated water and soils, recultivation of disturbed areas, utilization of toxic oily waste.

How to cite: Sereda M.A. Condition monitoring and management of environmentally hazardous facilities in mining and mineral processing // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 96-99.
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Rapid environmental monitoring of water areas

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New methods of remote determination of the thickness, spill area and type of oil film on the water surface using fluorimetric lidar have been developed, providing monitoring of oil films in the thickness range from several micrometers to several tens of micrometers from a moving ship and a low-flying aircraft. The ultrasonic express-method has been developed for express measurement of films with thickness more than 100 micrometers. In realizing this method, measurements are made in real time by probing the water surface from a moving ship using an ultrasonic source and receiver placed under water. The efficiency of these methods has been studied experimentally in laboratory conditions with the use of different types of oil spilled on the water surface. The principles of constructing a biotechnical system for assessing the current state and forecasting the quality of water environments polluted by oil products are considered.

How to cite: Sidorenko V.M., Shevelko M.M., Sidorenko D.V. Rapid environmental monitoring of water areas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 100-102.
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Modern geodynamically active zones of the south of the East European platform and their impact on the environment

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Geodynamically active zones include zones of tectonic stress concentration and crustal deformations. They are characterized by increased values of stress state of fracturing, permeability, engineering-geological properties of geological environment, as well as geophysical anomalies, specific development of related exogenous processes. As an example, the Seversk-Donets neotectonic zone of structural unconformities and increased geodynamic activity in the area of junction of the southern wing of the Voronezh arch with the Donetsk ridge and the Karpinsky rampart are considered. New data on the right thrust stresses in this zone, as well as mining-geological and geo-environmental aspects of its manifestation are discussed.

How to cite: Sokolovskii A.K., Makarova N.V., Sukhanova T.V., Makarov V.I. Modern geodynamically active zones of the south of the East European platform and their impact on the environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 103-105.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Monitoring computer control of wastewater

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The basic elements of the experimental setup for computer monitoring of wastewater by degree of integral contamination have been developed. It is shown that the use of electric capacitive computer tomography makes it possible to perform local electrical sensing of the flow cross section, to realize separate assessment of organic and mineral contamination of waste water and thereby localize the source of pollution.

How to cite: Steblev Y.I. Monitoring computer control of wastewater // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 106-108.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Ultrawideband sensing of forest canopy

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At present, there is an increasing role of aerospace information technology, based on the use of radio engineering systems in the microwave range of radio waves, in solving the problems of environmental protection, in particular in assessing the biological and ecological state of the boreal forests of the planet. An electrophysical model of the forest canopy is required to adequately assess the state of the forest cover based on aerospace sensing data. Experimental results of ultra-wideband radar sensing of the "reference scene" of larch forest canopy, which can become the initial data for the construction of the forest canopy electrophysical model, are described.

How to cite: Telpukhovskii E.D., Yakubov V.P. Ultrawideband sensing of forest canopy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 108-110.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Television and computer training and research complex to assess the characteristics of traffic flows in the system of environmental monitoring of the urban air environment

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The integrated atmospheric pollution index (API) of St. Petersburg ranges from 6 to 14, while an API index of less than 5 is considered the norm. Each year, more than 260 thousand tons of pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere of the city. According to the proposed methodology of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation for determining the mass emission of pollutants into the air by motor vehicles, the original data should be obtained with an automated television and computer complex using modern information technology, which is much cheaper and more efficient than the currently used methods. Studies show the great efficiency of the complex, both in terms of the speed of obtaining data for the analysis of atmospheric pollution and the sufficient accuracy of these results.

How to cite: Timofeev B.S. Television and computer training and research complex to assess the characteristics of traffic flows in the system of environmental monitoring of the urban air environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 110-112.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Peculiarities of economic evaluation of urban underground space

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Intensive development of underground space in large cities causes the necessity of its economic assessment taking into account environmental factors. Development of methodological bases of ecological and economic evaluation of underground space requires analysis and consideration of its features as a natural and economic resource. Urban underground space is formed under the influence of two environments (urban environment and the subsoil) and has the properties inherent in both. Features of the urban environment are a large concentration of people, the specificity of the use of space and the high variability of conditions over time. The subsoil is characterized, as a rule, a high density of the environment and isolation from the surface.

How to cite: Umnov V.A., Rudyak M.S. Peculiarities of economic evaluation of urban underground space // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 113-115.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Quantification, normalization and regulation of multifactorial anthropogenic impacts on freshwater ecosystems

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Methods for quantitative study, assessment, rationing and selection of measures for regulation of multifactorial anthropogenic impacts on ecosystems of freshwater reservoirs and watercourses have been developed. Reaction of biota to influence is estimated by a condition of macrozoobenthos as the most sensitive bioindicator, and the influence itself is estimated by the special indicator taking into account effect of interaction of factors. The regulation of multifactorial impact is based on identifying its maximum permissible level, which does not cause irreversible changes in macrozoobenthos. Regulation of the impact is aimed at reducing it to the maximum permissible combinations of interacting factors to achieve a safe level of their joint biotic effect.

How to cite: Shuiskii V.F., Petrov D.S., Petrova T.A., Maksimova T.V., Ivanova O.S. Quantification, normalization and regulation of multifactorial anthropogenic impacts on freshwater ecosystems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 115-118.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Development of temperature-time regimes for melting quality steels with complex use of raw material resources

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The temperature dependences of kinematic viscosity of liquid stainless steels 10Х23Н18 and 20Х23Н18 have been studied. The existence of critical temperatures, heating above which is accompanied by irreversible changes in the structural state of the melt has been established. A model of the structure of liquid stainless steels has been proposed. The temperature-time regimes of stainless steels melting, providing the raw materials economy and improving the quality of metal products, have been developed.

How to cite: Baryshev E.E., Tsepelev V.S., Tyagunov G.V., Baum B.A. Development of temperature-time regimes for melting quality steels with complex use of raw material resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 119-121.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Methodology for the integrated use of natural resources and technogenic objects of the Aldan ore region

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The possibilities of integrated use of natural resources of technogenic objects formed in the process of large-scale geological exploration in the Central Aldan gold ore region of South Yakutia are considered. The assessment is based on the data on the size of dumps, changes in the contents and mineral forms of ore elements in the oxidation zone. The economic efficiency of utilization of waste dumps containing strategically important metals: uranium and gold is shown.

How to cite: Boitsov V.E., Pilipenko G.N. Methodology for the integrated use of natural resources and technogenic objects of the Aldan ore region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 121-124.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Environmentally friendly technology for the development of coal gas fields

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The results and environmental implications of the study of the application of borehole technology for the development of methane-bearing coal deposits are outlined. Design parameters of the technology for obtaining gas fuel with increased calorific value and power generation directly at the mine field have been developed. The development of coal beds and methane extraction was substantiated with regard to the conditions of the Kuznetsk coal basin and some design parameters of the proposed technology were established.

How to cite: Vasyuchkov Y.F., Vasyuchkov M.Y. Environmentally friendly technology for the development of coal gas fields // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 124-129.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Macrokinetic study of the heterogeneous thermolysis process of hexachlorocyclohexane (hexachlorane)

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The thermolysis of hexachlorane in a flowing precipitator system in an inert gas atmosphere was studied. To process the obtained kinetic data a stationary model of a piston reactor with an arbitrary number of sequential and parallel heterogeneous reactions proceeding in a mixed diffusion-kinetic regime was used. Based on the results of the solution of the inverse problem the mechanism of the process and its kinetic parameters have been established. The results of the work can be used in the reprocessing of obsolete and banned pesticide preparations.

How to cite: Gubanova N.V., Kutin A.M., Suprunova I.A., Zorin A.D., Zanozina V.F., Karataev E.N. Macrokinetic study of the heterogeneous thermolysis process of hexachlorocyclohexane (hexachlorane) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 129-131.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Analysis and evaluation of safety enhancement of low-level waste disposal in the Lower Cambrian blue clays of the western part of the Leningrad Oblast

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The composition, structure, physical, physical-chemical, and mechanical properties of blue Lower Cambrian clays in the western part of the Leningrad Oblast have been analyzed. The blue clay formation is considered as a medium for the disposal of radioactive waste near the Koporje settlement. Complex analysis and assessment of the conditions of formation and transformation of blue clays under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors has shown that prolonged radioactive irradiation of clay strata leads to an increase in the disintegration of clays, reduces the resistance to shear and deformation properties indicators of the activation of microbiological activity, which are considered as a negative factor. Changes in clay properties contribute to the disturbance of hydrodynamic conditions and increase the risk of aquifer pollution. Nine criteria for safe operation of underground storage facilities based on the study of engineering-geological and geo-environmental factors are proposed. Long-term safety of operation of underground storage facilities in clay strata should be based on the multi-barrier concept of environmental protection.

How to cite: Dashko R.E., Eremeeva A.A. Analysis and evaluation of safety enhancement of low-level waste disposal in the Lower Cambrian blue clays of the western part of the Leningrad Oblast // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 131-135.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Main regularities of localization of mineralization in greenstone complexes of different genetic types

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Analysis of the geological structure, composition of the structural-material complexes of greenstone belts allowed us to distinguish three types of such structures and develop geodynamic models of their formation. For each of the allocated belt types, productive formations (sedimentary, volcanogenic, intrusive), the staging of which they are formed, and the main ore-controlling and ore-rolling factors are determined.

How to cite: Korsakov A.K., Sokolovskii A.K., Fedchuk V.Y. Main regularities of localization of mineralization in greenstone complexes of different genetic types // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 136-138.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Study of the electric pulse method of selective destruction of ores, artificial materials and mining waste

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The object of the research is the electric-pulse method of materials destruction. The aim of the work is to establish the mechanism of destruction of heterogeneous materials, to choose the energy parameters of pulses, which ensure minimum energy consumption for the process of destruction of kimberlites and maximum safety of isolated diamonds, to develop and create a pilot plant for the process. The conditions of discharge formation in the kimberlite-water system were found. DIK-1M unit was modernized and assembled. Pulse amplitude, interelectrode gap were taken as variable parameters, condensate battery capacity as constant ones. Optimal pulse parameters were selected. Intact diamond crystals were isolated. The results were analyzed.

How to cite: Kurets V.I., Lobanov G.L., Tarakanovskii E.N., Filatov G.P. Study of the electric pulse method of selective destruction of ores, artificial materials and mining waste // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 138-141.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Crystallochemical approach to the problem of raw material selection

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A crystallochemical approach to the problem of choosing raw materials for the production of inorganic building materials has been proposed and substantiated. Crystallochemical parameters of substances of the following stages are proposed to be used as the main criteria in the selection, design and development of the production technology of building materials: genesis of raw materials, technogenesis, operation of building materials. The dependence of the formation of technological properties of materials on the degree of crystallinity of the initial minerals has been revealed. The formulated principles of choosing the rational area of using natural and anthropogenic raw materials in the building materials industry, based on the crystallochemical features of the main rock-forming minerals, allowed to develop effective fine-grained concretes using wastes of wet magnetic separation of ferrous quartzite and the technology of their production.

How to cite: Lesovik V.S., Strokova V.V. Crystallochemical approach to the problem of raw material selection // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 141-144.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Analysis of the constitution of mineral individuals and aggregates in order to create a basis for reducing the loss of useful components and environmental impact assessment in the development of ore deposits

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The main objects of the research were the deposits of noble and non-ferrous metals of the Urals, Siberia and Novaya Zemlya. It is shown that the establishment of a pomineral balance of distribution of chemical elements in ores, the study of variability of the material composition and stereometric features of ores in the geological space is extremely important to solve the problems of rational use of ore deposits and the prediction of environmental consequences of their development. When assessing the environmental impact of the deposits involved in the exploration and exploitation, both the regularities of distribution of toxic elements and minerals in the volumes of ore bodies and fields, and landscape-geochemical conditions determining the factors of migration and accumulation of these components after their extraction on the earth surface should be taken into account. For geological-economic and environmental forecasting it is necessary to accumulate materials on the distribution of impurity elements, sometimes not playing a role in assessing the industrial importance of deposits, but leading to the emergence of various man-made geochemical anomalies in areas of exploration and mining operations, as well as the formation of man-made deposits in places of waste storage of concentration plants and metallurgical plants.

How to cite: Marin Y.B., Gulbin Y.L., Smolenskii V.V., Ilchenko V.O., Savichev A.A. Analysis of the constitution of mineral individuals and aggregates in order to create a basis for reducing the loss of useful components and environmental impact assessment in the development of ore deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 144-149.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Environmental monitoring of sulfide-containing technogenic massifs

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To date, the total amount of rock mass displaced on the planet exceeds 100 billion tons. The result of such impact is the formation of man-made massifs - geological structures, composed of rocks or sediments of anthropogenic genesis, which differ in their composition (chemical, granulometric, bacteriological) and properties (physical, mechanical, filtration, sorption, etc.) from the host rocks. Shapes and sizes of man-made massifs are determined mainly by technological processes. In areas of sulfide-containing technogenic massifs, due to waste in an oxidizing environment, the formation of acidic drainage water occurs, the processes of formation of which are complex and nonstationary, which greatly complicates the monitoring of the state of the massifs. Development and application of a new method of acid-alkaline balance, consisting in determining and comparing the acid potential and neutralization potential, formed by rock or waste, allows with high expressiveness and accuracy to monitor the situation in areas of sulfide-bearing man-made massifs, significantly reduces the time for laboratory research.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Shuvalov Y.V., Eldina E.V. Environmental monitoring of sulfide-containing technogenic massifs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 150-153.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Earthquake-proof structures of mine workings during the development of shock-hazardous deposits

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On the basis of the laws of changing the parameters of the dynamic stress field during the interaction of seismic waves with the mine workings the requirements to the seismic resistant armoring of mine workings in the zones of rock bumps and mass explosions are formulated. The operability of traditional types of anchors under dynamic loads is evaluated. The optimum design of fortification of excavations in the shock-hazardous areas is a combined support from steel-polymer or reinforced concrete anchors with a solid filling of the boreholes with a fortifying composition enhanced by piles of long (up to 3.5 m) reinforced concrete anchors in the place of wave exit on the contour of the excavation. The length of the anchors is chosen according to the tensile stress zone overlap.

How to cite: Protosenya A.G., Kolosova O.V., Ogorodnikov Y.N. Earthquake-proof structures of mine workings during the development of shock-hazardous deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 153-156.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Landscape dynamics in the area of Udachninsky MPP (Yakutia) based on remote sensing data

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The study in the area of ecology is an essential part of geology prospecting. It must be carried out at the earliest stages of exploration of deposits and is to take into account the dynamics of change of the ecological situations at all stages of exploitation. In terms of the database set up to analyze the operation of the Udachninsky dressing mill there has been made an all-around ecology monitoring and as a result of long-term exploitation of the Udachninsky kimberlite pipe the dynamics of technogenic change of landscape is shown hereinafter.

How to cite: Serokurov Y.N., Lyukhin A.M., Kalmykov I.V. Landscape dynamics in the area of Udachninsky MPP (Yakutia) based on remote sensing data // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 156-158.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Development of technology for obtaining new products in the complex processing of nepheline

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Expansion of the product range will always be one of the urgent tasks of increasing the efficiency of complex processing of nepheline. At present, the most prepared for industrial implementation are the technologies for processing of ultra-deep desilting hydrogranate slurries into foundry cements and obtaining dry calcium hydrocarboamminates for use in various sectors of the economy (production of quick-hardening shrinkage-free cements, waterproofing materials, sealants, cement slurries, coagulants, etc.). For theoretical justification of the mentioned technologies the parameters of thermal decomposition of weakly saturated calcium hydrogranates (constituting the basis of ultra-deep desilting slimes) and calcium hydrocarboaluminates were investigated. According to the results of the studies technological regulations were developed and pilot batches of new products were produced.

How to cite: Sizyakov V.M. Development of technology for obtaining new products in the complex processing of nepheline // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 159-163.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Development of technology for the rational integrated use of high-gas-bearing coal deposits and environmental protection from coal methane emissions

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More than 40 years ago, the main basins of the USSR began to carry out advance degassing of coal seams, extracting coalbed methane from the surface through wells. The basic technology is hydrodegasification of coal seams with subsequent extraction of water and gas. For high-gas-bearing coal seams occurring at depths of more than 500-600 m, the technology was improved by developing new ways of active impacts on the coal seam: physical, chemical, thermodynamic and a number of others. New technologies were developed: pneumatic separation, pneumothermal impact, hydrodistraction using gaseous nitrogen, cyclic hydrodistraction using liquefied nitrogen, etc., protected by patents and having no analogues in the world.

How to cite: Slastunov S.V. Development of technology for the rational integrated use of high-gas-bearing coal deposits and environmental protection from coal methane emissions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 163-165.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Integrated recycling of metallurgical waste based on the study of high-temperature physical and chemical processes of melting alloys

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Measures for the use of anthropogenic metallurgical waste in the production of high quality alloys are proposed. The relationship between the amount of casting wastes in the charge with the type and features of temperature dependences of physical and chemical properties of the melt has been found. As the amount of waste increases, the critical temperatures increase. The use of high-temperature treatment of the melt can significantly improve the quality of castings from heat-resistant alloys containing a significant amount of casting man-made wastes in the charge.

How to cite: Baum B.A., Tyagunov G.V., Baryshev E.E., Tsepelev V.S. Integrated recycling of metallurgical waste based on the study of high-temperature physical and chemical processes of melting alloys // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 166-168.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Development of electrochemical process technology for the disposal of calcium chloride, a multi-tonnage industrial waste

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Electrochemical synthesis of valuable calcium-containing compounds from solutions of calcium chloride, a multi-tonnage industrial waste, was investigated. Electrochemical processes for the synthesis of calcium sugarate, carbon dioxide and calcium acetate by electrolysis of calcium nitrate and calcium chloride have been developed.

How to cite: Guseinov M.A., Aliev Z.M., Gadzhieva A.M. Development of electrochemical process technology for the disposal of calcium chloride, a multi-tonnage industrial waste // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 168-170.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Theoretical justification of safe processing methods for conversion powders and ballistic rocket solid propellants

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Mathematical models of the crushing of tubular powders under conditions of roll machines and the cutting of ballistic rocket solid propellants are considered.

How to cite: Epifanov V.B., Glushchenkov V.S., Kiryakov G.E., Khorolskii V.M. Theoretical justification of safe processing methods for conversion powders and ballistic rocket solid propellants // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 170-172.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Use of underground space of closed coal mines for waste disposal

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One of the measures that can partially solve the economic, environmental and social problems of coal mining regions can be the reuse of excavated space. Technological schemes for the use of underground space of abandoned mines for waste disposal under various conditions have been developed. The environmental consequences of mine closure and the effectiveness of the proposed technological solutions have been assessed.

How to cite: Zakorshmennyi I.M. Use of underground space of closed coal mines for waste disposal // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 172-174.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Technological schemes for selective development of tailings of non-ferrous and noble metal concentrators

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The analysis of domestic and world practice of development of technogenic resources shows that their development can serve as an additional source of obtaining non-ferrous and precious metals for mining enterprises, as well as contribute to the reduction of the harmful effects of toxic substances on the environment and the return to the economic turnover of previously withdrawn lands. For a number of mines, the development of man-made deposits is a priority source of existence of the mining enterprise. However, the practical development of such deposits is not carried out, as at the mining enterprises the technology and working projects of selective development of man-made deposits of minerals are absent. The requirements to the technological schemes of development of technogenic deposits are substantiated and the ways of selective excavation of useful components from the tailings of concentrating factories, providing the extraction of only the most enriched sections with leaving the main mass of rocks in place of their occurrence, are proposed.

How to cite: Zubov V.P., Minaev Y.L. Technological schemes for selective development of tailings of non-ferrous and noble metal concentrators // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 174-177.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Modernization of wastewater treatment technology for electroplating facilities based on methods of electroplating and intensive hydromechanical separation

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The problems of improving the hardware design and increasing the efficiency of neutralization stations for wastewater of galvanic production related to the combination of methods of galvanocoagulation and intensive hydromechanical separation of ferritic suspension using new modifications of flow-through apparatuses of precipitation and filtering types developed by MSUIE: two-stage hydrocyclone modules and centrifugal microfiltration unit are considered. The method of microfiltration with the flow of separated suspension over the membrane has recently been widely used in deep water treatment at various environmental facilities. As applied to the hapivan-coagulation technology of waste water decontamination, flow-through microfiltration at the finishing stage also provides additional purification of water from low-concentrated dissolved contaminants.

How to cite: Ivanova M.I., Leontev V.V., Veksler G.B., Katalymov A.V. Modernization of wastewater treatment technology for electroplating facilities based on methods of electroplating and intensive hydromechanical separation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 177-179.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Development of technology for arsenic treatment of recycled and waste water of metallurgical enterprises

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As a result of research it is established that according to ecological, economic and technological factors manufacturing of wall materials for low-rise building by a method of half-dry forming, based on a principle of "zone injection", is the most effective. Laboratory and semi-industrial tests of wall materials obtained from man-made formations according to the proposed technology are close to ceramic and silicate products in their physical and mechanical properties and are not inferior to pressed products manufactured on the equipment of US, Belgian and Italian firms.

How to cite: Karelov S.V., Mamyachenkov S.V., Kirpikov A.S., Anisimova O.S. Development of technology for arsenic treatment of recycled and waste water of metallurgical enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 179-182.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Testing of pressed building products obtained from mining, metallurgical and energy production wastes

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As a result of researches it is established that according to ecological, economic and technological factors manufacturing of wall materials for low-rise building by a method of half-dry forming, based on a principle of "zone injection", is the most effective. Laboratory and semi-industrial tests of wall materials obtained from man-made formations according to the proposed technology are close to ceramic and silicate products in their physical and mechanical properties and are not inferior to pressed products manufactured on the equipment of US, Belgian and Italian firms.

How to cite: Kovalev I.A., Kvlividze Z.V. Testing of pressed building products obtained from mining, metallurgical and energy production wastes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 182-184.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Geological, technological and environmental aspects of the integrated use of by-products from iron ore deposits in the production of building materials

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Some ways and means of reducing the harmful anthropogenic impact on the environment during open-pit mining have been developed. Technological solutions for the rational use of certain types of by-product rocks, in particular loose carbonate deposits of the Lebedinsky and Stoilensky iron ore deposits, have been substantiated. The influence of organomineral additives on the structural formation of chalk pellets (briquettes) with given agrochemical properties has been studied.

How to cite: Kokunko V.K. Geological, technological and environmental aspects of the integrated use of by-products from iron ore deposits in the production of building materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 184-186.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Development of high-intensity, low-drainage systems for cleaning man-made streams from organic pollutants based on hybrid technologies

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Possible approaches to the development of high-intensity low-discharge processes of biodegradation of organic pollutants based on hybrid technologies with simultaneous action of aggressive chemical and photochemical agents and microorganisms, resistant to oxidative stress, have been studied. Such processes, in principle, can be focused on the development of environmentally friendly technologies for decontamination of sludge from petrochemical enterprises, low-radioactive cellulose- and polymer-containing waste from nuclear power plants, etc.

How to cite: Kuznetsov A.E., Kalenov S.V. Development of high-intensity, low-drainage systems for cleaning man-made streams from organic pollutants based on hybrid technologies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 187-189.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Development of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis technology with gas filtration for recycling waste metal processing of titanium and titanium alloys

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In modern engineering, where the technology of obtaining refractory compounds by powder metallurgy and the process of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) are mastered and introduced into production, new tasks arise: reducing the cost of raw materials, creating methods of synthesizing powders and products with special desired properties, development of new technological processes. In recent years the areas and volumes of powders produced from metal chips, slags, and sludge have significantly expanded. It should be noted that the cost of powders from chips is essentially lower than the cost of powders obtained from pure metals: the cost of 1 ton of titanium powder is on average 10-30 thousand dollars, while the cost of titanium chips is 10-15 times lower. The SHS method allows to save material resources, in particular, such a strategic metal as titanium and to solve the problem of recycling of titanium-containing waste of machine-building production.

How to cite: Makarenko A.G. Development of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis technology with gas filtration for recycling waste metal processing of titanium and titanium alloys // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 189-192.
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Increasing the efficiency of extraction of associated metals by sorption methods based on physical activation of film water and ions

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The magnetic-sorption-capillary method is a new environmental integrated process. This invention mainly combines processes and mixtures for the extraction and/or recovery of heavy metals contained in metalliferous materials or ores. The method also includes water treatment and purification. The extraction process is carried out under the action of sorption of magnetic and other energy fields. This method has been experimentally tested, its sufficient efficiency has been established.

How to cite: Sekisov A.G. Increasing the efficiency of extraction of associated metals by sorption methods based on physical activation of film water and ions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 193-194.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Determination of mining parameters of local segments of coal seams

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In the case of underground mining of coal seams, at present, for various reasons, a significant amount of already uncovered and prepared reserves in the form of local areas remains in the subsurface, which significantly reduces the efficiency of coal mining. Especially acute in terms of economic and environmental factors is the problem of development of local areas of powerful coal seams. In industrially developed regions of the country with high population density and developed infrastructure, where large mining and processing complexes are located, the urgent problem is the disposal of mass industrial and domestic wastes. The developed integrated technology of mining local areas of powerful coal seams with placement of solid domestic and mass industrial wastes in the mined-out space makes it possible to effectively mine the remaining reserves with simultaneous improvement of the ecological situation in the region.

How to cite: Terentev B.D. Determination of mining parameters of local segments of coal seams // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 195-197.
Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Исследование фосфорилирования и озонирования измельченной резины

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Исследована модификация измельченной резины изношенных покрышек под действием перок- сифосфорной кислоты и озоновоздушной смеси. Получены продукты с фосфорно-кислыми, карбок­сильными и карбонильными группами в структуре. Полная статическая обменная емкость фосфори- лированной крошки достигает 2,88 мг-экв/г, озонированной - 0,58 мг-экв/г, привитых на озонирован­ную крошку сополимеров - 4,8 мг-экв/г.

How to cite: Tuzhikov O.I., Khokhlova T.V., Tuzhikov O.O., Lazebnaya L.G., Samoilenko A.Y. // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 197-199.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Dynamics of changes in floodplain forest ecosystems under conditions of anthropogenic processes (the example of the Western Caucasus)

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Difference of climatic factors, complex relief, peculiarities of soil-forming and soil-bearing rocks, soils, vegetation cover determined the diversity of floodplain geochemical landscapes of the Western Caucasus. A large area of floodplains in the Western Caucasus is occupied by biogenic landscapes. Economic activities of man during the development of floodplains largely transformed the original natural landscapes. Some of them have been partially changed. For example, deforestation led to the change of its species composition. Other natural floodplain landscapes disappeared altogether, and new man-made landscapes (mainly agricultural and residential) appeared in their place. Comprehensive detailed studies of floodplain landscapes of the Western Caucasus have allowed us to assess the ecological and geochemical condition of forest ecosystems and the dynamics of its change during technogenic transformation.

How to cite: Alekseenko V.A., Sannikova A.B. Dynamics of changes in floodplain forest ecosystems under conditions of anthropogenic processes (the example of the Western Caucasus) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 200-202.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Synthesis and hardware and software of optoelectronic devices and technology for monitoring forest ecosystems

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The results of the development of hardware and software and the principles of synthesis of interference-resistant optoelectronic systems on line-monitoring, including areas of forests, these technologies create fundamentally new opportunities in the field of environmental protection.

How to cite: Belyaev A.Y., Bykov R.E. Synthesis and hardware and software of optoelectronic devices and technology for monitoring forest ecosystems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 203-205.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Rational use of fuel and energy resources of the Leningrad Region

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Rational use of local fuel resources in the Leningrad Region should be based on the widespread introduction of briquette fuel from forest waste peat. Developed systems for processing of primary raw materials and mobile resources, creating conditions for employment of the population and reducing the burden on the environment.

How to cite: Benin A.A., Azimov R.A. Rational use of fuel and energy resources of the Leningrad Region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 205-208.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Forest management regulation of regenerative successions of forest ecosystems in Northwest Russia

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Regenerative succession is a natural response of forest ecosystems to economic impact. In forestry practice it is necessary to take into account regularities of regenerative reactions, to predict structural and functional changes in forest ecosystem, to correct regenerative processes, optimizing the solution of economic tasks. A comprehensive study assessed the impact of primary felling and various forest maintenance methods on the state of forest ecosystems: their productivity, sustainability, floristic diversity, the features of anthropogenic impact on the forest environment were studied, the dynamics and mechanisms of restorative reactions were revealed. Measures to improve the practice of economic impact on forest ecosystems were proposed. Particular attention is paid to theoretical aspects of the integrity and sustainability of forest ecosystems.

How to cite: Melnikov E.S., Kuznetsov E.N. Forest management regulation of regenerative successions of forest ecosystems in Northwest Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 208-210.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Development of technology for manufacturing plywood and glue veneer from aspen wood

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Large reserves of aspen and its rapid natural reproduction require urgent measures to find ways of wide industrial use of this wood species. According to the results of the study of the structure and physical and mechanical properties of wood, technologies for the production of glued board (semi-finished products for furniture production), plywood made of aspen, creating protective and decorative coatings have been developed and proposed for industrial use. The sequence of technological operations; ways of limiting wood defects and processing defects; parameters of quality control of products and operations and parameters of processing modes and conditions are substantiated.

How to cite: Onegin V.I., Chubinskii A.N. Development of technology for manufacturing plywood and glue veneer from aspen wood // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 211-212.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Principles of environmental assessment of the state and anthropogenic disturbance of forest ecosystems

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Plantations of the green zone are exposed to a set of adverse factors of different origin. For the theoretical justification of the planned forestry measures, improvement of quality control of their implementation and analysis of the impact of the work performed on the state of forest ecosystems it is necessary to clarify the concepts and terminology used in the assessment of the state. Quantitative and qualitative methods of assessment, monitoring and forecasting the state of forest biogeocenoses are considered.

How to cite: Selivanov A.A., Gryazkin A.V. Principles of environmental assessment of the state and anthropogenic disturbance of forest ecosystems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 213-215.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Environmental restoration of degraded forest phytocenoses

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The work is focused on the development of scientific foundations for the restoration of degraded forest ecosystems and was carried out in the forest park part of the Botanical Garden, which has been under anthropogenic influence for a long time. As a result of the geobotanical survey, a high degree of vegetation degradation was established. An environmentally appropriate list of plants was prepared for the restoration of the floristic composition of the area. Reintroduction of 61 species from 31 families was carried out using planting material from garden nurseries and natural habitats. Observations of the initial stages of formation of reintroduction populations of a number of protected species were conducted.

How to cite: Fedoseeva G.P., Radchenko T.A., Yuzhakov V.I. Environmental restoration of degraded forest phytocenoses // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 215-217.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Mycobiota in the structure of oak forest ecosystems

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The studies conducted allowed us to establish that representatives of pathogenic mycobiota, developing on trees as consumers, intensify the processes of degradation and disintegration of weakened and unstable forest ecosystems. Pathogenic fungi have a significant negative impact on the differentiation of trees in the forest, on the processes of seed and vegetative reproduction of tree species. A comparative analysis of heavy metal content at different trophic levels (consumers and decomposers) in forest ecosystems with the participation of representatives of mycobiota was carried out.

How to cite: Churakov B.P., Aleeva L.R., Panteleev S.V., Zyryanova U.P. Mycobiota in the structure of oak forest ecosystems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 217-220.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Using morphophysiological assessment of pine stands in determining the sustainability of forest ecosystems

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A complex of field, laboratory and theoretical studies was conducted, including selection, laying and silvicultural-taxation and soil survey of sample areas, regular collection and physiological and biochemical analyses of pine needles samples, measurement of electrophysiological characteristics of trunk tissues, mathematical and statistical analysis of data and spatial modeling with GIS. Based on the data obtained, the state of the stands was studied. The results of the research allow us to objectively classify the trees in the studied sample areas according to the degree of stability to three successively changing states: normal, transitional and critical.

How to cite: Shavnin S.A., Fomin V.V., Marina N.V. Using morphophysiological assessment of pine stands in determining the sustainability of forest ecosystems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 220-222.
Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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A set of technical means and methods for environmental monitoring of forest and urban ecosystems

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Based on the results of the study of modern space and ground-based technical means and methods used in environmental monitoring, the most promising of them are selected and the directions of their further development are proposed. The results of studies of the whole complex of problems are given; theoretical and methodological solutions are confirmed by field experiments. The created devices and technologies are protected by patents and have practical application. A wide cycle of researches in the field of ecology is carried out for verification of results of monitoring and determination of prospects of the further development.

How to cite: Shalaev V.S., Kharchenko V.N., Galkin Y.S., Nechinskaya L.I. A set of technical means and methods for environmental monitoring of forest and urban ecosystems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 222-225.
Problems of predicting and preventing emergencies and their consequences
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Mathematical modeling and forecasting the consequences of accidents on the main oil product pipeline

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To solve the problem of predicting the consequences of an emergency situation of an oil spill during an accident on an oil pipeline on the basis of GIS-technology, a mathematical model of the distribution of impurities in the atmosphere was built and a visual form of the consequences of impurities on the electronic map was obtained.

How to cite: Abrakhin S.I., Arakelyan S.M., Kuzmin O.V., Prokosheva N.S., Prokoshev V.G., Trifonova T.A. Mathematical modeling and forecasting the consequences of accidents on the main oil product pipeline // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 226-228.
Problems of predicting and preventing emergencies and their consequences
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Radar complex for remote monitoring of the Neva Bay

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The results of studies of radar methods to assess the hydrological state of the sea surface over large areas, in particular the water area of the Neva Bay are presented. The results can be used for prevention and elimination of emergency situations.

How to cite: Barkhatov A.V., Kalenichenko S.P., Kutuzov V.M., Popov A.G. Radar complex for remote monitoring of the Neva Bay // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 228-230.
Problems of predicting and preventing emergencies and their consequences
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Biological reclamation of land contaminated by oil products

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In the biological method of land reclamation the period of restoration of anthropogenic-disturbed territory depends on the degree of soil contamination by hydrocarbons, ecological conditions of plants and microorganisms-destructors of oil-hydrocarbons. The threshold concentration of oil products in sod-podzolic soils (3 l/m 2 ) was established for meadow phytocenoses, exceeding which leads to disruption of plant life. In areas with this degree of soil contamination plant cover begins to form in the second year after the anthropogenic disturbance of the territory. The presence of oil products in the soil at a concentration of 4-5 l/m 2 causes the death of up to 95-100% of the natural flora. Based on the reaction of meadow plants we can distinguish three degrees of soil pollution by oil products: weak (1-2 l/m 2 ), medium (3 l/m 2 ) and strong (more than 4 l/m 2 ). Introduction of oil-hydrocarbon destructor microorganisms into the contaminated soil increases the germination of cultivated plants by 40-50%. It is advisable to use the biopreparation "Auros" and peat compost on the contaminated plots and sow meadow clover, white clover, common clover, awnless brome, meadow fescue, meadow tymofeevka.

How to cite: Bogdanov V.L., Mukhina L.B., Dmitrieva E.Y., Shmeleva I.V. Biological reclamation of land contaminated by oil products // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 231-234.
Problems of predicting and preventing emergencies and their consequences
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Determination of the degree of influence of the land surface relief on the stress-strain state of the rock mass and the parameters of mine workings

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The results of studies to establish the degree of influence of the relief of the earth surface on the stress-strain state ("SSS") of the rock massif and the parameters of mine workings allowed to identify coefficients of influence of the surface relief on the SSS of the massif, representing the sum of relative stresses from the weight of rocks and additional loads caused by different configuration of the surface relief, whose value functionally changes depending on the distance to the place of observation and the shape of the relief according to the power law, and which should be considered when determining the parameters of underground mine workings.

How to cite: Borovkov Y.A. Determination of the degree of influence of the land surface relief on the stress-strain state of the rock mass and the parameters of mine workings // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 234-236.
Problems of predicting and preventing emergencies and their consequences
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Development of a methodology and structure for building a database on methods of elimination of local technogenic pollution in rock massifs

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The methodology and structure of the database (DB) on methods of elimination of local man-made pollution in rock massifs has been developed. At the stage of DB information model development, the relational data model with the use of the mathematical concept of the theoretical-multiple relation was applied. The choice of a way of the organization of a DB is defined as a result of the analysis of character of the placed information taking into account requirement about maintenance of direct access to it. The database is a set of normalized tables containing modules of information. Compared with databases, the construction of which is based on other principles, normalization provided more efficient operations with the database: adding, modifying and deleting data. Table normalization also allowed reducing the physical volume of the database (the size of its record on the medium) and increasing its performance.

How to cite: Bryukhovetskii O.S., Ganin I.P. Development of a methodology and structure for building a database on methods of elimination of local technogenic pollution in rock massifs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 237-239.
Problems of predicting and preventing emergencies and their consequences
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Visualization of earthquake sources on images of the underlying surface

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In the potential field of mechanical stresses of the origin, anomalies of characteristics of the lithosphere are observed. As a consequence of anomalies, the parameters of electromagnetic field of both own upward radiation and the light flux reflected from the surface of the source are changed. By software processing of images, the areas of foci are reliably distinguished above the background level.

How to cite: Davydov V.F., Safronov A.Y. Visualization of earthquake sources on images of the underlying surface // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 239-240.
Problems of predicting and preventing emergencies and their consequences
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Development of remote sensing location system for environmental monitoring of natural and man-made objects

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The development of a system of local sensors for the control of man-made and natural objects of high environmental risk is considered. The theoretical aspect of the work is based on the developed and investigated models of formation of information signals and fields. We propose an approach characterized by the use of non-metric synthesis techniques, which create a class of algorithms that do not require knowledge of the statistics of the spatial-frequency spectra of the phono-target environment.

How to cite: Elfimov V.I., Kalmykov A.A. Development of remote sensing location system for environmental monitoring of natural and man-made objects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 241-243.
Problems of predicting and preventing emergencies and their consequences
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Electromagnetic tomography and monitoring of natural and man-made matter emissions into the atmosphere

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The problem of electromagnetic tomography and monitoring of cloud formations can be solved taking into account the size and parameters of the formation medium and the range of electromagnetic waves used. It is shown that for the analysis of large-scale weak formations it is necessary to use the range of ultra-long waves (wavelength of about 3 km) and conduct monitoring on the ground wave. Radio navigation systems of this range should be used, the choice of wavelength range of which is made taking into account the integral influence of formations on the phase structure of the electromagnetic field. The results of monitoring are proposed to be used as a set of expert assessments of the decision-making system.

How to cite: Krylov G.N., Belenkii M.I., Ivlev L.S., Verbin Y.P. Electromagnetic tomography and monitoring of natural and man-made matter emissions into the atmosphere // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 243-245.
Problems of predicting and preventing emergencies and their consequences
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Method for assessing and improving the reliability of mine ventilation systems

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Assessment of reliability of mine ventilation systems of operating mines in Russia shows that its level is extremely low. Mine ventilation systems are characterized by frequent failures in the amount of air supplied to the places of consumption, which leads to the possibility of gas and dust explosions and poisoning of workers. Almost all accidents at mines resulting in the biggest losses of life are connected with failures of mine ventilation systems. For estimation of failures the integral criterion is offered, which characterizes the probability of failures, connected with reduction of air inflow into a mine due to increase of its resistance and redistribution of air in a network because of difference of actual values of its elements resistance from the design ones.

How to cite: Skopintseva O.V. Method for assessing and improving the reliability of mine ventilation systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 245-247.
Problems of predicting and preventing emergencies and their consequences
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Endogenous, exogeneous and technogenic factors of environmental impact on human environment within north-west of Russia

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The living environment of the Northwest region of Russia is significantly affected by both natural geological (endogenous and exogenous geodynamic, geochemical and radiogeochemical) and anthropogenic factors. The greatest environmental hazards are those areas where there is a combination of high probability of dangerous natural phenomena and excessive technogenic impact on the environment. Such areas include the west of the Kola Peninsula, a number of territories of the Leningrad Region, and others.

How to cite: Smyslov A.A., Marchenko A.G., Kulachkov L.V., Botalova E.A. Endogenous, exogeneous and technogenic factors of environmental impact on human environment within north-west of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 248-250.
Problems of predicting and preventing emergencies and their consequences
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Creation of intelligent decision support system for safety management of chemical production under conditions of risk

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The functional structure of the intellectual decision support system (DSSS) was developed for the analysis and rapid assessment of emergencies and safety management of chemical production. Mechanisms of DMS functioning in integrated automated systems of safety management of chemical production in the emergence and development of emergency situations were considered. The structure of the distributed database of intellectual DMSS was offered. Models, methods, algorithms and complexes of software tools for hazard analysis, risk assessment and consequence forecasting of accidents at chemical plants have been developed. Algorithms for analysis, rapid assessment and making recommendations to a decision maker in case of emergencies at chemical enterprises with the use of SPRD have been developed.

How to cite: Tarasova N.P., Egorov A.F., Savitskaya T.V., Smetannikov Y.V., Dudarov S.P., Varnavskii E.V. Creation of intelligent decision support system for safety management of chemical production under conditions of risk // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 250-253.
Problems of predicting and preventing emergencies and their consequences
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Development of borehole ultrasonic and television tools to assess the condition of the contour zone of mine workings and tunnels in order to predict emergencies and their consequences during construction and operation

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Monitoring of the state of natural and synthesized structural elements of underground structures is a prerequisite for their safe construction and operation. Improvement of reliability and efficiency of such monitoring can be achieved by integrated use of ultrasonic and video logging methods of monitoring wells drilled in the contour zone of excavations and tunnels. For the hardware support of the mentioned methods, the specialized measuring complex was developed and implemented, which provides obtaining of the operative information about the structure, properties and state of the geological material in the vicinity of the excavated space.

How to cite: Shkuratnik V.L. Development of borehole ultrasonic and television tools to assess the condition of the contour zone of mine workings and tunnels in order to predict emergencies and their consequences during construction and operation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 254-256.
Economic and legal problems of nature conservation and environmental management
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Inventory of secondary mineral resources in the system of rational subsoil use

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At present the problems of the most complete accounting and systematic evaluation of secondary mineral resources are acute. The cadastre is a method of accounting and evaluation, which must meet modern administrative and economic conditions. Analysis of the existing cadastres of natural resources in Russia shows that they do not meet these requirements. It is necessary to make a cadastre of natural resources according to the territorial principle. Natural resources in such a cadastre must be accounted for by objects and unified classification units adopted for each type of natural resource. The cadastre of secondary mineral resources should become an integral part of the cadastre of natural resources.

How to cite: Berezovskii P.V. Inventory of secondary mineral resources in the system of rational subsoil use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 257-259.
Economic and legal problems of nature conservation and environmental management
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International experience in using the results of scientific and technological progress to strengthen environmental security

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Strengthening the environmental security of any country is directly linked to how the results of scientific and technological progress (STP) are used in the sectors of the national economy and, above all, in the extractive industries and knowledge-intensive production sectors. All this requires a significant increase in both public and private investment. In world practice, there is a positive experience of using the results of STI, which in modern conditions not only determines the level of competitiveness of the national economy, but also contributes to the strengthening of environmental security. Similar experience should be fully used by the Russian state. A comparative analysis of the economies of the fifteen largest world trading powers has shown that innovation and innovation are one of the main sources of competitive power on the world stage. Insensitivity of the Russian economy to innovation is one of the causes of technological and economic lag. In recent years the ecological factor has become important in ensuring the international competitiveness of goods. The combination of stricter environmental standards and fiercer competition on the global market makes it necessary to use the principles of pollution prevention in conjunction with environmental self-monitoring in the development of new products.

How to cite: Volovich V.N., Erygina V.F., Tertyshnyi S.A. International experience in using the results of scientific and technological progress to strengthen environmental security // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 260-264.
Economic and legal problems of nature conservation and environmental management
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On the need to build a new economic model of relations between the state, producers and consumers of energy resources

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Improvement of competitiveness of fuel and energy complex companies should be provided through the implementation of a system of organizational and technological measures that contribute to building a new economic model of relations between the state, producers and consumers of energy resources. A well-considered state resource-energy-saving policy is not only a source of resources for the development of the country's economy, but also simultaneously a means of encouraging organizational and technological renewal of production.

How to cite: Vyakhirev Y.R. On the need to build a new economic model of relations between the state, producers and consumers of energy resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 265-268.
Economic and legal problems of nature conservation and environmental management
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Justification of priority directions of oil and gas resources development in the region on the basis of geological and economic assessment

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The problems of forming a strategy for the development of oil and gas resources are considered. The criteria for assessing the economic effect of oil and gas resources development at the level of local objects, oil and gas complexes, regions and districts, oil and gas provinces and the country as a whole are proposed. Conducted a systematic analysis and forecast of the impact of factors that determine the economic value and profitability of the development of oil and gas resources, territories and water areas of the country. Technical prerequisites and priority directions of scientific and technological progress for oil and gas regions of Russia are substantiated.

How to cite: Ilinskii A.A., Pashkevich N.V. Justification of priority directions of oil and gas resources development in the region on the basis of geological and economic assessment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 268-270.
Economic and legal problems of nature conservation and environmental management
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Enhancing production efficiency in the coal industry based on improving the economic mechanism of the rational use of mineral resources

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In the conditions of market economy, the increase of efficiency of production in the mining industry is possible on the basis of perfection and development of the economic mechanism of rational use of mineral resources. One of the main objects of research in this case is the tax system, which is explained by its key importance for the effective process of development of the potential of mineral resources. The most important direction of improving the tax system in the mining industry is the transition to the rent principle of taxation, allowing to link the taxes transferred by mining enterprises to the budget, with the economic efficiency of mining production. Recommendations on improving the taxation system for enterprises of the Russian coal industry have been developed. They are used for economic assessment of the project of development and technical re-equipment of mines of the Vorkuta industrial district for the period up to 2015.

How to cite: Lobanov N.Y., Kuklina E.A., Nevskaya M.A. Enhancing production efficiency in the coal industry based on improving the economic mechanism of the rational use of mineral resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 270-273.
Economic and legal problems of nature conservation and environmental management
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Decision support system for risk management of environmentally negative events, accidents and disasters of man-made nature

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The structure of the decision support system (DSSS) for the management of man-made environmental risks is presented. The basis of the developed DSS is a software package that implements mathematical and information-analytical models of the environmental dynamics of the industrial region and models of possible environmental protection measures. The considered tool can be used, in particular, for generation of scenarios of development of the ecological situation in conditions of insufficient provision with statistical data, forecasting of ecologically negative events, large accidents and catastrophes. One of the possible directions of use of the offered product is its application in ecological insurance for improvement of the corresponding normative base and calculation of insurance tariffs.

How to cite: Nikonov O.I., Medvedev A.N., Medvedeva M.A., Stepanov S.V. Decision support system for risk management of environmentally negative events, accidents and disasters of man-made nature // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 273-275.
Economic and legal problems of nature conservation and environmental management
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Systematization of regional coal markets in Russia according to the degree of monopolization

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The basic principles of systematization of market segments according to the degree of concentration and monopolization are stated. The analysis of 86 regional coal markets of Russia by the coefficient of market concentration and Herfindahl-Hirschman index is carried out. It has been established that there are two types of markets on the territory of Russia: with a moderate and high degree of concentration. Highly concentrated markets account for 57.3% of the total consumption of coal, while moderately concentrated markets account for 42.7%. There are no coal markets with a low degree of concentration.

How to cite: Repin L.N. Systematization of regional coal markets in Russia according to the degree of monopolization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 275-277.
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Management of production capacity as the most important aspect of improving the efficiency of coal production

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The analysis of the dynamics of the main technical and economic indicators of production and economic activity of coal mining enterprises in Russia in the course of the first stage of the restructuring of the industry was carried out. Quantitative relationships between the level of production capacity utilization, personnel labor productivity and the cost of coal mining at the largest enterprises of the country were established.

How to cite: Repin L.N. Management of production capacity as the most important aspect of improving the efficiency of coal production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 278-281.
Economic and legal problems of nature conservation and environmental management
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State control in the Soviet period: its essence and stages of development

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The article deals with the organizational structure, legal basis, forms and methods of state control in the period 1917-1991. Eight stages of control systems development in the USSR are distinguished, their peculiarities in connection with the political and economic situation in the country are analyzed. It is shown that the main dominant feature of numerous reorganizations of the system of state control in all periods was the desire for its universality, totality (spreading to all types and forms of state administration and economic activity) under the aegis of party bodies.

How to cite: Tarasov A.M. State control in the Soviet period: its essence and stages of development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 281-287.
Economic and legal problems of nature conservation and environmental management
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The system of state control in the Russian Federation: organizational and legal issues

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The problems of formation, development and modern state of state control in Russia in the post-Soviet period and its legal provision in accordance with the constitutional principle of separation of powers are considered. The following types of state control are distinguished and analyzed: presidential control, control of legislative, executive and judicial authorities. Special attention is given to the control functions of the Human Rights Ombudsman in the Russian Federation. The need to streamline the system of state control bodies, excluding duplication of functions and supported by an appropriate legal framework, is indicated.

How to cite: Tarasov A.M. The system of state control in the Russian Federation: organizational and legal issues // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 288-298.
Economic and legal problems of nature conservation and environmental management
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Model for the formation of effective forms of ownership in the coal industry

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Restructuring of coal industry in conditions of new energy policy of Russia requires dynamic changes in structure of management and effective forms of ownership of enterprises depending on phases of microeconomic development and dynamics of economic indicators, which is shown on the proposed model and forecast of the coal market in the long-term planning (2005-2020).

How to cite: Shchadov M.I. Model for the formation of effective forms of ownership in the coal industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 298-301.