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Vol 154
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Development of a methodology and structure for building a database on methods of elimination of local technogenic pollution in rock massifs

O. S. Bryukhovetskii1
I. P. Ganin2
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  • 1 — Moscow Geological Prospecting University
  • 2 — Moscow Geological Prospecting University
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The methodology and structure of the database (DB) on methods of elimination of local man-made pollution in rock massifs has been developed. At the stage of DB information model development, the relational data model with the use of the mathematical concept of the theoretical-multiple relation was applied. The choice of a way of the organization of a DB is defined as a result of the analysis of character of the placed information taking into account requirement about maintenance of direct access to it. The database is a set of normalized tables containing modules of information. Compared with databases, the construction of which is based on other principles, normalization provided more efficient operations with the database: adding, modifying and deleting data. Table normalization also allowed reducing the physical volume of the database (the size of its record on the medium) and increasing its performance.

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