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S. V. Berezin
S. V. Berezin
R&D Institute of Electronics and Laser Technology, Bauman Moscow Technical University
R&D Institute of Electronics and Laser Technology, Bauman Moscow Technical University


Environmental monitoring
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Automated measuring complex on the basis of wavelength-tunable laser emitter for control of oil product film thickness on water surface

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The article is focused on the development of an automated laser measuring complex for dis-tance control of oil and petroleum product film thickness on the water surface (e.g., on a rough sea surface). The method of measuring the thickness of oil and petroleum product films on the water surface is described. A new multispectral laser method is based on the use of a discretely tunable laser source. The composition and structure of an automated laser measuring complex are described.

How to cite: Belov M.L., Berezin S.V., Gorodnichev V.A., Kozintsev V.I., Fedotov Y.V. Automated measuring complex on the basis of wavelength-tunable laser emitter for control of oil product film thickness on water surface // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 91-93.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Lidar method for remote measurement of oil film thickness on water surface

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The problem of remote measurement of the thickness of oil films on water surface is considered and the method of remote control of oil pollution, based on the use of wavelength-tunable laser, measurement of the intensity of the reflected signal from the wavelength and application of a special algorithm for processing the results of laser measurements, is developed. It is shown that the developed method of remote control and algorithms of processing the received signals for the laser meter allow to establish the thickness of films of oil products on water surface (including the agitated sea surface) with an acceptable accuracy.

How to cite: Belov M.L., Berezin S.V., Kozintsev V.I., Gorodnichev V.A., Fedotov Y.V. Lidar method for remote measurement of oil film thickness on water surface // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 51-52.
Environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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Remote laser method of oil product film thickness measurement on agitated sea surface

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The paper describes a method of remote control of oil film thickness on rough sea surface using a laser with tunable wavelength. It is shown that the use of an algorithm for smoothing measurement data allows to accurately restore the thickness of oil films on the sea surface.

How to cite: Bakhtinov N.A., Belov M.L., Berezin S.V., Gorodnichev V.A., Kozintsev V.I. Remote laser method of oil product film thickness measurement on agitated sea surface // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 51-53.