Television and computer training and research complex to assess the characteristics of traffic flows in the system of environmental monitoring of the urban air environment
- Saint Petersburg University of Aerospace Instrumentation
The integrated atmospheric pollution index (API) of St. Petersburg ranges from 6 to 14, while an API index of less than 5 is considered the norm. Each year, more than 260 thousand tons of pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere of the city. According to the proposed methodology of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation for determining the mass emission of pollutants into the air by motor vehicles, the original data should be obtained with an automated television and computer complex using modern information technology, which is much cheaper and more efficient than the currently used methods. Studies show the great efficiency of the complex, both in terms of the speed of obtaining data for the analysis of atmospheric pollution and the sufficient accuracy of these results.
- Астратов О.С. Автоматизированный контроль транспортных потоков с помощью телевизионных систем / О.С.Астратов, Н.А.Обухова, Б.С.Тимофеев // Радиотехнические и телевизионные системы: Сб. науч. трудов / СПбГУАП. СПб, 2000. С.61-68.
- Методика расчетов выбросов в атмосферу загрязняющих веществ автотранспортом на городских магистралях / НИИ AT. М, 1996. 46 с.
- Методические указания по расчету выбросов вредных веществ автомобильным транспортом. М.: Гидрометеоиздат, 1985. 24 с.