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N. V. Marina
N. V. Marina
Ural Forest Engineering University
Ural Forest Engineering University


Problems of sustainable operation of forest systems
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Using morphophysiological assessment of pine stands in determining the sustainability of forest ecosystems

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A complex of field, laboratory and theoretical studies was conducted, including selection, laying and silvicultural-taxation and soil survey of sample areas, regular collection and physiological and biochemical analyses of pine needles samples, measurement of electrophysiological characteristics of trunk tissues, mathematical and statistical analysis of data and spatial modeling with GIS. Based on the data obtained, the state of the stands was studied. The results of the research allow us to objectively classify the trees in the studied sample areas according to the degree of stability to three successively changing states: normal, transitional and critical.

How to cite: Shavnin S.A., Fomin V.V., Marina N.V. Using morphophysiological assessment of pine stands in determining the sustainability of forest ecosystems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 220-222.