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V. L. Shkuratnik
V. L. Shkuratnik
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University


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Manifestations of Acoustic Emission in Frozen Soils with Simultaneous Influence of Variable Mechanical and Thermal Effects on Them

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The subject of the research is to establish the fundamental laws of acoustic emission in frozen soils, which allow to create ways to control (monitor) their stability under the influence of variable temperature fields and quasistatic mechanical stress from engineering objects located on these grounds for various purposes. The applied importance of such methods is to increase the speed and reduce the complexity of engineering geological surveys in the northern regions of Russia, carried out with the aim of predicting the loss of stability of the bases of buildings and structures to ensure their safe operation. The study was performed on the original instrumental complex. Its description and characteristics are given. With the use of this complex, thermoacoustic emission effects arising from the repeated alternation of freezing and thawing cycles of the soil during the development of its deformed state, starting from the normal compaction phase and up to the final stage of destruction (the bulging phase), have been studied. It is shown that on the basis of such informative parameters as thermally stimulated activity and duration of acoustic emission pulses, an indicator can be obtained that quantitatively characterizes the stages of the stress-strain state of soils. An experimental dependence of the field of values of this indicator as a function of the mechanical stress and the fractional composition of the test soil is given. The qualitative convergence of this dependence with the classical soil deformation diagram obtained by N.M.Hersevanov is shown, where the stages of compaction, loss of stability (shifts) and destruction are highlighted. Possible physical mechanisms and features of the formation of an acoustic emission response at each of these stages are considered and substantiated. It is noted that the approaches to receiving, processing and interpreting acoustic emission measurement information, which are grounded within the framework of the study, allow to control and monitoring of the carrying capacity and stress-strain state of soils directly in the field.

How to cite: Novikov E.A., Shkuratnik V.I., Zaytsev M.G. Manifestations of Acoustic Emission in Frozen Soils with Simultaneous Influence of Variable Mechanical and Thermal Effects on Them // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 383-391. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.383
Problems of predicting and preventing emergencies and their consequences
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Development of borehole ultrasonic and television tools to assess the condition of the contour zone of mine workings and tunnels in order to predict emergencies and their consequences during construction and operation

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Monitoring of the state of natural and synthesized structural elements of underground structures is a prerequisite for their safe construction and operation. Improvement of reliability and efficiency of such monitoring can be achieved by integrated use of ultrasonic and video logging methods of monitoring wells drilled in the contour zone of excavations and tunnels. For the hardware support of the mentioned methods, the specialized measuring complex was developed and implemented, which provides obtaining of the operative information about the structure, properties and state of the geological material in the vicinity of the excavated space.

How to cite: Shkuratnik V.L. Development of borehole ultrasonic and television tools to assess the condition of the contour zone of mine workings and tunnels in order to predict emergencies and their consequences during construction and operation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 254-256.