Integrated recycling of metallurgical waste based on the study of high-temperature physical and chemical processes of melting alloys
About authors
- 1 — Ural Technical University
- 2 — Ural Technical University
- 3 — Ural Technical University
- 4 — Ural Technical University
Measures for the use of anthropogenic metallurgical waste in the production of high quality alloys are proposed. The relationship between the amount of casting wastes in the charge with the type and features of temperature dependences of physical and chemical properties of the melt has been found. As the amount of waste increases, the critical temperatures increase. The use of high-temperature treatment of the melt can significantly improve the quality of castings from heat-resistant alloys containing a significant amount of casting man-made wastes in the charge.
- Состояние многокомпонентной металлической системы после фазового перехода кристалл-жидкость /Б.А.Баум, Г.ВЛягунов, Е.Е.Барышев, В.С.Цепелев / Расплавы, 1999. № 5. С.32-43.
- Жидкая сталь / Б.А.Баум, Г.А.Хасин, Г.В.Тягунов и др. М,: Металлургия, 1984. 208 с.
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