Development of technology for obtaining new products in the complex processing of nepheline
- G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
Expansion of the product range will always be one of the urgent tasks of increasing the efficiency of complex processing of nepheline. At present, the most prepared for industrial implementation are the technologies for processing of ultra-deep desilting hydrogranate slurries into foundry cements and obtaining dry calcium hydrocarboamminates for use in various sectors of the economy (production of quick-hardening shrinkage-free cements, waterproofing materials, sealants, cement slurries, coagulants, etc.). For theoretical justification of the mentioned technologies the parameters of thermal decomposition of weakly saturated calcium hydrogranates (constituting the basis of ultra-deep desilting slimes) and calcium hydrocarboaluminates were investigated. According to the results of the studies technological regulations were developed and pilot batches of new products were produced.
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