Statistical model of anomalous natural phenomena in a dynamically unstable climatic system based on space observations
- 1 — Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)
- 2 — Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)
A statistical model of spatial and temporal variability of long- and short-wave components of the Earth's radiative balance (RBZ) has been developed. The model reflects main features of anomalous natural phenomena in dynamically unstable climatic system. Based on the data of space observations of the RBZ components obtained by different space systems, including Russian ones, the time series of global fields of both components of the outgoing radiation for the last 20 years is reconstructed. The possibility of predictability of the behavior of anomalous natural phenomena based on the study of remote (teleconnections) of the observed radiation processes in the energy active zones of the Earth and "other regions" of the globe is analyzed.
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