Modern geodynamically active zones of the south of the East European platform and their impact on the environment
- 1 — Moscow Geological Prospecting University
- 2 — Lomonosov Moscow State University
- 3 — Lomonosov Moscow State University
- 4 — Institute of Geoecology RAS
Geodynamically active zones include zones of tectonic stress concentration and crustal deformations. They are characterized by increased values of stress state of fracturing, permeability, engineering-geological properties of geological environment, as well as geophysical anomalies, specific development of related exogenous processes. As an example, the Seversk-Donets neotectonic zone of structural unconformities and increased geodynamic activity in the area of junction of the southern wing of the Voronezh arch with the Donetsk ridge and the Karpinsky rampart are considered. New data on the right thrust stresses in this zone, as well as mining-geological and geo-environmental aspects of its manifestation are discussed.
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