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Vol 160 No 1

Vol 158
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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On the creation of stereotypes and their role in the manipulation of the mass-media reader

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The article deals with the specifics of the formation of socio-cultural stereotypes and their use in newspapers and magazines to manipulate the reader in order to obtain a predetermined result. Under the influence of the stereotype a person perceives a message without thinking, without critical analysis. On this basis, the media have a tendency to reduce real social problems to simplified and easy-to-understand statements. A course in rhetoric helps aspiring journalism students develop the skills to express their position in the Word.

How to cite: Barannikova E.B. On the creation of stereotypes and their role in the manipulation of the mass-media reader // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 5-7.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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On the idiostyle of the modern speaker as a linguistic personality

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The materials analyze the specifics of such an important concept in modern rhetoric as the speaker's idiostyle. In the conditions of speech communication, rhetorical idiostyle cannot be considered as a category of linguistic personality (Y.N. Karaulov), which has a multilevel "structure". The linguistic personality of a modern speaker should possess such qualities as national-cultural dignity, intelligence, language ecology, speech flexibility, creativity, tolerance and so on. The phenomenon of this personality reveals the possibility of different idiostyle response to reality. The idiostyle of the verbal-semantic level differs significantly from the idiostyle of the cognitive level, which is much more complex and interesting. The most vivid is the idiostyle of the linguistic personality, which fully engages its three-level structure and realizes the whole rhetorical potential.

How to cite: Burov A.A. On the idiostyle of the modern speaker as a linguistic personality // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 8-9.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Dialogic nature of contemporary political discourse

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The article addresses the specifics of modern political discourse. Polemics, discussion with a political opponent, which are the semantic core of contemporary political discourse (CPD), actualize the use of rhetorical figures of dialogic type in texts of this type: question-answer move, anticipation, apostrophe, apophasis, subjection, concession, prolepsis and especially antiphrasis, which is emphasized by non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions), a special intonation of mockery. SPD is also characterized by an abundance of non-literary language means - roughly commonplace vocabulary (up to obscene), jargonisms (especially the so-called blat jargon, which originates in the criminal environment). At present, this is recognized as a natural process and demonstrates the linguocentricity and politicization of the Russian language community.

How to cite: Vakulova E.N. Dialogic nature of contemporary political discourse // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 10-11.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Linguoric and linguistic role of neologisms in the advertising text (on the material of the French language)

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The article deals with the role of neologisms in the construction of an advertising text, as well as various principles and structures of introducing a neologism into the text. In particular, the author considers the principles of detachment and modalization, resorting to which the speaker (writer) creates discursive tension necessary to introduce a new linguistic unit into speech.

How to cite: Volostnykh A.V. Linguoric and linguistic role of neologisms in the advertising text (on the material of the French language) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 12-14.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Presentation in the system of marketing communications: speech aspect

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The article addresses the problem of distinguishing such genres of business language as product presentation and advertising speech. In the system of marketing communications, failure to distinguish such genres as product presentation and advertising speech often leads to the fact that they are not pronounced in accordance with the situation. In the context of trade presentations, a popular marketing event held today to familiarize the public with a new product, an important importance is the speech-presentation - informational speech about the properties and qualities of the product with a pronounced super task of forming the target buyer and inducing him to purchase. Advertising speech, urging specific listeners to make a purchase to solve their personal problems, is more appropriate in personal sales situations. Different tasks of these speeches determine the peculiarities of their content and construction.

How to cite: Gimpelson E.G. Presentation in the system of marketing communications: speech aspect // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 15-17.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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The subject of political rhetoric

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The article considers the object and subject of political rhetoric as a scientific discipline, shows the differences between political rhetoric and the theory of political communication, and provides a classification of modern Russian political speech. The object of political rhetoric - oral and written speech of any genre, used as a means of obtaining and exercising state power and influencing power structures. The subject of political rhetoric is the realization of rhetorical categories "ethos", "logos", "pathos" and "image of the rhetor" and parts of the rhetorical canon in political speech, as well as the functions of political speech. Modern Russian political speech is divided into state and civil speech. State speech is divided into presidential, parliamentary, governmental and gubernatorial speech, civil speech - into pre-election and non-election speech. The basis for classification is the rhetor's position in relation to the state power.

How to cite: Danilina V.V. The subject of political rhetoric // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 18-19.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Etiquette speech behavior in the categories of "directness" vs. "indirectness"

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The article deals with the etiquette features of speech behavior in the well-known categories of "directness" and "indirectness". The general rules of correlation between direct and indirect communication manifest themselves in a special way in the case of the functioning of etiquette systems: any possible indirect communication (including polite indirect statements) does not go beyond the optional meanings, additional to the main etiquette meanings, always expressed directly. The formulas of speech etiquette, which have entered the language, form one of the numerous semiotic, limited subsystems within an unlimited, semantic system - natural human language.

How to cite: Dementev V.V. Etiquette speech behavior in the categories of "directness" vs. "indirectness" // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 20-21.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Rhetoric and speech culture in the system of speech studying disciplines

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The article deals with the culture of speech, stylistics of scientific speech, rhetoric in the system of humanities disciplines. The author reveals the goals and objectives of these courses and offers a step-by-step formation of communicative competence and cultural and speech education of students. The disciplines "Russian Language" and "Culture of Speech" can be the basis on which the system of speech studies courses introduced as elective or optional courses is built.

How to cite: Evtyugina A.A. Rhetoric and speech culture in the system of speech studying disciplines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 22-24.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Genre varieties of genealogy

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The article briefly characterizes the genealogy and its genre varieties. It indicates for what purpose these genres of speech can be used in the course of pedagogical rhetoric. Work on the history of the family improves communicative skills; develops memory, imagination, intellectual abilities; on the life examples of ancestors, educates, contributes to the formation of moral positions of the younger generation; gives awareness of the importance of realizing oneself in the chosen profession.

How to cite: Zueva A.A. Genre varieties of genealogy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 25-26.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Genesis of the rhetorical category colloquiality: colloquial speech and small talk of A.S. Pushkin and his friendly circle

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In the history of Russian literature and Russian literary language A.S. Pushkin plays the role of a powerful impulse that determined all subsequent directions of their development. Pushkin's reform of the literary language had a decisive influence on the development of literary language styles, it marked the first stage of the formation of the aesthetic and rhetorical category of colloquialism and thus created the foundation for the formation of an elitist type of speech culture, the most vivid embodiment of which was the linguistic personality of A.S. Pushkin himself. Therefore, the reference to the colloquial speech of A.S. Pushkin and his entourage is of fundamental importance for our study: it helps to clarify the nature of such an important category for rhetoric as colloquiality; to clarify the criteria of the expedient and permissible; to reveal the content of the cultural memory of modern speakers of elitist speech culture, the role of the traditions of Russian speech culture in their linguistic consciousness.

How to cite: Ivanchuk I.A. Genesis of the rhetorical category colloquiality: colloquial speech and small talk of A.S. Pushkin and his friendly circle // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 27-29.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Question-answer structural and content unity in the sermon genre

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Question-answer structural-content unity is the most important way of unfolding a monologic text. This way of unfolding is used in sermons of various kinds and determines the general semantic movement of the text. In the question-answer unity a single question or, more often, a chain of questions can be used, which activate the listeners' thought and perform the following functions: marking the nodal positions of the text; linking parts of the text; forming a certain emotional state of the listeners. The response part of the unity, as a rule, contains a behavioral example connected with the biographies of saints and containing a sample of proper behavior and attitude to the indicated problem.

How to cite: Itskovich T.V. Question-answer structural and content unity in the sermon genre // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 30-32.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Small talk: classics of the genre

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The article "Small talk: classics of the genre" by N.A. Karlik focuses on to small talk - the leading speech genre of pre-revolutionary noble subculture. The main task of the author is to clarify the place of small talk in modern Russian linguoculture, to define communicative situations in which etiquette forms of communication are in demand. The refereed source contains the results of the research carried out on the basis of the corpus of texts by Russian and foreign writers, the author's direct observations, as well as the data obtained by means of specially designed questionnaires. The author defines the genre markers of small talk, a set of traditional topics of communication, forms of using non-verbal means. Summarizing the results of the study, the author concludes that the main regulator of small talk at all levels, which determines the choice of some topics and tabooing of others, the choice of appropriate postures, gestures, mimic signals, is the "law of pleasure".

How to cite: Karlik N.A. Small talk: classics of the genre // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 33-35.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Cultural aspects of the formation of rhetoric in antiquity

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The article analyzes the prerequisites for the flourishing of rhetorical knowledge in the classical antiquity. As the main factor the pragmatic and democratic nature of the ancient Greek civilization is pointed out, within the framework of which a special type of identification of the subject of culture was formed, based on the formation of self-consciousness of a free citizen. This type of identification was embodied in the ancient system of education, which included three aspects: culture of body, culture of speech and culture of mind. Thus, the ancient rhetorical art appears as an element of a holistic cultural system. Accordingly, subsequent attempts to transfer rhetoric to a different cultural soil should be considered from the point of view of transformation of its functions and structure.

How to cite: Kirilenko S.A. Cultural aspects of the formation of rhetoric in antiquity // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 36-39.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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The content and terminology of general rhetoric in the works of Russian scholars-philologists of the second half of the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries

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This article analyzes the terminology of rhetoric of the second half of the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries in order to identify its scope, unity or diversity within the main sections of the science. Such a study allows us to draw conclusions about the trends in the development of rhetoric, about the extent to which certain sections of it were developed in this period, as well as about the influence of individual authors on the formation of the conceptual apparatus of science.

How to cite: Klimovich K.M. The content and terminology of general rhetoric in the works of Russian scholars-philologists of the second half of the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 40-41.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Trust as a reflexive phenomenon in rhetorical interaction

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Trust and distrust are filters of incoming information. Suggestion is possible only in the presence of trust. Distrust is one of the first mechanisms of counter-suggestion. Counter-countersuggestion overcomes the barrier of distrust. The most effective means of counter-countersuggestion is persuasion, but it is not always based on the ethical responsibility of the speaker. In such cases, possession of relevant information becomes the universal defense.

How to cite: Kondrashova R.Y. Trust as a reflexive phenomenon in rhetorical interaction // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 42-43.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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On the traditions of teaching rhetoric at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute

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The article deals with one of the stages of development of the Russian rhetorical tradition associated with the rhetoric of I.S.Rizhsky. The experience of I.S.Rizhsky's rhetoric is analyzed in comparison with classical rhetoric and rhetoric of M.V.Lomonosov. The conclusion is made about the originality and innovative aspirations of I.S.Rizhsky's work, conditioned by the epoch of formation of the national literary language at the turn of the 18th - 19th centuries.

How to cite: Kudryashova V.V. On the traditions of teaching rhetoric at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 44-46.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Rhetoric: the past in the present

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This article reflects both diachronic and synchronic aspects of rhetoric comprehension. Rhetorical culture as a whole, as it is known, fulfills the functions of production, fixation, storage and transmission of spiritual experience. The process of speech relations becomes human only when it is mediated by ideal products of culture: norms, values, ideals. Values and norms of rhetoric accumulate the highest incentives of human behavior, have an inducing, effective force, are one of the stable universal bases of culture. Speech is not only a means of transmitting knowledge or truths, but, first of all, a way of establishing mutual understanding, which is the focus of the person acting with words. The basis of any historical type of culture is the type of personality corresponding to it. An unfree, dissociated, passive, limited person is dangerous for culture; he can be opposed to the rhetorical type of personality, through the word realizing one of the most important human needs - the need to communicate with other people. Rhetoric helps the process of consistent formation, self-knowledge, self-exaltation of personality.

How to cite: Marchenko O.I. Rhetoric: the past in the present // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 47-49.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Linguistic expressiveness of the program "However" and its role in the manipulation of consciousness

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On the material of the television program "However" the ways of creating expressiveness of speech are revealed and their role in manipulating the consciousness of the listener is discussed.

How to cite: Milyutina M.G., Chirkova N.I. Linguistic expressiveness of the program "However" and its role in the manipulation of consciousness // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 50-51.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Dialogue rhetoric: categorical apparatus (problems and contradictions of development)

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The article discusses the problems of the categorical apparatus of dialogue rhetoric on the example of specifying and identifying differences in understanding the essence of speech-thought activity and rhetorical activity. The research and teaching of rhetoric, built on the basis of speech-thought activity and rhetorical activity, rely on different categorical apparatus.

How to cite: Mineeva S.A. Dialogue rhetoric: categorical apparatus (problems and contradictions of development) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 52-54.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Specificity of repetitions in sounding prayer texts and chants

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The paper considers the peculiarities of the functioning of repetition in the Lord's Prayer and musical arrangement. It is established that a high degree of rhythmicization of prayer texts is created by means of various types of repetition. It is revealed that lexical and lexico-syntactic repetitions are used in the Lord's Prayer. It has been found that the rhythmic structure of the prayer text predetermines the selection of musical techniques and means in the arrangement of the Lord's Prayer in P.I. Tchaikovsky's Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom: repetition remains the leading principle of the organization of the chant's sound structure and manifests itself in the reproduction of similar rhythmic structures and melodic patterns.

How to cite: Ovechkina E.A. Specificity of repetitions in sounding prayer texts and chants // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 55-56.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Compositional construction of text: rhetorical tradition and modern approaches

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The article discusses different approaches to text composition: the rhetorical approach, the approach from the author and from the reader, the semiotic approach, and proposes an approach to compositional construction as a model of potentially multiple modes of textual organization.

How to cite: Panchenko N.V. Compositional construction of text: rhetorical tradition and modern approaches // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 57-58.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Rhetorical portrait of a modern Russian politician

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The article offers rhetorical portraits of famous Russian political leaders - V.V. Putin and D.O. Rogozin. The effectiveness of the speech impact of politicians largely depends on the level of their rhetorical literacy, which manifests itself primarily in the skillful use of communicative strategies and tactics. Rhetorical literacy also implies compliance with ethical norms of speech behavior.

How to cite: Parshina O.N. Rhetorical portrait of a modern Russian politician // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 59-60.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Traditions of Russian speech culture and modern spiritual speech

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The paper examines the traditional Russian understanding of good speech, which is characterized by a close relationship and unity of ethical and aesthetic categories. It reveals the peculiarities of the speech structure of modern spiritual speech, understood as a set of genre varieties functioning in the sphere of religion. It is shown that the speech organization of spiritual speech is based on the principle of symmetry, which manifests itself both at the level of content and form. This allows the author to say that spiritual speech is a carrier and keeper of the traditions of Russian speech culture, an embodiment of the Russian rhetorical ideal.

How to cite: Prokhvatilova O.A. Traditions of Russian speech culture and modern spiritual speech // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 61-62.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Rhetoric in the system of trivium (to the problem of defining the concept of "rhetoric")

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Rhetoric was born as a type of speech based on a premeditated or written text. As a science, rhetoric is connected with the other two parts of the trivium, grammar and logic, and forms an inseparable system of sciences with them.

How to cite: Pryakhin M.N. Rhetoric in the system of trivium (to the problem of defining the concept of "rhetoric") // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 63-65.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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The rhetoric of mass culture

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Mass culture and its rhetoric occupy a central place in the system of modern culture: elite and popular cultures are on the periphery. This situation is connected with the emergence in the twentieth century of a new kind of literature - mass information. The main features of this rhetoric are considered. Ethos: image of the rhetor - strong personality; pathos - destruction of spiritual morality and return to practical morality, revolutionary; logos: "poetics of the low". The sophistic character of this rhetoric should be uncovered when teaching rhetoric.

How to cite: Romanenko A.P. The rhetoric of mass culture // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 66-67.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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The problem of genre of V. Aksyonov's novel "The Moscow Saga"

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In the article "The problem of genre of V. Aksyonov's novel "Moscow Saga" an attempt is made to clarify the genre specificity of V. Aksyonov's novel "Moscow Saga" and its place in the context of the writer's work. There is no doubt that this novel is written according to classical canons. At the same time, this novel is unusual in many respects, it absorbed the experience of genre art of ancient epic (Icelandic saga) and expanded the boundaries of the novel narrative.

How to cite: Savinchenko E.Y. The problem of genre of V. Aksyonov’s novel "The Moscow Saga" // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 68-70.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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The paradigm and method of rhetoric

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The paradigm of "Controlled thought and speech activity "as an object of rhetoric" is revealed. This paradigm of modern rhetoric is identical to the historically established paradigm of the "trinity of thought, word and deed". All three components of the new paradigm: thinking activity ("the power of thought"), speech activity ("the gift of words") and persuasive influence ("the luxury of communication") are developed in detail in the figure and allow us to comprehend the object of rhetoric as a synthetic science and explain the difference between one kind of rhetoric and another. For the first time we offer a symbolic (model) representation of the method of rhetoric for monologic speech and dialogic forms of speech communication: conversation, discussion, argument, polemics.

How to cite: Steshov A.V. The paradigm and method of rhetoric // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 71-74.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Types and functions of repetitions in the sounding advertising text

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On the basis of analyzing the transcripts of tape recordings of radio advertisements the specificity of repetitions in advertising texts is determined. It is established that such a rhetorical technique as repetition is the basis for the organization of the advertising text. It is revealed that lexical repetition is dominant in the advertising text. It is noted that its main function is to emphasize semantically important words. At the same time, the repeated words have a special rhythmic structure, which contributes to the allocation, marking and remembering of key words that are organizing in the construction of the advertising text.

How to cite: Strelnikova E.S. Types and functions of repetitions in the sounding advertising text // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 75-76.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Sociocultural specificity of a slogan: the author of a slogan as a linguistic personality

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The paper analyzes the linguistic means used by slogan creators. It is concluded that modern slogans do not contribute to the improvement of speech culture and the formation of a positive (moral, physically healthy) modern person. The authors of slogans often use the culture of clichéd jargon speech.

How to cite: Tereshchuk T.V. Sociocultural specificity of a slogan: the author of a slogan as a linguistic personality // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 77-78.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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On the place of rhetoric in the system of speech disciplines

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Having studied modern approaches to determining the place of rhetoric in the system of speech disciplines, the author offers her own approach to solving this problem - through identifying the generic dominants of rhetoric. This approach allows, on the one hand, to prove the "full-fledgedness" of rhetoric as a speech science discipline, on the other hand, to realize its specificity in this system.

How to cite: Timonina I.V. On the place of rhetoric in the system of speech disciplines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 79-80.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Rhetoric and postmodernity

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The article deals with the correlation between the concepts of rhetoric and postrhetorical culture; philosophical, epistemological, ontological origins of the new worldview; constructive features of the postmodern text. Special attention is paid to the problem of the importance of rhetoric for modern artistic creation.

How to cite: Trofimova I.V. Rhetoric and postmodernity // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 81-85.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Types of comparisons in advertising argumentation

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Comparison in rhetoric is divided into comparison-argument and comparison-trope. In accordance with this, all types of advertising comparisons are divided as follows. Comparison-argument is the comparison of a product with an analog: real, conventional ("ordinary powder"), or a product from a related sector. Comparison-advertising belongs to the same group. Comparison-trope is a rhetorical device that increases the impact on the addressee. Here figurative comparison, juxtaposition and metaphor are distinguished.

How to cite: Urvantsev G.K. Types of comparisons in advertising argumentation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 86-87.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Some aspects of the discussion culture of modern media

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The article considers some features of modern discussion culture in the mass media. One of the main modus operandi of modern journalism is irony. It is realized in the form of individual techniques and their combinations. Irony does not so much play a euphemistic role as it sharpens the situation and emphasizes the meanings unpleasant for the opponent.

How to cite: Florya A.V., Myasnikova L.V., Pisarenko L.V. Some aspects of the discussion culture of modern media // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 88-90.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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American presidential rhetoric

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The article deals with the American presidential discourse. The author analyzes J. Ford's oath of office to Congress as an example of presidential discourse. Although the analyzed speech is not a typical example of an inaugural address, it is a classic example of American presidential rhetoric.

How to cite: Chikileva L.S. American presidential rhetoric // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 91-93.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Rhetorical genres of Russian political oratory of the first half of the 20th century

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This article considers the main stages of development of rhetorical genres of the first half of the XX century, starting from the reign of Nicholas II and ending with the political situation of the Soviet period. The study of rhetorical genres of this time period is based on the theory of genre and modern concepts of the scientific school of O.B. Sirotinina. The author investigates the issues of correlation of genres and this historical period, semantics, syntactic, pragmatics of genre, laws of genre forms generation, genre contamination. The classification of genres of the Soviet era is given. The author studies the problem in rhetorical, ethical, political and national aspects.

How to cite: Chistyakova I.Y. Rhetorical genres of Russian political oratory of the first half of the 20th century // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 94-96.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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The external dialogicality of contemporary political advertising

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Within the framework of solving the problem of correlation between a dialogue and a monologue with a view of the communicative nature of the language modern researchers put forward regulations of the dialogue character as a specific property or an attribute of the monologue speech. The author allocates external and internal characters of dialogue in political advertising. Means of creation external dialogical character which realize orientation of speech on the addressee are considered in the paper, the status of the addressee and character of mutual relation between interlocutors are established. As the result of the political advertising texts analysis it was established that external dialogical character is realized through verbal and pronominal plural forms of the 2 nd person, «we»-forms, questions and question-answer units, and also forms of address and the Imperative Mood forms.

How to cite: Chubai S.A. The external dialogicality of contemporary political advertising // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 97-98.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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On a theory of rhetorical research methods

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The author positions rhetoric as a philological science, occupying a place in the sphere of philological theory of communication. This determines the general appearance of the methods of rhetorical research as methods of philological, communicative in nature, their proximity to the methods of other humanities. The complex (integral) nature of rhetorical communication determines the complexity (integrality) of the methods of rhetorical research.

How to cite: Chuvakin A.A. On a theory of rhetorical research methods // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 99-100.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Rhetor's image as an indicator of rhetorical literacy and speaker's speech culture (on the material of political discourse)

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The image of the rhetor ensures the effectiveness of speech, which is one of the components of speech culture. The Soviet political discourse is characterized by the presence of the image of the rhetor corresponding to the standard, which causes the lack of persuasiveness of this category for different types of audiences. The convergence of the rhetor's image with the common European norm in subsequent periods requires individualization of this image. Competent construction of the rhetor's image, combining the individual features of the speaker and the ideal idea of the addressee, ensures the perception of the whole speech, characterizes the speech culture of both the speaker and the whole society.

How to cite: Sharafutdinova O.I. Rhetor’s image as an indicator of rhetorical literacy and speaker’s speech culture (on the material of political discourse) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 101-102.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Rhetoric and everyday communication

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The article considers the possibility of studying the regularities of everyday speech within the framework of private rhetoric of everyday communication. It is noted not only the practical orientation of everyday rhetoric, but also the importance of the ability to assess the effectiveness of a particular way of expressing a speech genre in special conditions of unprepared speech. The results of analyzing the ways of expressing a request are used as an example.

How to cite: Yarmarkina G.M. Rhetoric and everyday communication // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 103-104.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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Types of rhetorical figures in modern church epistles

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In this article the rhetorical figures used in modern church epistles are considered on the material of the texts of modern church epistles. It is revealed that rhetorical figures are used to the greatest extent within the framework of the edifying and interpreting part of spiritual epistles. The types of rhetorical figures functioning in church epistles have been established: lexical repetitions, syntactic parallelism, antithesis, comparisons. It is determined that the functional features of rhetorical figures consist in strengthening the expressiveness of certain provisions of the message of the church hierarchy, in creating an emotional mood in the readers.

How to cite: Yarmulskaya I.Y. Types of rhetorical figures in modern church epistles // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 105-106.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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On understanding the sociopsychological mechanism of business communication

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Business communication is a specific form of interaction between people in solving the tasks of joint activity and includes the exchange of information, perception and understanding of another person, the development of a common strategy of behavior, characterized by the transformation of professional consciousness.

How to cite: Yarusheva S.A. On understanding the sociopsychological mechanism of business communication // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 107-108.
Rhetoric in universities: course concept - teaching methods - textbooks
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Rhetorical aspect in teaching Russian television speech to foreign students

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Teaching foreigners to perceive Russian TV speech is a modern and relevant direction in teaching Russian as a foreign language. It gives the recipients an opportunity to enter Russian culture organically in a broad inclusion of this concept; to master the peculiarities of functioning of language units of all levels in live literary speech; to understand how elements of different functional styles work in speech; to get acquainted with expressive and figurative means of language and the peculiarities of their functioning in TV speech; to get acquainted with language norms, peculiarities of intonation, variation of logical accent, gesticulation and mimicry; to get a sample for speech reproduction and to get a sample of the language norms in live TV speech.

How to cite: Abdrakhmanova I.E. Rhetorical aspect in teaching Russian television speech to foreign students // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 109-111.
Rhetoric in universities: course concept - teaching methods - textbooks
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Systemic approach to the formation of polemical communication ability in the "rhetoric" course

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The ability to effective dialogical communication nowadays becomes an important social characteristic of personality. Unfortunately, the learning activity organized on the basis of business conversation, polemics and discussion often turns into a formal procedure, poorly controlled and low-content flow of speech. The development of creative ability to participate in polemical communication requires the solution of a number of learning tasks: students should be able to logically build a statement, actualize language means for adequate expression of thoughts, argue their point of view.

How to cite: Aleksandrova O.M. Systemic approach to the formation of polemical communication ability in the "rhetoric" course // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 112-113.
Rhetoric in universities: course concept - teaching methods - textbooks
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Special course "Dialogue Theory" in the system of rhetor's linguistic personality education

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The article is a presentation of the author's specialized course "Dialogue Theory" read at the Y. Kupala State University of Grodno. The concept, purpose and content of the course are considered from the methodological point of view in order to form the linguistic personality and linguistic competence of future rhetors.

How to cite: Antonova S.M. Special course "Dialogue Theory" in the system of rhetor’s linguistic personality education // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 114-116.
Rhetoric in universities: course concept - teaching methods - textbooks
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Aristotle's rhetorical concept in A.V. STESHOV's scheme "Development of the Speech Intent"

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The article is devoted to methodological problems of teaching rhetoric to non-philology students. It describes the system of work with the scheme of speech generation used in teaching practice by A.V. Steshov. The work according to this scheme provides obligatory success in rhetoric classes.

How to cite: Baeva T.T. Aristotle’s rhetorical concept in A.V. STESHOV’s scheme "Development of the Speech Intent" // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 117-121.
Rhetoric in universities: course concept - teaching methods - textbooks
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Linguistic means of expressiveness of speech through the prism of linguocultural analysis

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The article deals with the problem of students studying the mechanisms of creating expressiveness of speech in the course "Russian language and culture of speech" in universities of non-humanitarian profile. The use of elements of linguocultural analysis, the use of dictionaries of various types as material for analysis, the use of the technique of "action by example" in the creation of tropic constructions allows students to realize the purpose of using expressive means of language in modern speech, to form their idea of language not as a binary structure (right/wrong), but as a system that is in close relationship with human cognition and the mental space of culture as a whole.

How to cite: Bespalova O.E. Linguistic means of expressiveness of speech through the prism of linguocultural analysis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 122-124.
Rhetoric in universities: course concept - teaching methods - textbooks
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From the experience of teaching rhetoric at the specialty "Public Relations"

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The article reflects the methodology of teaching rhetoric for the specialty "Public Relations". Some types of tasks in laboratory classes are specified. The necessity of analyzing the speeches of VIPs at regional events is shown.

How to cite: Bogdanova L.F., Ponomareva T.L. From the experience of teaching rhetoric at the specialty "Public Relations" // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 125-126.
Rhetoric in universities: course concept - teaching methods - textbooks
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Teaching academic eloquence in university rhetoric classes

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The article is devoted to the methodological aspect of teaching pedagogical rhetoric in higher education. It reveals the relevance of teaching academic eloquence to students of teaching and teacher specialties at the Faculty of Philology. The article describes such types of assignments as clarification of the content of theoretical provisions, characterization of the skills of outstanding scientists of the past, a study tour, analysis of a training lecture and speech behavior of a lecturer-teacher, comparative characterization of scientific and educational varieties of academic eloquence.

How to cite: Vlasova L.A. Teaching academic eloquence in university rhetoric classes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 127-128.
Rhetoric in universities: course concept - teaching methods - textbooks
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Improving rhetorical skills in teaching students to give extended scientific speeches on linguistic topics

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The article deals with the issues of activation and improvement of rhetorical skills when teaching students extended scientific speeches on linguistic topics. Special attention is paid to the methods of work related to the work on scientific text, the specifics of scientific text composition, its lexical features. The rhetorical side of scientific and educational speech includes work on the pronunciation of speech. Students' attention is focused on the ability to master the material, manner and completeness of presentation, on the absence of speech defects in the speech, on the speaker's behavior in front of the audience, his general psychological attitude. The article emphasizes that the step-by-step work on scientific and educational speech on linguistic topics in the university will help future teachers of vocabulary to properly organize speech activity in Russian language classes at school.

How to cite: Glotova T.A. Improving rhetorical skills in teaching students to give extended scientific speeches on linguistic topics // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 129-131.
Rhetoric in universities: course concept - teaching methods - textbooks
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Rhetoric in the system of speech culture

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The expediency of introducing the term "speech culture" into philology is outlined. The concepts of "speech culture" and "speech culture" are distinguished. The volumes of the concepts of rhetoric, speech culture and speech culture are correlated. The definition of speech culture is given.

How to cite: Zakharova L.A. Rhetoric in the system of speech culture // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 132-133.
Rhetoric in universities: course concept - teaching methods - textbooks
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Assessment of Russian students' rhetorical skills in formal business communication

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The data of the survey of Russian students are analyzed, allowing to reveal the level of their rhetorical skills in situations of official business communication. Recommendations on the content of the discipline "Russian Language and Culture of Speech" are given.

How to cite: Zditovetskaya M.V. Assessment of Russian students’ rhetorical skills in formal business communication // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 134-135.
Rhetoric in universities: course concept - teaching methods - textbooks
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Prospects for the introduction of Internet tools in teaching rhetoric and culture of speech

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The article discusses the possibilities of using the information WWW resource "Basics of Speech Culture and Rhetoric". The proposed textbook synthesizes the communicative aspect of the course "Rhetoric" and the normative aspect of the course "Culture of Speech". The work combines the multimedia capabilities of the Internet with the presentation of basic theoretical information and the system of training and control in the form of tests. The proposed training will allow users to better understand the secrets of oratorical and polemical skills, to improve their speech culture. It will give an opportunity to raise the rating of a modern educated person. The manual is available to a wide range of users due to the use of modern network technologies.

How to cite: Karpova S.V., Koloskova T.A. Prospects for the introduction of Internet tools in teaching rhetoric and culture of speech // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 136-138.
Rhetoric in universities: course concept - teaching methods - textbooks
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Rhetorical aspect of the course "Scientific Speech" for graduate and postgraduate students

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The development of scientific speech of Russian undergraduates and postgraduates is one of the urgent problems of methodology. Graduates of universities, independently conducting scientific research, cannot formalize and present its results according to the generally accepted rules. The course "Scientific Speech" takes into account the primary need of undergraduates and graduate students - the ability to create scientific texts of different genres. It is important to be able not only to write an article and dissertation, but also to speak at a scientific seminar, conference, take part in a discussion, debate, argue their point of view.

How to cite: Kolesnikova N.I. Rhetorical aspect of the course "Scientific Speech" for graduate and postgraduate students // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 139-140.
Rhetoric in universities: course concept - teaching methods - textbooks
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Methods of teaching rhetoric at higher educational establishments

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The article deals with the ways of teaching the anthropological aspect of rhetoric: "A person is judged by his speech". The article describes methods and means to develop various rhetoric skills as well as gives an analysis and estimation of public reports. A number of rhetorical games, exercises and tasks are also presented in the paper.

How to cite: Kolesnikova L.N. Methods of teaching rhetoric at higher educational establishments // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 141-142.
Rhetoric in universities: course concept - teaching methods - textbooks
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The systematic organization of the speech enhancement activity of a student's language personality

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The technological side of the concept of improving the text-generating activity of the student's linguistic personality is considered. The presented system organization is based on the non-rhetorical and psycholinguistic understanding of the text-generating processes, which appear as multilevel programs of verbalization of motives, motives and intentions of the linguistic personality, as complex algorithms of translation of meaning into significance (and vice versa). The learning process is based, on the one hand, on the linguistic personality's awareness of the socio-, psycho-, and physiological bases of text-generating activity (activity in general and his/her own activity in particular), and, on the other hand, on the development of the processes of autocommunication and introspection.

How to cite: Lipatova V.Y. The systematic organization of the speech enhancement activity of a student’s language personality // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 143-144.
Rhetoric in universities: course concept - teaching methods - textbooks
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Speech means of activating the audience's attention

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The impact of the oratorical word on the audience depends on a number of factors, among which not the least is the speaker's ability to establish communicative contact with the listeners. The impact on the audience begins with the first word of the speaker - the address, and then throughout the speech builds a two-way "hidden" conversation of all participants of the speech act. The article considers some techniques of establishing such contact: repetition of the address, intimization of the statement, use of dilemmas, interrogative constructions and rhetorical questions. These techniques do not exhaust the topic. A full study presupposes a more detailed analysis.

How to cite: Omarova L.R. Speech means of activating the audience’s attention // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 145-147.
Rhetoric in universities: course concept - teaching methods - textbooks
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Methodology of teaching speech technique at practical rhetoric classes

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Knowledge of the elements of speech technique is a component of a successful speech. The semantic perception of a speech depends on its pace and voice strength. The speaker achieves a great effect by changing the pace, strength and pitch of his voice depending on the content of the speech, i.e. avoiding monotony. The speaker should have good diction, pay great attention to pauses and be able to express those feelings, experiences that correspond to the content of the speech.

How to cite: Sinelnikova T.M. Methodology of teaching speech technique at practical rhetoric classes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 148-150.
Rhetoric in universities: course concept - teaching methods - textbooks
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Use of modal phraseological units in public speech

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The article deals with the activation of modal phraseologisms in public discourse, which used to be a striking example of relaxed colloquial speech. The wide use of modal phraseologisms is conditioned by such essential properties of these units as separateness, emotionality, expressiveness, evaluativeness, reproducibility, integrity of meaning. Diffuse semantics, which combines the phenomena of polysemy and eurysemy (broad meaning) allows expressing a rich palette of feelings and emotions experienced by speech subjects in the process of speech interaction. The semantic classification of modal phraseological units with the component "god" is undertaken, which reflects those features of semantics that allow to achieve the emergence of a predictable opinion and the corresponding emotional mood in listeners.

How to cite: Usacheva N.B., Shvedova N.V. Use of modal phraseological units in public speech // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 151-153.
Rhetoric in universities: course concept - teaching methods - textbooks
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Oratorical improvisation techniques

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The article discusses the techniques of oratorical (speech) improvisation. Speech improvisation is considered as a rhetorical art, the mastery of which gives the speaker the freedom of self-expression in language and forms his individual style. The article reveals the content of the concept of "speech improvisation" and describes the methods of working with this linguistic phenomenon. The question about the importance of teaching creativity in speech is raised.

How to cite: Frolova E.V. Oratorical improvisation techniques // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 154-156.
Rhetoric in universities: course concept - teaching methods - textbooks
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Three aspects of the study of rhetoric (on the example of figure theory)

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The article states that the study of rhetoric can be defined by three essentially different goals. It is noted that these goals correspond to three views on the phenomenon of the rhetorical figure.

How to cite: Khazagerov G.G. Three aspects of the study of rhetoric (on the example of figure theory) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 157-159.
Rhetoric in universities: course concept - teaching methods - textbooks
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Tropes and figures as pictorial-expressive means of language (about the textbook for the special course)

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The relevance of the study of tropes and figures of speech, which are part of rhetoric, in our days is associated with the fact that today rhetoric is experiencing a period of revival. In connection with the orientation of modern linguistics to the study of language development processes, a deep and comprehensive study of tropes and figures of speech is of undoubted interest, since in recent years the rate of replenishment of the vocabulary of the language is increasing, there are many "fresh" metaphors, synecdoches, periphrases, zeugmas that require linguistic analysis.

How to cite: Shigina S.Y. Tropes and figures as pictorial-expressive means of language (about the textbook for the special course) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 160-162.
Teaching rhetoric disciplines at non-humanitarian universities
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Some problems of teaching speech culture at non-philological faculties of higher educational institutions

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The article considers the place of the course "Culture of Speech" in the curriculum of non-philological faculties of higher educational institutions, as well as its role from the point of view of students and teachers. It analyzes the current situation in society in connection with poor mastery of the norms of Russian literary speech and the reasons for this situation. Examples of common violations of speech norms are given, the influence of the speech environment on native speakers is evaluated. The main goal and objectives of teaching the course "Russian language and culture of speech" are set, which are illustrated by tasks of various types. Conclusions are drawn about the necessity of teaching such a course to students of non-linguistic specialties of universities in connection with the requirements for a university graduate not only as a specialist, but also as an intelligent person.

How to cite: Aleshchenko E.I. Some problems of teaching speech culture at non-philological faculties of higher educational institutions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 163-165.
Teaching rhetoric disciplines at non-humanitarian universities
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On teaching the course "Russian Language and Culture of Speech" (nonphilological specialties) in Saratov universities

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The article characterizes the main principles of the organization of teaching the course "Russian language and culture of speech" in Saratov universities of non-philological specialties. The specific program of this course and the methodology of its teaching are analyzed.

How to cite: Balashova L.V. On teaching the course "Russian Language and Culture of Speech" (nonphilological specialties) in Saratov universities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 166-168.
Teaching rhetoric disciplines at non-humanitarian universities
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The concept of teaching speech disciplines at a non-philological university

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The article offers a new view on the system of rhetorical education of non-philology students. In this regard, it describes a three-stage model of teaching speech disciplines, reveals the structural and informative content of each stage of learning.

How to cite: Bozhenkova R.K., Bozhenkova N.A. The concept of teaching speech disciplines at a non-philological university // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 169-170.
Teaching rhetoric disciplines at non-humanitarian universities
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Toward the origins of philological education at the Mining Institute

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The article is devoted to the talented literary scholar, linguist and teacher Ardalion Vasilievich Ivanov (1805 - after 1875), a pupil and teacher of the Mining Institute. He made a significant contribution to the development of the concept of teaching Russian grammar. Thanks to its high methodological qualities, A.V.Ivanov's grammar experience served for more than half a century as the main aid in teaching Russian grammar and native speech.

How to cite: Bondareva O.N. Toward the origins of philological education at the Mining Institute // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 171-173.
Teaching rhetoric disciplines at non-humanitarian universities
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"Russian language and culture of speech" in universities of nonphilological profile: goals, objectives, content modules

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The article addresses the actual tasks of the course "Russian Language and Culture of Speech" in the system of professional training of a non-philologist. The introduction of the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech" as a compulsory course for all specialties of higher education institutions is considered as one of the aspects of the state language policy. The aims and objectives of the course are determined on the basis of the requirements set for this discipline by the state educational standard. The structure of the course includes basic and integrative content modules, which makes it possible to build training taking into account the specifics of communicative tasks that future specialists will face in the sphere of professional activity.

How to cite: Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Kashaeva E.Y. "Russian language and culture of speech" in universities of nonphilological profile: goals, objectives, content modules // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 174-175.
Teaching rhetoric disciplines at non-humanitarian universities
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Integration of rhetoric and functional stylistics in the practice of teaching the course "Russian language and culture of speech" in a technical university

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The article considers the problems of teaching methodology of the course "Russian language and culture of speech" in a technical university. The question of the necessity of integration of rhetoric and functional stylistics as aspects of this academic discipline is considered. The article describes the experience of formation of skills in the sphere of academic eloquence in freshmen students of different specialties studying at the St. Petersburg State Mining Institute. In particular, it offers methodological recommendations for organizing a student academic scientific conference in practical classes on the course "Russian Language and Culture of Speech".

How to cite: Egorenkova N.A. Integration of rhetoric and functional stylistics in the practice of teaching the course "Russian language and culture of speech" in a technical university // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 176-178.
Teaching rhetoric disciplines at non-humanitarian universities
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Rhetoric in a technical university

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The ability to speak and write in strict scientific language plays an essential role in the work of teachers of technical universities. In addition, in a market economy, mastering business rhetoric and its effective application can be of significant and sometimes decisive importance for the growth of prestige, competitiveness and creative potential of a young specialist. So, rhetoric (let us conditionally call it technical) can be spoken (oral) and written. From the first days of higher education, when a student starts listening to lectures, he/she is already introduced to rhetoric. Significant opportunities for teaching students oral technical rhetoric are provided by communication with the teacher during interviews, colloquiums, laboratory practicals, preparation of speeches at conferences of student scientific society or course and diploma projects. No less important means of familiarizing students with literate technical written language is teaching them to take notes on lectures. Rhetoric contributes to the improvement of speech culture, and thus culture in general.

How to cite: Zalevskaya L.V. Rhetoric in a technical university // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 179-180.
Teaching rhetoric disciplines at non-humanitarian universities
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On the content of the course "Rhetoric" for postgraduate students of non-humanities specialties

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This article proposes one of the options for the content of a rhetoric course for non-humanities graduate students. Since modern rhetoric offers a very extensive and versatile material, determining the content of the "Rhetoric" program is mainly a process of choice. The main guidelines in this choice of content are recognized as: the immediate needs of students, the number of teaching hours, and the peculiarities of rhetoric, its interdisciplinary nature. The article does not propose the structure of the program with thematic planning, but the main thematic blocks that determine the content of the program as a whole.

How to cite: Zgurskaya O.G. On the content of the course "Rhetoric" for postgraduate students of non-humanities specialties // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 181-183.
Teaching rhetoric disciplines at non-humanitarian universities
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Status of speech culture in the system of academic disciplines of a technical university

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The article discusses the place and role of the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech" in the system of academic disciplines of technical universities. Communicative competence of students of technical universities is not always sufficient for effective communication, including in the professional sphere. Training of highly qualified specialists without thorough training of their speech culture is unproductive. Speech culture is a tool of professional activity of a future specialist. Since in technical universities "Russian language and speech culture" has the status of the only speech discipline, its role is especially important. It should solve complex problems of teaching students not only the norms of modern Russian literary language, but also develop their rhetorical skills and abilities. The ways of solving this problem are seen in the organization of students' independent work; the choice of optimal ways of presenting linguistic material; the organization of control of mastered linguistic knowledge; the performance of creative tasks.

How to cite: Ivanova L.A., Samokhina L.A. Status of speech culture in the system of academic disciplines of a technical university // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 184-187.
Teaching rhetoric disciplines at non-humanitarian universities
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Cultural aspect in teaching the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech" in non-humanitarian universities

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The necessity of including the cultural aspect in the content of the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech" is substantiated.

How to cite: Kutuzova G.I. Cultural aspect in teaching the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech" in non-humanitarian universities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 188-189.
Teaching rhetoric disciplines at non-humanitarian universities
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From the experience of work on written scientific speech in practical classes of the course "Russian language and culture of speech" in technical universities

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The article discusses the methodological problems of teaching Russian language and culture of speech in a technical university. It outlines the range of issues related to the search for the most effective methods of organizing work in this discipline. Special attention is paid to the problems of teaching written scientific speech and some ways of their solution are outlined.

How to cite: Lavrova M.N. From the experience of work on written scientific speech in practical classes of the course "Russian language and culture of speech" in technical universities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 190-191.
Teaching rhetoric disciplines at non-humanitarian universities
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Formation of audioculture in teaching auditory learning to technical university students

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The problems of continuity of the course of foreign language teaching in a technical university for the purpose of improving the audio culture of students are considered. The ways of solving the set tasks by means of intensive and extensive use of authentic audio material are described.

How to cite: Mikheev A.I. Formation of audioculture in teaching auditory learning to technical university students // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 192-194.
Teaching rhetoric disciplines at non-humanitarian universities
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Ways of activation of learning and cognitive activity of students of technical university in teaching foreign languages

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Activation of students' learning and cognitive activity is the most important issue of pedagogy. The article considers various methods that contribute to the growth of cognitive activity of students of technical universities when teaching foreign languages. As the most optimal way of solving this problem the methods of active learning are emphasized. Practical recommendations for the application of these methods in the learning process are given, and the sequence of their application at different stages of foreign language teaching is presented.

How to cite: Perfilova M.A. Ways of activation of learning and cognitive activity of students of technical university in teaching foreign languages // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 195-197.
Teaching rhetoric disciplines at non-humanitarian universities
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Speech portrait and sociocultural self-identification of technical university student's personality

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The article addresses the issues of socio-cultural self-identification of a young person's personality and the influence of the process of foreign language learning on the formation of individual culture.

How to cite: Petrova A.A. Speech portrait and sociocultural self-identification of technical university student’s personality // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 198-199.
Teaching rhetoric disciplines at non-humanitarian universities
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Rhetoric education as a part of professional training of students of technical universities

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The article deals with the issue of correlation between the course of rhetoric and other linguistic sciences in the system of humanitarian training of students. The specifics of teaching professional training in a technical university are noted. The types of works on formation of oratorical skills of future specialists are offered.

How to cite: Plyusnina T.D., Uspenskaya I.S. Rhetoric education as a part of professional training of students of technical universities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 200-201.
Teaching rhetoric disciplines at non-humanitarian universities
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Using interactive methods in the study of rhetoric at a technical university

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The effectiveness of using interactive teaching methods (project method, discussion) in the practice of extracurricular work with students of technical universities on the course "Russian language and culture of speech" is shown. The wide possibilities of these methods in the formation of motivation to the study of rhetoric, rhetorical skills in students of non-philology are revealed, practical recommendations for organizing a competition of student projects on the topic "Culture of speech communication" are given.

How to cite: Tokareva G.V. Using interactive methods in the study of rhetoric at a technical university // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 202-204.