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Vol 160 No 1
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Question-answer structural and content unity in the sermon genre

T. V. Itskovich
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  • Ural State University
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Question-answer structural-content unity is the most important way of unfolding a monologic text. This way of unfolding is used in sermons of various kinds and determines the general semantic movement of the text. In the question-answer unity a single question or, more often, a chain of questions can be used, which activate the listeners' thought and perform the following functions: marking the nodal positions of the text; linking parts of the text; forming a certain emotional state of the listeners. The response part of the unity, as a rule, contains a behavioral example connected with the biographies of saints and containing a sample of proper behavior and attitude to the indicated problem.

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  1. Дускаева Л.Р. Диалогическая природа газетных жанров. Пермь, 2004.
  2. Левшун Л.В. Проповедь как жанр средневековой литературы (На материале проповедей в древнерусских рукописных и старопечатных сборниках): Дис… канд. филол. наук. М., 1992.
  3. Прохватилова О.А. Православная проповедь и молитва как феномен современной звучащей речи. Волгоград, 1999.

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